WHEELS of INDUSTRY The wheels of wealth will be slowed
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by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."--John Beattie Crozier. .
Long-distance Haulage.
An important and representative meeting of haulage firms engaged in long-distance transport took place on December 16th at Winchester House, London, to consider the report of the Long Distance Road Haulage Committee of Inquiry and to decide what further steps, if any, should be taken. The committee was first appointed by members of the industry to inquire into the difficulties and lack of organization existing at the present time.
Sir Maxwell Hicks, C.B.E., acted as chairman at the meeting and was supported by other members of the original committee.
The main discussion turned upon the lack of any body reptesentative of the interests concerned, and particularly on the fact that there is no representation of the long-distance hauliers at the conferences which, from time to time, are held at the Ministry of Transport on details connected with the new Act.
Generally, it was felt that the industry consisted of many separate units without cohesion and requires a virile association adequately to represent its interests.
It was resolved that a committee composed of the following members :— Messrs. J. A. Bright (Southern Roadways, Ltd.), L. W. Gupwell (A. J. Gupwell, Ltd.), F. S. Smeller (Kneller and Chandler, Ltd.), E. C. Marston (M.R.S., Ltd.), J. F. Nicholls (McNamara and Co. [(1921), Ltd.), R. W. Sewill (London and Southern Counties Transport Co., Ltd.), W. Donaldson Wright (Transport Department, Nottingham Chamber of Commerce), and E. 13. Hutchinson, honorary secretary, be appointed to approach existing associations to see if proper representation could be given to the interests concerned, or, failing this, the committee was empowered to proceed with the formation of an active association to watch and foster the interests of long-distance hauliers.
All firms engaged in this business are Invited to register their names without delay with the honorary secretary, Mr. E. B. Hutchinson, Lloyds Bank Chambers, Vicar Lane, Leeds, who will advise them from time to time of the progress made.
Further Road-Rail Facilities in South Further steps have been taken to make closer the working between Western Welsh Omnibus Co., Ltd., in which the Great Western Railway Co. is one of the senior partners, and the G.W.R. rail passenger service.
From December 15th in a number of the South Wales areas, a further concession has been made to enable both ordinary and cheap-return rail tickets to be inter-available for /aura journeys on the Western Welsh company's buses, and vice versa.
This new facility will apply to tickets for journeys between Merthyr Tydfil and Neath, and for intermediate stations; Merthyr and Hirwaun and intermediate places ; Neath, Port Talbot and Porthcawl; Neath and Onllwyn ; Port B20 Talbot and Treorchy (Rhondda 'Valley), with intermediate towns and villages.
Bus-ticket holders wishing to return by train have to exchange their tickets at the railway booking offices.
It is announced by the Great Western Railway Co. that by reasonof the services not proving to be sufficiently remunerative, the passenger rail facilities on the Vale of Rheidol branch (running from Aberystwyth to Devil's Bridge) ; the' Machynlleth to Corris and Aberllefeni service, and Cemmes Road to Dines Ilerawddwy branch of the G.W.R. will be discontinued.
It is further announced that the Western Transport Co. will arrange compensatory bus services, which will also deal with parcels traffic.
Western Welsh Omnibus Co., Ltd., has recently informed Penybont Rural • District Council that the directors are to consider providing, at the council's request, a bus station at Pyle Crossing.
National Omnibus Capital-reduction , Scheme Sanctioned.
The court has sanctioned the scheme for the reduction of the capital of the National Omnibus and Transport Co., Ltd., which, it may be remembered, was decided upon at shareholders' meetings held in July last. Under the scheme the issued capital of the company is reduced from £1,000,000 to £450,000 by the payment to the ordinary shareholders of the sum of 12s. in respect of each share held, and to the preference shareholders of the sum of 10s. in respect of each share held. Five of the resulting ordinary shares of Sc. each are consolidated into one share of £2 and sub-divided into two shares of 11 each, and two of the resulting preference shares of 10s. each are consolidated into one share of £1. The preference shareholders are given an option to subscribe on April let next for one ordinary share at par in respect of each 10 preference shares held in the reconstituted capital of the company.
Our Next Issue.
Owing to the intervention of the Christmas holidays our issue dated December 30th will close for press much earlier than usual and all advertisements for that issue must reach our head offices (5-15, Rosebery Avenue, London, ROI) by not later than 10 a.m. to-day,
December 23rd. Instructions can be accepted up to that hour by telegram or telephone, or if sent by hand.
