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Manchester C.m.u.a.'s New Legal Service
A T a general meeting of the coachowners' section of the Commercial Motor Users Association (Manchester area) and the Manchester Transport (Owners) Association, on Tuesday, it......
Come To Wye Valley!
C OACH operators who are looking for fresh fields to conquer might well consider the Wye Valley and Royal Forest of Dean. With the object of popularizing thiapicturesque part of......
Coacties Again To Visit • "switzerland Of Wales"?
I F, as a result of a Ministry of Transport inquiry to be held next month, coaches and buses are again allowed to use the Bryn-y-Pin Pass, some operators may expect considerably......
Streamlined Airport Bus For Manchester.
..r/ A N interesting new Crossley luxury bus for carrying passengers between the Manchester airport and the city centre is to be delivered to the corporation transport......
Joint Tran§fer In Lancs.
L AST Saturday, at midnight, Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., jointly with Messrs. J. Fishwick and Sons, took over the services of Messrs. J. and R. Singleton, on the Preston,......
Oldham Reduces Fares.
O N Sunday last Oldham Corporation, the transport department of which earned a net profit of over £20,000 last year, made important reductions in the fares, and extended the......
Buses Under Mersey?
A T a special meeting of Birkenhead Town Council, it was decided that the Birkenhead members of the Mersey Tunnel Joint Committee should meet at an early date to decide the......
Limiting London Stops.
T HE experiment of fixing " exclusive " stopping-places for London buses (vehicles being prohibited from picking up passengers at other points) is to be extended to two other......
Glasgow To Spend £250,000?
G LASGOW Transport Committee has approved an estimate, for the year, of £127,000 for the purchase of buses and sundries. The committee is seeking power to borrow £250,000 for......
" Flash " Signs In Buses.
A NOVEL advertising feature has been introduced into some of the buses operating in Paisley. It takes the form of an illuminated frame containing a number of traders'......
All Trolleybuses For Hull?
O N Tuesday, a sub-committee of Hull Transport Committee considered a report, in which it was recommended that there should be a complete change-over from motorbuses and trams......
Fares Committee Activities Should Be Extended.
NiTINUTES of a recent meeting of IVINo. 5 Regional Committee on Fares have just been circulated by Mr. 0. C. Power, convener and chairman. The committee decided that operators......
Good Profit At West B Romwich.
WIEST BROMWICH Transport Corn VY reports a net profit of £18,242 on the tramways for the past year, as against 0,360in the previous year, and a net profit of £4,803 on the......
Striking Growth Of Paris Bus Fleet.
I /sT a recent paper, M. L. Bacqueyrisse, the general director of the Societe des Transports en Commun de la Region Parisienne, gave some interesting figures regarding the......