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The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport, at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crozier.
Yesterday (Thursday) the Motor Hirers and Coach Services Association and the Road Haulage Association held extraordinary general meetings to wind up the Associations, and resolutions were before the members to appoint Mr. F. A. Walker and Mr. C. H. Gale, the respective secretaries of the two bodies, as liquidators. At the close of the meetings the Associated Road Opeiators, Ltd., officially came into being, and a council meeting was held, at which the officers and the area sectional boards were appointed.
The new badge of A.R.O. has been designed to incorporate the old motif of the R.H.A. and the slogan of the M.H.C.S.A.
The Right To Unload.
An interesting case came before the Chester magistrates last Friday, and 50 acutely divided the bench that it decided to dismiss the summons against Mr. G. E. Roberts, of Saughall Road, Blacon. It was alleged that he caused an obstruction in Whitefriars, Chester, while unloading a consignment of sugar.
The chief constable explained that the road was 11 ft. 3 ins, wide and the width of the defeodant's vehicle was 7 ft. 3 ins. He told the defendant, in future, to bring a smaller vehicle, but Mr. Roberts replied that he could not do that, as it would entail more work. Mr. W. F. Youde, for the defendant, said it was the inherent common-law right of every tradesman to use, in a reasonable manner, the road in front of his premises. Half the roadway belonged to
him, subject to the public's right to pass over it, and he was entitled to have his goods delivered. There was a regulation excusing an offence if the roadway were used reasonably for the purpose of trade.
An Explanation.
Our report of the case in which Messrs. Richards Bros., 'of Tanygroes Street, Port Talbot, were prosecuted for not paying the minimum rate of wages to certain of their employees, referred to a firm of this name styling themselves "Transport Contractors."
There is another firm of the same name at 21, James Street, Port Talbot, who trade under the description of "Haulage Contractors," and although the terms are really synonymous, we regret if any confusion arose over the similarity of names and descriptions, causing any of our readers to assume that the Richards Bros. of 21, James Street, Port Talbot, were in any way concerned in this matter, which, of course, they were not.
The Board of Trade returns for July show that the value of commercial vehicles, cars, chassis and accessories imported during the month was £221,598, which is a big drop on the figure for July, 1934, when the total was £334,737, although it is well above the figure of £121,921 in 1933.
The exports of complete commercial vehicles for July were higher in value, but lower in number, than for the comparable month of 1934, the 177 vehicles for July last contrasting with 190 a year earlier, the respective values being £51,073 and £45,096. In the seven months ended July last, 1,261 complete commercial vehicles, valued at £346,685, were exported.
Once again the exports of commercial chassis showed a decided advance on the previous year's figure, the 1,080 chassis for July last comparing with 508 in July, 1934, the respective values being £172,712 and £114,646. In the seven months ended July last, 6,652 commercial chassis, valued at £1,037,164 were exported.
Public Works Council Registered.
The Public Works, Roads and Transport Congress and Exhibition Council was registered on August 19 as a company limited by guarantee without share capital, with 200 members, each liable for £1 in the event of winding up. Its objeets are to advance the knowledge of science as applied to public works, by organizing or supporting investigations and experiments and issuing reports, and by organizing congresses, exhibitions, etc. The registered office is at 84, Ecclestou Square, London, S.W.1.
Motors Responsible for Laundry's Record Trading.
"We feel confident that our policy of calling on our customers with our own transport has been largely instrumental in obtaining our increased tiading," is the comment of the Millbay Laundry, Cleaning and Dyeing Co., Ltd., Plymouth, in announcing the breaking of all previous trading records, and a decision still further to improve its service, especially in semirural districts, by the provision of additional motor vehicles.
The concern recently took delivery of six Morris-Commercial 1-ton vans, and has now brought into use, for conveying work to and from country branches, an additional Morris-Cornmercial 2-ton forward-control van.
The directors have sanctioned the ordering of a further six Morris-Commercial 1-tonners, three of which will probably be used for replacement purposes and three for additional rounds.
The Society of United Motorists is sending a petition to all parts of the country for signature by its members and other road users. The points urged " on behalf of a section of the country's largest taxpayers " are that the Government should, without delay, restrict the use of the Road Fund to -the purposes for which it was created and intended, reduce the rate of taxation borne by motor users, introduce legislation to protect motorists against the non-fulfilment of insurance contracts entered into by them against third-party risks, establish proper motorists' courts ruled by competent judges, and remove the present irksome restrictions imposed on new drivers.
Perkins Sales Administration.
