NEWS of the WEEK
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THE COLLECTION AND ACCEPTANCE OF GOODS ME are advised by the joint secretary VI' (road transport) of the Road and Rail Central Conference that at a recent meeting of this body, the chairman of the Railway Panel made known that the railways had decided upon the following latest times for the collection of traffic and acceptance at goods depots for conveyance by goods trains:—collection 4.30 p.m. (Saturdays 12,30 p.m.); acceptance at goods depots 5 p.m. (Saturdays 1 p.m.). He asked whether, in the interests of uniformity, road haulage would adopt these times.
The chairman of the Road Transport Panel stated that hauliers generally were ceasing to collect earlier than under normal conditions, but they might have difficulty in keeping within the times laid down by the railways. The attention of the road-transport organizations would, however, be called to the desirability, in the interests of co-operation, of keeping as closely as practicable to the times stated.
Wages Board Gives Way in Yorkshire MORKSHIRE road-transport em ployers' objections to the Road Haulage Central Wages Board's proposals as to the grading of the Yorkshire Traffic Area for wages purposes, have been upheld by the Board in one case—the grading of Scarborough. This seaside town, which the old National Joint Conciliation Board placed in Grade 3, was raised to Grade 2 in the Central Board's proposals.
In support of this change, it was argued that Scarborough is an important fishing port. Disputing this contention, the Yorkshire employers maintained that Scarborough is primarily a seaside resort, with only a short season.
When the observations of the Yorkshire Employers' Panel, in support of this and other objections, came before the Central Board at its meetings in London recently, it was decided after a statement by Mr. A. H. Butterwick (the Panel's representative and chairman of the Yorkshire Area of A.R.0.) to put Scarborough back into Grade 3. The Board rejected, however, all the other Yorkshire objections, including the submission that .those parts of Yorkshire scheduled for Grade 1 wages should be put in Grade 2.
In its observations to the recent meeting of the Central Board, the Yorkshire Employers' Panel cited various war-time conditions as presenting obstacles to the operation of the guaranteed week, London Distributor for Brush-Koela Gas Producers
Vare advised that Anthony Hoists, Ad., Minerva Road, Park Royal Road, London, N.W.10, has been appointed distributor for Brush-Koela producer-gas plants for Greater London, comprising the Metropolitan Police Area. The company is now appointing dealers to handle these units and trade inquiries are invited.
THE intention of the Minister of Transport to delay the date for the general fitting of pneumatic tyres has already been announced by us, but regulations to carry this and other measures into effect have now been issued. These give grace to the solid tyre until January 1, 1941.
The requirements that certain vehicles and trailers not equipped with pneumatics must have wheels with a rim diameter of not less than 670 mm. has likewise been postponed.
Another concession applies to the steam tractor on pneumatics, the permissible laden weight of which, together with the trailer, has been raised from 22 tons to 24 tons, Unanimous Decision Affects Scottish Co-op. Workers
THE National Conciliation Board for. the Co-operative Service met in Glasgow, last week, to consider claims by the Scottish Horse and Motormen's Association and the Transport and General Workers' Union on the Scottish National Co-operative Wages Board for partial revision of the agreement between the parties as to transport workers employed by affiliated societies. The Board reached a unanimous decision embodying the following points:—
(a) Casual workers employed by the societies are to be paid 1s. above the normal rate for the first. day of employment in any week and 6d. per day extra thereafter. No extra is payable where the casual worker is employed for a full week. The new rates are to operate from January 1, 1940.
(hi The claim for the fixing of a schedule working day with overtime rates thereafter was referred back to the parties to examine jointly the question of how many hours should be worked on any day before such overtime rates were to apply.
(c) Clauses of the existing agreement in relation to overtime and payment for certain holidays are to continue.
id) The claim for the six-day week for milk workers was adjourned indefinitely owing to war conditions.
Local Authorities Taking Advantage of Hauliers
GREAT discrepancies in haulage rates paid by local government authorities have been under consideration by the Yorkshire Area Committee of A.R.O. In view of the prejudicial effect of the low rates paid by various authorities, states Mr. W. J. Lowe, the area secretary, it is felt that strong representations should be made to the Government.