London Traffic Proposals.
The Government's proposals regarding the consolidation of London traffic wili be contained in a Bill to be presented in the House of Commons early in the New Year. It is not intended to set up a Select Committee on the subject.
Christmas Coaching Arrangements.
Most London coach stations announce augmented services on Christmas Eve. London Coastal Coaches, Ltd., Lupus Street, SAVA, has a large number of special late departures to Liverpool, Manchester, Leeds, Harrogate, Keighley, Swansea, Cardiff, Torquay, Westonsuper-Mare, Bournemouth, Portsmouth, Bognor, Norwich, Yarmouth, Felixstowe, etc., in addition to its regular latdepartures for such towns as Maidstone, Brighton, Reading, Tunbridge Wells, Newcastle and Edinburgh.
Road Travel Bookings, Ltd., Aldwych, W.C.1, has extra coaches on its regular evening departures for Manchester, Newcastle, Liverpool, etc.
The Central London (Road Transport) Station, Ltd., Crescent Place, W.C.1, in addition to its regular departures for Newcastle, Sunderland, Glasgow, Manchester, etc., has special late coaches for Liverpool, Blackpool, Sheffield, Grimsby, Portsmouth, Folkestone and Eastbourne.
The London Terminal Coach Station, Clapham Road, S.W., has arranged late vehicles to Newcastle, Bournemouth, Southampton, Chatham, Manchester, Blackpool, Liverpool, Halifax, Leeds, King's Lynn, etc. and augmented services to many other towns.
London-Skegness Service Re-opened.
London Coastal Coaches, Ltd., Lupus Street, London, S.W.1, announces that United Automobile Services, Ltd., recommenced last Saturday its daily coach service between London, Skegness and Hunstanton, via Peterborough, the departure being from London at 10 a.m., Hunstanton at 9.15 a.m., King's Lynn at 10.15 a.m., and Skegness at 8.15 a.m. The single and return fares are, respectively: Skegness, 12s. 6d., 21s.; King's Lynn, 9s., 15s. 9d. ; Huustanton, 10s, 6d., 17s.
Scammell Lorries Report.
The report of Scamrnell Lorries, Ltd., for the 15 months ended September 30ti last shows a net profit of £20,061, after providing for depreciation. The sum brought into the accounts is £25,308, so that the balance available is 143,331, after deducting directors' commissions of £2,038. The sum of 120,000 is to be placed to the contingency reserve account, leaving £23,331 to be carried forward.
During the period under review the s company has made big efforts to secure a foothold in foreign markets, and it has met with much success, the most marked development of its -business having taken place in South America.
Registrations in October.
A return has been issued by the Ministry of Transport giving particulars of the number of motor vehieles registered for the first time under the Roads Act, 1920, during the month of October, 1930. The number was 20,720, as compared with 19,925 in October, 1929. This year's total includes 4,607 goods vehicles and 61.8 hackney vehicles, as contrasted with 5,105 and 557 respectively for October, 1929.
Result of a Swansea Inquiry.
As the result of an inquiry held at Swansea by the Minister of Transport, the appeal by Messrs. Bassett and Sons has been dismissed and the decision of the local watch committee has been upheld. It is stated, however, that at the same time as Messrs. Bassett had applied for permission to operate a bus service to Carmarthen, via PontarduIsis, they had also asked for 16 additional licences. The watch committee, on the recommendation of the chief constable, had granted four additional licences, but the Minister of Transport, 'whilst dismissing the appeal in respect of the Carmarthen route, had expressed the opinion thatfour further licences (making eight in all) should be granted.
The committee agreed with this decision, the vehicles licensed to be used only upon the present licensed route to Swansea, Laugher and Llanelly.
India's Trade Slump Continues.
That the slump in the commercialmotor trade in India continues is indicated by the official import returns just to hand for August last. These show that the month's imports of complete vehicles and chassis amounted to 559 in number and 192,344 in value, bringing up the total for the five months, April-August, to 3,172 (£448,256), as compared with 7,355 and 1869,203 re
spectively in the corresponding period of 1929.
