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y EARS and years of dilatory approach to pressing problems of road building and reconstruction may well have disturbing...
THE object of this article is to present a short compendium for easy reference at any time, made up of the salient points of 10...
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That the net effect of the present war will depend on who nets the profits. That to bore or not to bore is a subject of much...
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THE COLLECTION AND ACCEPTANCE OF GOODS ME are advised by the joint secretary VI' (road transport) of the Road and Rail Central...
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A SCHEME for setting up machinery to establish and maintain contact between carriers of wool by road and the Wool Control...
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I HAVE been asked, by a reader who prefers to remain anonymous, to point out the stupidity of certain transport operations....
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Additions Made by Dr. J. S. Clarke to His Paper on the Use of Gas Fuel and Points From the Discussion Which Followed Its...
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IS COAL OIL RECEIVING DUE CONSIDERATION? WE have 64,000 miners unemployed. Apart from VV other considerations, what about...
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N EARLY 40 years ago the Parsons Chain Co., Ltd., 11, Victoria Street, London, S.W.1, was pioneering nonskid chains. To-day it...
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MONGST numerous other readers I have been rlinterested in the controversy _between Mr. Walton and manufacturers of gas...
E VERY garage and works—almost without exception—contains equipment fixed to floor or wall. Therefore, many readers will be...
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T HERE would have been, but for the war, an extremely interesting Leyland exhibit at the Show that was not. New models as well...
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"HAT FACE THE B• - E•E• By R. L. de BURGH WALKERLEY F OR the first time in history, a fully mechanized and motorized army has...
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Passenger Transport GLASGOW BUS DRIVERS WARNED G LASGOW Corporation bus and tram drivers have been threatened with dismissal...
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Production for H.M. Forces at Important Midland Factories Provides Evidence of the Flexibility of Modern Methods L AST week a...
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opportunity on Saturday last of obtaining authoritative information of the scheme for the pooling of traffic put forward by...
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By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent SECOND READING OF GAS VEHICLE BILL IN JANUARY TbiL Gas and Steam Vehicles (Excess...
A SUCCESSFUL demonstration of the B.V.P. producer-gas plant— made by British Vehicle Producer Gas, Ltd.—fitted on a Bedford...