" The advantage taken of hauliers is to be greatly deplored," comments Mr. Lowe, who suggests that what he terms avaricious practices at present in vogue will, unless remedied, " ultimately lead to a nomadic tribe of hauliers whose uselessness to themselves and the industry cannot he over-emphasized." Local authorities are now only entering into haulage contracts on a three monthly basis, he points out in urging the need for bringing pressure to bear to secure increases in unremunerative rates, BIG EXPENDITURE ON LONDON A.R.P. TRANSPORT
T"protection of A.R.P. vehicles against frost is going to be an expensive item for London ratepayers. Antifreeze mixture and radiator muffs for the 6,000-odd vehicles requisitioned by the London County Council for civil defence will cost £3,142.
The Council's emergency committee has also sanctioned the employment of an inspecting engineer and eight supervisory mechanics to maintain the vehicles. The cost in the current year will be £800, and in subsequent periods £1,800 a year.
A further £13,925 is to be spent on 100 10.42-cwt. chassis and bodies for ambulances for the London volunteer service.
Bowmaker's Plan for Economizing on the Road Tax
THE well-known concern of industrial bankers, Bowmaker, Ltd., is again offering finance for Road Fund taxation purposes. The plan effects a saving of over 34 per cent, on the quarterly system and, at the same time, the operator obtains the valuable benefit of spreading the payments over a period of 12 months.
The company pays the full tax at once. The operator pays Bowmaker, Ltd., an initial amount of one-twelfth of the total and the balance, with the accommodation charge, in 11 equal instalments. Fuller details of the plan ' are available from the company at Bowmaker House, Bournemouth, or any of the concern's branches.
Distributor of Sunbeam Batteryelectrics
WE are advised by Sunbeam Corn
VY Vehicles, Ltd., that an arrangement has been made whereby Commer-Karrier (Midland), Ltd„ will act as sole distributor for the sale of Sunbeam battery-electric vehicles in Birmingham and the counties of Warwick, Worcester, Stafford and Salop. Full information in respect of these vehicles may be obtained from Conuner-Karrier (Midland), Ltd., Great Hampton Street, • Birmingham, 18, which is -in a position to arrange demonstrations and to deal with both trade and retail enquiries.
A.R.P. Hiring Rates for Fuel Pumps and Tanks 'THE Bradford section of the Motor J. Agents' Association has reached agreement with the local A.R.P. authorities as to payment by the latter for the hire of petrol pumps and tanks exclusively for the fuelling of A.R.P. vehicles. The agreement provides for a rental of 15s. weekly per pump and tank for daily use from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., plus payment for overtime outside these hours at the rate of £3 for 48 hours. ' The hours and overtime provisions do not apply in the case of concerns with pump attendants on duty both day and night in the ordinary course of business,
DATES showing an all-round increase IN were fixed at the annual meeting of Dundee Carting Contractors Association, when Mr. T. W. Watson
presided. The new schedule will he operative from January I. Time rate was fixed at 2s. Pd. an hour, an increase of 3d. an hour.
Mra Watson was re-elected president, with Mr. David Wallace as vice-president, and Mr. D. A. Mortimer as secretary and treasurer.
Bradford Traders' Higher Profit
DURING the year ended September 30 last, Central Garage, Ltd., the Bradford commercial-vehicle and car trading concern, made a profit of £21,503, after providing for loss incurred by a subsidiary company. This figure shows an increase of £2,815 on the trading profit during the preceding year. Whilst recommending a reduction of the ordinary dividend from 15 to 10 per cent., as compared with last year, the directors also propose that the transfer to reserve be raised from £1,000 to £6,000, and that the carry forward be increased from £34,657 to £37,490.
Entertainment Tax on Lorries
A MANCHESTER haulage contract-1 tor who provided Whitsuntide procession spectators with stand accommodation on lorries was summoned, along with his assistant, at the Manchester City Police Court, last week, for not paying entertainment tax on tic vehicles.
The haulier, Albert Edward Hall, of Faulkner Street, was stated by the Excise authority to have charged various prices up to 2s, to the spectators..
In defence, Mr. George Hinchcliffe said there was no intention to defraud the Revenue and that the offences were due to slackness.
On each of nine summonses, Hall was fined 10s., and his assistant, Walter Binnie, of Gregory Street, Openshaw, was fined Ss. on each of seven counts. They were ordered to pay between them costs of ES Ss.
Bakers' Patriotisni Defeated IVERPOOL and district bakers and 1-Aconfectioners are expressing acute dissatisfaction that their efforts to save petrol are being nullified by the competition of vans from outside districts. At last week's monthly meeting of the Liverpool Bakers' and Confectioners' Association, Mr. Jennings, chairman of the association, said that, in answer to the sub-district manager's fiat that overlapping of deliveries must cease, he had cut Out seven delivery rounds, only to find that other traders from miles away were coming into those .districts.