The total was made up of 480 complete vans, lorries and buses, and 2,692 commercial chassis. The details of the returns show that 2,220 vehicles came from the United States (the figures in brackets represent the imports in the April-August period of 1929) (2,437), 823 from Canada (4,672), 96 from Great Britain (195Y, and 33 from other countries (51).
Buses Replace Trains in Scotland.
The London, Midland and Scottish Railway Co.'s branch line between Airdrie and Newhouse has just closed down for passenger traffic, the reason being the lack of patronage, coupled with the growth of bus traffic in the district. The train service has been replaced by a Midland bus service and unexpired season tickets, etc., which were in use on
the railway between the two places, are now available On these buses. It is understood that in the New Year more local stations will be closed and bus services inaugurated.
Private Objections to Municipal Operation.
It is announced that private operators -will lodge an objection with the Ministry of Transport to the joint running of long-distance services by South Wales municipalities. The proposals for joint working have been outlined in The Commercial Motor and we have reported the progress with the negotiations.
Eisteddfod Traffic Arrangements.
The arrangements committee of the. (Port Talbot) 1931 Royal Welsh National Eisteddfod has paid the compliment to Mr. E. Rees, of Bridgend, traffic manager of the Western Welsh Omnibus Co., Ltd., of asking him to assume the vice-chairmanship of the traffic arrangements committee. Canada's Reduced Output.
During October the number of motor vehicles produced in Canada was 4,541, this figure being 43 per cent. below that for the previous month and less than one-third of the output in October, 1929. The October rate of output was 75 per cent. below the normal for that month, based on the returns covering the period from 1919-1927 inclusive. The number of motor lorries produced was 315, of which 69 (all below a capacity of one ton) were for export.
For the 10 months ended October 5,707 lorries were produced, 3,690 being of under one-ton capacity. So tar as chassis are concerned, 9,048 were produced for passenger purposes and 19,257 for goods transport.
Lowestoft Selects its Buses.
The transport committee of Lowestoft Corporation recommends that eight A.E.C. chassis suitable for 49-seater bodies should be purchased for /960 each, and that one of the chassis should be equipped with an oil engine at an additional cost of 1240. Four Guy sixcylinder chassis for 36-seater bodies are also recommended for purchase. The committee is in favour of having the bodies built locally, and in the case of the double-deckers suggests that they should follow the latest design in use in London.
Rest Houses for Drivers.
A plea for more rest houses for drivers of long-distance vehicles is made in ,the annual report of the Salford Medical Officer (Dr. II.' Osborne), Criticizing the conditions under which many of these men work, he states that, in his opinion, the large road-transport organizations must do something along the lines of providing officially supervised rest houses for drivers, where the men will be provided with good meals and satisfactory sleeping accommodation.
Glasgow's New Municipal Garage.
Work is rapidly proceeding on the new Larkfield Garage of the Glasgow municipal Transport Department, and it is expected that it will be ready for
opening next month. The completed building has accommodation for 170 double-deck buses and is said to be the largest of its kind outside London. It is hoped that the garage will be opened lw Mr. Herbert Morrison, M.P., Minister of Transport.
A Handbook on Body Painting.
A useful and handy little treatise dealing with the subject of motorcar painting has recently been published by the Trade Papers Publishing Co., Ltd., 301, Bank Chambers, 329, High Holborn, London, W.C.1. It is written by Mr. G. Humberstone, A.I.B.D., and is entitled "The Motorcar Painters' Handbook " ; the price is is. 6d. net. Being primarily intended for the apprentice, the hook is Written in simple language and long technical descriptions are avoided, but, nevertheless, it should prove of practical value to all those engaged in the industry with which it deals. The information it contains is based on sound experience. It covers all fundamental points and each operation, from preparation to finishing, is lucidly explained, as is the task of keeping in good condition the surfaces of a body. It also deals with faults, how they can be avoided as well as remedied.
U.A.S. Profits.
The report of the United Automobile Serrices, Ltd., for the year ended September 30th last shows a net profit ot £44,071, after deducting all items chargeable against revenue, including £169,627 for depreciation. Adding the stun brought into the accounts, a total of £59,847 is available. Deducting the dividend on the preference shares, directors' fees and £5,000 written off for goodwill, there is a balance of £47,647 for distribution. It is recommended that a dividend of 5 per cent, should be paid on the ordinary shares, which will absorb £27,086, leaving £20,561 to be carried forward.
• Increased Wages for Bus Operatives?
