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A STRIKING comment regarding the Road -c- - -Traffic Act, 1930, was made in our Special Outlook Number by an important...
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91 HE efforts made by the public-transport organizations of London to overcome the litter • caused by the scattering of used...
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That it's "tails up" for pneumatic tyres. That very few people know how Scotland Yard came by its name. That advance bookings...
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by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it...
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The approximate length of route-miles over which the L.C.C. tramcars operate is 165. Messrs. A. Norman Annison, haulage...
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O GEAR130% F OR several years the MRlam free wheel • and sprag has been on the market for the private car, and from time to...
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PARLIAMENT By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent Dominion Imports from U.S.A. President of the Board of _Trade has...
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[3278] Sir,—I have been looking into the past, and now I turn to visualize the future of mechanical road transport in this...
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A T the request of the Editor that something seasonal should be written, the idea of conducting a thorough road test of the...
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eIy New GUY 10-1 :-TONNER I T is not surprising, in the light of recent events in the road-transport industry, that larger...
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with Gardner Oil Engine and offered for sale as a standard product. Peerless Lorries and Parts, Ltd., Building 30a, Estate...
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for Passenger Vehicles W HEN the chassis has the normal pattern of steeling control, the driver's compartment of the bus or...
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I N cases Athere large fleets of vehicles have to be maintained in a reasonable state of cleanliness, the consumption of -...
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Conversion Set in Improved Form that improvements have been made in the set, in spite of which, however, the price has not...
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I N last week's issue we gave the first instalment of this article, the object of which is to review the lines of progress...
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PASSENGER TRAVEL T HE important point to Llanelly bus proprietors as to: what powers of restriction to competitive plying"...
How a Dunoon Tour Operator . has Attained Distinctiveness with a Commer Coach TN our issue dated July 29th we pub lished a...
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The London County Council Expresses Critical Views on the Government Proposals A LTFIOTJGH the City of London Corporation has...
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Private-car Advantages in the Form of Speed, Comfort, etc., Suggest a Future for this New Scheme A NEW daily passenger service...
vehicle Operation Within 35 Miles of London A FEW evenings ago we had the opportunity for .attending a meeting of the Omnibus...
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THE HAULIER AND CARRIER I N view of the fact that last week's issue was a special number, it is likely that The Commercial...
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PECIFICATION No. 336,666, by OSydney S. Guy, points out that the reaction of wheels mounted on pairs Of axles, as in the...