It would be more useful, too, he complained, if the sub-district managers paid a little more attention to the big concerns, instead of concentrating so much on the small man.
The chairman suggested that, if there was any serious threat to the suppleA14 mentary ration, a meeting of the group organizers should be convened immediately with a view to a protest being lodged, and eventually this course was unanimously agreed upon.
Transport Nationalization on the Way?
uTANY transport operators assembled IVion the occasion of a recent meeting of the Liverpool branch of the Industrial Transport Association, when Mr. A. L. Bagley was in the chair. The view that the nationalization of all transport could not be long delayed was expressed and, in a review of presentday problems, the question of aligning road and rail transport also came under notice.
Mr. C. J. Mullany, in pointing out that the road-transport industry was urged to carry on as if it were on a normal basis, argued that the hampering of road traffic to the advantage of the railways was not altogether necessitated by war conditions. • Mr. Billington thought that present road and rail difficulties could be overcome by a scheme of co-ordination, under which long-distance and local traffic were apportioned.
" Alternative Fuels "i Manchester Talk
A LTHOUGH the Institute of the t-/Motor Trade has cancelled its normal monthly series of lectures during the war, an important and topical one has been planned by the East Lanes and Cheshire Division for Monday, January 8, at the Engineers' Club, Manchester, at 7 p.m.
Mr. Wrangham. of Salford Royal Technical, Institute, will speak on " Alternative Fuels." Invitations may be obtained for non-members from Mr. 11, Davies, divisional sec. cf both the I.M.T. and the Motor Agents' Assn., 133, Deansgate, Manchester. A.R.O. WOULD LIKE TO KNOW
lUEMBERS of the Yorkshire Area of IVIA.R.O. have been invited to send to the secretary, Mr. W. J. Lowe, summarized information of how the war has affected their businesses. Information is wanted on such points as• whether operators have had difficulty in replacing impressed vehicles, or whether they have had to dismiss employees.
Fuel Rations May Be Cut
cURTHER control of fuel supplies may be enforced and there may he a move to reduce rations.
These forecasts were made by Mr. Archibald Henderson, Southern Scotland Licensing Authority, addressing hauliers in Dumfries, last week, under the auspices of the advisory committee of the Defence Emergency Organization of Road Transport.
Mr. Henderson said that investigations were proceeding into abuses in connection with fuel. Operators must make the voluntary group system a success. They had to remember that the group organizer and sub-district managers, who dealt with their applications for fuel, had difficulty also in satisfying their senior officials of their needs.
Mr. G. C. Howarth, district transport officer for Dumfries and Galloway, presided.
Easily Cleaned Head-lamp Mask
APART from being designed so that it is simple to fit, the Serck headlamp mask has the additional advantage of being provided with a groundglass screen that can be removed simply by loosening two nuts; when this is done the screen is ready for cleaning. Available at 5s. through ordinary trade channels, the mask costs 5s. 9d., including postage, if supplied direct by H. O. Serck, Ltd., 21, Lyon Street, Manchester. 10.
I N his .speech at the annual meeting of Guy Motors, Ltd., Mr. Sydney S. Guy, the chairman, said that, although the number of vehicles registered, according to official returns, during the period under review showed a marked decrease, the sales of the company's vehicles during the same period resulted in a decided increase.
Commenting on the war, Mr. Guy said that it was fortunate that the company had carried out. much development work, because it was immediately able to be of considerable assistance to the Government and, since August, large numbers of vehicles have been produced in the common cause. Moreover the large stock of parts which the company. has always maintained was now standing it in good stead and enabling the needs of customers to be met so far as possible. .
Mr. Guy made a passing reference to the way in which export interests are being safeguarded, and added that the company is looking to the future with confidence. 'When the war is over tie could not believe that the Government would .be foolish enough to-allow the indiscriminate . sale of ' war-worn vehicles, as happened after the 19141918. war, with such .disastrous .effect on the motor and other industries.; He added„ hO:tvever, that even if the Government was .so ill-advised, the results would not be so disastrous, because these . days the majority of military vehicles is 'totally unsuited for, civilian .work.
The Minister Congratulates Road Transport
LAST Wednesday, the _Minister of Transport broadcast on transport He quoted Rudyard Kipling's phrase, " If you can tie up a nation's transport you can take her off your books."