The transport committee of Glasgow Corporation has considered an application by the Transport and General Workers' Union for a new scale of wages for bus drivers and conductors, and it recommends the following revised and increased schedule:— Bus drivers: First six months, £3 per week ; second, £3 2s.; third, £3 4s. ; fourth, £3 6s. • thereafter, £3 7s. Bus conductors : First year, 12 15s. per week ; second, £2 17s.; third year—first six months 12 19s, per week, second £3; thereafter, £3 is.
An Omnibus Society Function.
The Omnibus Society is holding its annual dinner on January 8th, and tickets may be obtained from the hon. secretary, Mr. C. F. Klepper, 4, Wellington Road, Bow, London, E.3, at a cost of 4s. 6c1. each. Although the dinner is primarily intended for members and their friends, bus operators who may be interested in joining the society will be welcomed.
A Useful Trade Handbook.
Important revisions and additions have been made in the 1931 edition of "The Trader Handbook, Diary and Garage Reference Book," which has just been published by the Trader Publishing Co., Ltd., St. Bride's House, Salisbury Square, London, E.C.4. A synopsis of the Road Traffic Act, 1930, has been Ineluded, and copious extracts are given from regulations, etc., which affect the motor and allied trades.
A new feature is a guide to the manufacturers and suppliers of garage and workshop equipment; •vhilst the directory of manufacturers, concessionnaires and wholesale suppliers has been brought up to date. The standard features, such R8 export statistics, average charges for motor-vehicle repairs, technical data, wiring diagrams, tyre-pressure tables, etc., are incorporated. The handbook is published at 10s. 6d. post free.
BITRY Sr. EDMUND'S Corporation is buying a Morris-Commercial 30-cwt fire-tender.
CARM_MITHEN County Council has requested a sub-committee to report on the proposed purchase of steam rollers.
It is recommended that SwAxscontaz Urban District Council should buy a refuse collector.
TARPORLET (Cheshire) Urban District Council is to obtain tenders for a trailer fire-pump.
IVIENYDDISLWYN Urban District Council has decided to buY a 3-ton lorry for scavenging purposes.
The lighting committee of BRIGHTON Corporation has authorized the purchase of a 1-ton van.
The health committee of TexEmourn Corporation recommends the early provision of an ambulance.
The _EAST AND WEST MOLESEY Urban District Council is to obtain tenders for a 750-gallon cesspool emptier.
The transport committee of BLYTH Corporation recommends the purchase of a lorry at a cost of £250.
NORMANTON (Yorks.) Urban District Council is to obtain tenders for the supply of a motor fire-engine.
The transport committee of Coursnort Urban District Council recommends acceptance of the tender of the Caterham Motor Co., Ltd., Purley, for a 35-40-cwt. lorry costing £306.
Dangerous Roadside Trees.
The Automobile Association, in cooperation with the Roads Beautifying Association, has published an interesting illustrated booklet dealing with the care and treatment of roadside trees, from the points of view of safety to road users as well as the better preservation of trees. A foreword is written by Mr. C. H. Bressey, of the Roads Department of the Ministry of Transport. Copies of the booklet have been issued to all highway authorities.
ELGIN Town Council has ordered a Morris-Commercial fire-tender.
Oswald Tillotson, Ltd., is supplying BURNLEY Corporation with a Morris. Commercial 15-cwt. van costing 1173.
The health committee of GLASGOW Corporation is to obtain tenders for a tractor at an estimated cost of £250.
WoLvnanKurrox Corporation has placed an order for a Hammond petrolling plant with the Equipment' and Engineering Co., Ltd.
The highways committee of SHOREDITCH Borough Council recommends the purchase, as an experiment, of two lowloading refuse collectors.
BIRMINGHAM Corporation has ordered two Electricar 3i-ton low-loading refuse collectors, equipped with the company's patent flexible metal shutters.
HESTON AND ISLEWORTH Urban District Council has placed an order with Electricars, Ltd., for two 3i-ton and two 2-ton low-loading hydraulic tip wagons.
The cleansing committee of TYNEmount Corporation has asked the transport committee to consider the purchase of a lorry for the cleansing department.
The cleansing committee of CHESTERFIELD Corporation is to obtain further information and quotations regarding the supply of a refuse-collecting vehicle.
A sub-committee has been appointed to consider the purchase by STOKE-ONTRENT Corporation of four motor vehicles (two-three-tonners), for use in the highways department.