F. Perkins, Ltd., maker of the Perkins oil engine, advises us that, as from September 1, it is closing its London sales office and that, in future, all sales business will be conducted from its head office at Peterborough, where Mr. G. R. Greenbergh Gates, the company's sales manager, will be available. The change has been necessitated by the large increase in the sales staff, making the available accommodation in London unsuitable. Mr. A. E. Tapper and Mr. F. A. Rawes have recently joined the company.
The New Halt Signs.
The Minister of Transport has authorized the erection of "halt at major road ahead" signs. These are generally to be erected only where conditions are such that a driver approaching a major road from a minor one cannot have a reasonably clear view of the major road in both directions before he enters it, but where traffic-light signals or a roundabout are not thought to be justified. The Minister considers that the position should, in no case, be more than 30 yds. from the junction, and as much closer to it as will, permit an approaching driver, from the point at which the sign becomes visible, a reasonable distance in which to stop.
A Booklet on Home-produced Fuel.
The Coal Utilisation Council, Columbia House, Aldwych, London, W.C.2, has recently issued a booklet which reviews in a comprehensive manner the subject of home-produced fuel for road transport. The reader is reminded that " British road transport should be, as far as possible, independent of supplies of imported fuel in times of national emergency," and the booklet indicates the abundance and variety of home supplies. These are divided into four categories, as follow:—Motor spirit derived from coal and including benzole, low-temperature carbonization spirit and hydrogenated spirit; solid fuel (coal or coke); compressed coal gas; and elec tricity. Each of these sources is dealt with in the booklet, details which should interest the transport operator being given. EDUCATION IN TRANSPORT—A SOUND SCHEME.
A special committee representing road-transport operators, together with representatives of the universities and technical colleges, has for some time been considering the question of the education of persons engaged in the road-transport industry. The Institute of Transport holds examinations for graduate and associate membership of the Institute, but it is considered that many roadtransport employees do not aspire, in the first instance, to enter for these examinations.
Up to the present, there has not been any scheme on a national scale for employees who undergo a course of study in road-transport subjects, but who cannot take the examinations of the Institute of Transport. To meet this need, the committee has prepared a scheme and syllabuses to cover a three-years' course of study. The Royal Society of Arts will hold examinations and issue certificates to successful entrants. Those passing in the three subjects comprising a year's course may be awarded course certificates; single-subject certificates will also be awarded. Those passing in all the subjects of the three-years' course will be awarded a diploma in road transport.
The certificates will be available for every grade of employee engaged in goods or passenger transport by road.
Some of the subjects covered by the syllabuses include elements of transport, elements of the law relating to road transport, economics applied to road transport, and road-transport operation (goods and passenger). Copies of the syllabus may be obtained from the examinations officer, Royal Society of Arts, John Street, London, W.C.2.
Shipping Guide for Hauliers.
The following is the number of ships arriving at the London docks, wharves and jetties named, from August 23-31 inclusive :—DocKs King George V. 8; Royal Albert, 5; Royal Victoria, 4; Surrey Commercial, 6; West India, 1; East India, 2; South West India, 3; Tilbury, S; Tilbury Stage, 3; Millwall, 6: London, 1. WHARVES: Hay's, 6; Middleton's, 1; Regent's Canal, 1. Tilbury Jetty, 3.
Northern Association Amalgamates with R.H.A.
It is understood that the Northern Road Transport Owners Association, which is ;ffiliated to the Motor Hirers and Coach Services Association, has decided to amalgamate with what was formerly the northern section of the Road Haulage Association, but which is now controlled by the Associated Road Operators, Ltd.
Mr. P. Milton, formerly transport manager for Blaney and Co., Felling, and latterly secretary of the R.H.A. (northern section), is now secretary of the combined organizations, whilst Mr. R. G. Hunter (secretary.. of the N.R.T.O.A.) is to continue to take part in the organization work.
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The northern section of the R.H.A. was formed in 1932, with 20 menibers, and is now said to be the largest in the national organization, with 1,1110 members, The northern section of the A.R.O. now represents about 50 per cent, of the haulage contractors in the district.
We learn that the Southport Motor Coach Owners Association is also joining the A.R.O.
Definite Policy on Road Widths Needed.
The time has come when an endeavour should be made to arrive at a definite policy with regard to the ultimate width of the most important roads, and to decide cases in which dual carriageways should be provided, reports the Warwick county surveyor.
He states that the Ministry of Transport is engaged on working out standard widths to which it considers roads should be widened, according to their relative importance.
The Warwickshire surveyor considers that the most important roads in the county should eventually be widened to not less than 100 ft. between fences, or 120 ft. where dual
carriageways are provided. In the latter case, provision could be made for duplicate services for water, gas, etc., clear of the carriageways.