For many months before the war, the Ministry of Transport had made plans to meet the threat of aerial attack. Homeward-bound ships can be diverted from vulnerable ports to safer harbours. Damage by lucky hits on a railway junction, a rail or road bridge or trunk road were catered for by having road material, etc„ available, whilst interchangeable bridge parts, specially designed and capable of rapid erection, have been accumulated at suitable centres.
The Ministry is responsible for allocating available petrol amongst goods and passenger vehicles to ensure, so far as possible,that every lorry, coach or bus is used to the best advantage. [A laudable object, but is it being carried out satisfactorily?—En.]
Turning .particularly to road transport, the Minister said that the war has brought peculiar difficulties and hardships to this industry. There was loss of vehicles to the fighting Services and for civil defence, but if a trader has one or two vans or lorries taken by the Army, his group organizer will be able to arrange for other . vehicles in the group to help him.
More serious for the industry than requisitioning has been fuel rationing. This is unavoidable, as a sufficient accumulation of reserves must be maintained to meet every call. He fully realized the importance of this great industry, and expressed appreciation of the way it is meeting the demands made upon it.
Personal Pars Ma. E. R. SOAMEs has been appointed a director of Crosville Motor Services, Ltd., of Chester.
MR. C. D. STANLEY has become a director of Cumberland Motor Services, Ltd., and East Yorkshire Motor Services, Ltd.
MR, ALEX J. LYONS, for many years manager at the Hillman service station, Cricklewood, London, N.W., has succeeded Mr. R. Armstrong (retired) in a similar position at the Knott Mill service station of. Tom Garner, Ltd., Manchester (a member of the Rootes
group). . .
MAJOR' JAMES S. A. WALKER, chairman of Walker Bros. (Wigan), Ltd., has been appointed a Wigan county magistrate. He .joined .Walker Bros. in 1906 and after serving his apprenticeship became a member of the staff. In' 1933 he succeeded his father as
Chairman. ,
Ma. H. J. FRENCH, formerly a motoring correspondent, has been 'appointed to the Oversea.s Public Relations Staff of the .Wai. Office as a Press Condeicting Offieer :with the B.E.T. Mr. French took part in the war of 1914718 at the, age of 17. Later he spent some' years on the two leading newspaper groups in South Africa as sub-editor and Motoring editor.
Pri-IE belief that petrol rationing is J. going to be tightened up in the near future was voiced by Mr. Percy R. Williams, sub-district manager for Luton, when he addressed a recent meeting of group organizers,. in that town.
The job that group organizers had to do, he said, was an important one. It was difficult too, and often made more so by dilatoriness in presenting claims for supplementary issues of petrol, and by inaccuracy in completing applications. Operators must be more careful in the preparation of these documents: there must be no guesswork and, above all, no cheating. Group organizers were entitled to refuse to put applications forward if they .considered they
• were not correct.
Mr. F. Lucas (local honorary secretary of A.R.0.) suggested that group organizers should attach slip to applications for supplementary issues, giving their own opinions and comments.. Such a procedure, he said, would be of considerable assistance to the sub-district manager. insuring fairness in the distribution of whatever petrol was available.
It was emphasized that there was a need for group organizers to be more strict in their insistence on punctuality in making returns. The weekly record sheets and applications for supplementary petrol should be handed in when operators drew their basic rations. Unless they were handed in at the latest by mid-day on the Monday following the basic issue supplies might be held up.
At the meeting Mr. C. R. Thompson v-vas' elected honorary secretary.
A.E.C. Buses For New Overseas Market
MOT only are important contracts .I. 'Vireo. existing users abroad being received by the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., but the company is actually finding new markets for its products. Early next year Portugal will be added to the list of countries operating A.E.C. passenger vehicles, a contract having lately been received for six Regent-type oil-engined single-deckers from the British-owned Lisbon tramways concern. They will be the first of this make to appear in Portugal.
Another contract confirmed this month—one of the most importaht received by the company from overseas during 1939—comes from the Sydney Transport Board, Australia, and is for 50 Regent oil-engined double-deckers.
In October, the company announced an order from the Co-operativa Bus Services, of Montevideo, for 10 Regals, and last month an order for a further 15 vehicles of the same type came from this source. This month the company has added to its contract by indenting for 41 Regal oil-engined single-deckers. When all these vehicles are delivered, there will be over 250 A.E.C. bums working under the Co-operativa banner.