LT1'2LEHAMPTON Urban District Council is inviting tenders for the supply of a 30-cwt. end-tipping lorry, with steellined body having drop sides. Tenders have to be delivered to the clerk to the council not later than January 5th. ,
WARE Urban District Council requires two motor vehicles, one for refuse collection and the other as a multi-purpose unit for cesspool emptying, with an interchangeable body for refuse work. Further particulars can be obtained from the surveyor's department, 48, Rye Road, Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire, and tenders have to be delivered by December 31st.
The transport committee of DUNDEE Corporation, which requires eight buses, has been recommended to buy two of each of the following makes :—Daimler, Leyland and Maudslay. So far as the remaining two vehicles are concerned, it is suggested that trial runs should be made of several other important makes. It has been agreed that the bodies for the vehicles shall be built by the Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd. New Mounting for a Glasslined Tank Body.
We reprodace on this page an Milstration of a Leyland Hippo chassis upon which the Duramin Engineering Co., Ltd., Hythe Road, Willesden, London, N.W.10, has mounted a 2,250-gallon glass-lined double-compartment tank ; the vehicle has been supplied to the United Dairies (Wholesale), Ltd, An outstanding feature ot the method of mounting is the introduction of five stout all-duralumin bolsters and straps. In a glass-lined tank it is essential that every precaution should be taken•to prevent the tank from being sub jected to unnecessary stresses, which ore liable to fracture the vitreous lining. With this factor in mind the Duramin
concern has used rubber, thick, between the top of the bolsters and the tank. By using duralumin for the bolsters and straps a saving of about 7i cwt. has been effected as compared with the employment-of wood and steel.
The tank is insulated with cork, 2 ins. thick, and is panelled on the outside with aluminium Chect, the insulation extending over each of the domed enus which necessitated the beating-out of the end panels.
Free State Tractor Trading.
The value of tractor parts imported during the nine months ended September last into the Irish Free State amounted to 1815,080, as compared with £554,374 in the corresponding period a year ago. During the nine months the exports of tractors from the Free State increased from 2,948 (1308,070), in 1929, to 15,133 (£1,575,928) this year, whilst in the same period the exports of tractor parts advanced from /630,102 to £832,314.
Municipal Transport Costs in Worcestershire.
In his annual report, the surveyor of Worcestershire states that, during the past year, the cost of mechanical transport was 25.517d. per ton and 5.807d. per mile. In arriving at the above costs the following items have been included :—Wages of drivers, steersmen and loaders, fuel, stares, depreciation, repairs, renewals, registration and insurance charges. During the year four Leyland 5-ton lorries were purchased. These vehicles commenced operations in tne early part of the year and they proved, by increasing output and reducing costs, the advantage of the policy of replacing old units.
The Sternol Diary.
A handy little diary entitled "My Car" is being issued by Steraol, Ltd., Royal London House, Finsbury Square, Landon, E.C.2, at the price of 1s. It is ruled to enable a record to be kept of mileage, runs, quantities and costs of petrol, oil, etc. For each month there are 13 spaces in which entries can be made. Sections are also devoted to useful advice an engine and other troubles, traffic signals, etc., and there is a valuable glossary of terms in English, French and German, together with lubrication charts for well-known makes of vehicle. • Eastbourne Curtails Licences.
In view of the fact'that the issue of service licences will shortly be under the control of the Area Commissioners, the Eastbourne authorities are, we learn, to grant no further licences to Elliott Bros. (Bournemouth), Ltd., to link up the south of England with the Midlands.
A Municipal Fleet on Highways arid Bridges Work.
The annual report of the county surveyor of Surrey for the year ended March 31st last, gives some useful statistics of the cost of operating a fleet of 11 vehicles, which is employed by the highways and bridges department. Four of the machines are steamers of 5-ton capacity, five are 5-ton petrol lorries and the remaining two are light vehicles, one being a tonner and the other a 30-ewt. motor. All the vehicles have end-tipping bodies with the exception of the last named.
The steamers were purchased between 11)21 and 1925, the heavy lorrie's between 1921 and 1927, whilst the light vehicles were both bought in 1925. The first-named wagons performed, during the period under review, 1,013 days' work, the total loaded mileage being 19,084 and the total dead mileage 15,453. The aggregate tonnage hauled was 11,828, the total ton-mileage working out at 91,727. The total costs of operation were £3,137, the average cost per ton-mile being 8.398d.