°French Petrol Prices Cut.
Wholesale importation of unrefined petroleum, its derivatives and residues will, under a new decree published in Paris, last week, be allowed only by special permits delivered in conformity with the law of March 30, 1928.
The decree also reduces the retail price of petrol by lid. a gallon and renders obligatory the placarding of the price on petrol pumps throughout the country, In France, prices vary considerably in ratio to the distance from Paris, where the price is lowest.
Death of Famous Tractor Designer.
The death is reported from Milan, at the early age of 49 years, of Signor Pavesi, the designer and builder of the four-wheel-drive tractors which bear his name.
Last Friday, Morris Motors, Ltd., gave a luncheon to their provincial dealers and together with Stewart and Ardern, Ltd., a dinner to their London dealers.
Speaking at the banquet, Lord Nuffield said that his company is doing its utmost to keep the British motor vehicle in the place it ought to occupy during the next 12 months, and he expected to double the sale everseas.
Later on, he castigated the steel makers and said that the British motor industry was paying at least one-third more for steel than its competitors overseas. The steel makers were profiting by the duty. We can, to-day, machine steel cheaper than any other country, but its price forbids decreased cost of production. A duty should increase production and decrease price. If matters did not improve he would make steel, Mr. L. B. Lord said that the company's exports were 55 per cent. up on the previous year. The value of orders for production materials up to July 31, this year, was nearly E8,500,000. During the present year it would amount to nearly £10,500,000. Directly export was considered, however, difficulties arose with Government officials.
Mr. H. Seaward referred to the great success of Stewart and Ardern, Ltd. There was a 90 per cent. increase of vehicles delivered during the season in the London area; actually the Morris concern had sold 100,000 vehicles in 50 weeks.
Mr. Gordon Stewart said that he had never before felt that there were so many grounds for optimism. There had been a great demand for the new 8-10-cwt. 119 cubic-ft. van. He paid tribute to the excellent service organization at Cowley.
Partnership Dissolution.
We are informed that the partnership hitherto existing between Messrs. J. V. Scottorn and L. B. Clarke, trading as Messrs. J. V. Scottorn, 88, Lots Road, Chelsea, London, S.W.10, and dealing in commercial vehicles, spare parts and equipment, has been dissolved by mutual agreement as from August 16. We learn that the business will be carried on by Mr. J. V. Scottorn, who will be responsible for all debts.
" Fight the Railways," Says Col. Jerrett.
A meeting of the Wigan branch of the Commercial Motor Users Association was held last week, when Col. A. Jerrett, a member of the National Council of the Association, gave an address in which he warned the members of the necessity of unity " to fight the natural enemy of road transport, the railway companies." Mr. J. L. Hogg presided, and Was supported by Mr. Edward Dickinson and Mr. Arthur Griffiths (secretary):' Mr. Hogg was unanimously elected chairman of the branch and Mr. Dickinson vice-chairman.
A recent addition to the range of Ford vehicles is a new V-8 utility vehicle, designed expressly for
country-house and hotel use. It is adaptable for carrying either passengers or luggage, and has an attractive appearance. It seats seven people and the rear seat can be removed entirely, leaving liberal space for luggage, guns, fishing tackle or other equipment. A noteworthy feature is the pleasing appointment of the interior, which is similar to that of, a high-class modern car. As a vehicle for station service, it should make a strong appeal to the proprietor of the good-class country hotel, whilst it should also prove most suitable as a shooting brake.
Road-accident Returns.
The following figures are extracted from the Ministry of Transport return of persons killed or injured in road accidents during the week ended August 10, 1935, the figures in parentheses being those for the corresponding week in 1934. The number of persons who died as a result of accidents during previous weeks is included in the total. In England 132 (134) persons were killed and 4,952 (4,755) injured, whilst in Scotland 20 (9) were killed and 444 (493) injured. The figures for Wales show that 9 (17) persons were killed and 323 (351) injured.
Six Overloading Cases Against Bristol Haulier Dismissed.
After a long hearing recently the Berkeley Bench dismissed a case against Messrs. Knee Bros., Temple Street, Bristol, who were summoned for permitting overloading. It then transpired that five previous prosecutions against the concern by Gloucestershire weights inspectors had also been dismissed.
Mr. T. D. Corpe said that it was an abuse against the process of the courts to bring these summonses, and he asked the Bench to consider the question of costs against the prosecutors. The chairman refused to entertain the application, but he said that, should there be a further prosecution, the matter would be considered.