Turning to the heavy petrol vehicles, these performed altogether 1,291 days' work, covered a total loaded mileage of 28,695 and empty mileage of 22,628, whilst the total tonnage hauled was 17,440. The aggregate ton-Mileage Was 138,302. The total operating costs were £3,024 and the average cost per ton-mile 5.356d.
New Lamplugh Seat Works.
Laraphigh Spring Seats, Ltd., of New Oxford House, Hart Street, London, W.C.1, announces having opened new works at Bushey Mill Lane, Watford, with much improved facilities for the manufacture of its well-known spring seats for passenger vehicles.
How Bunning Recorders Avoid DelaY.
An interesting and useful brochure has been issued by Servis Recorders, Ltd., 28, Eagle Street, High Holborn, London, W.C.1. It indicates how the Servis running recorder can be utilized advantageously in oeder to avoid loading delays and to enable vehicle owners to keep within the coming law as regards the hours during which their drivers may be employed.
Transport Owners' Association.
The Northern Road Transport Owners' Association, Ltd., has been registered, with offices at 12a, Northumberland Street, Newcastle. As mentioned in a recent issue of The Corn
mercial this company is representative of a number of coach and bus owners working services from Newcastle. The management is vested in a
council of not fewer than five and not more thou 20 members. The first members of the council are Messrs. J. Orange (Bedlington), R. Robson (High Spen), G. Galley (Newcastle), T. Wilkinson (Sedgefield), T. H. Allen (Blythe), T. Gordon (Stakeford), and R. Longstaff (Radcliffe). The secretary is Mr. A. N. Brown.
Preparing for Snow.
The highways committee of Marylehone Borough Council has accepted the following tenders for the supply of tipping lorries for the removal of snow Mr. J. C. Rawlins, 13 per day ; A. Pannell, Ltd. (5-ton vehicle), £3 5s. per day ; Mr. Thos. Sivers, £4 per day ; and Gordon Transport, Ltd. (5-ton vehicle), £4 per day.
Packing Buses for Overseas.
Our issue for last week contained a reference to the fact that 108 Thornycroft 27-seater buses with Park Royal bodies were being built to the order of ' the Overseas Motor Transport Co., Ltd., for service in Egypt. The Automobile and General Packing Co., Victoria Works, Percy Road, London, W.12, advises us that it has been entrusted with the wort of packing this large fleet of vehicles for shipment.
The Swiss Automobile Show. The Swiss Automobile Salon, which is to be held in Geneva from March 6th to 15th, 1931, is expected to attract between 100,000 and 150,000 visitors. There will be about 250 exhibitors and they will show probably 70 to 80 different makes of motorcar and commercial vehicle of numerous designs and capacities.
A High-angle Tipping Trailer.
An interesting two-wheeled tipping trailer has recently been built for Bury Corporation by that well-known concern, R. A. Dyson and Co., Ltd., 76-80, Grafton Street, Liverpool, and fl is a good example of the latest tendencies in trailer design and construction. Its principal dimensions are as follow :— Length, 10 ft.; width at front, 5 ft. 9 ins., at rear, 6 ft. 3 ins.; depth of sides, 1 ft. 2 ins.; height to top of sides (loaded), 4 ft.
The load capacity of the trailer is 3i tons, and a feature of particular note is the high angle to which the body can be elevated, i.e., 55 degrees. Tipping is effected by means of a single telescopic hydraulic ram, the pressure for which is obtained from a pump mounted on the tractor ; a flexible tube is fitted between the primemover and the trailer.
Twin pneumatic tyres of 32-in. by 6-in, dimensions are carried on detachable disc wheels, the hubs being mounted upon Timken taperroller bearings. The large Dshaped wings are attached to the chassis, not to the body. The brakes are of the internalexpanding pattern and can be operated by a lever carried at the front on the near side of the chassis, or by a wire cable from the tractor. The brake cable is conducted through a flexible steel tube from the compensating gear to the front of the trailer drawbar, so that a great deal of whipping and unnecessary wear are avoided.
The body is built of oak and chains are provided for the tailboard, these being leather-covered to prevent rattling. The tailboard has special hinges which ensure a clear opening when tipping is being carried out.