Traffic May be Interchanged Between Executives
Page 33

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ALTHOUGH conditions of carriage will be common to road, rail and inland waterways, minor variations will he made to meet particular circumbe made to meet circumstances applicable to only one form of transport.
As a general principle, traffic will be conveyed at carrier's risk, except goods which, by reason of their nature, will be accepted only at owner's risk. Traffic not properly packed will be conveyed under conditions which relieve the carrier of liability arising from the inadequacy of the packing. Alternative rates at carrier's and owner's risk conditions will he discontinued.
The maximum amount of the carrier's liability will be specified. Should the value of the traffic exceed that sum. the sender will have the option of declaring the full value and 'paying a supplementary charge to cover the risk of the excess value.
The conditions for general merchandise and livestock follow these broad principles, and are extremely detailed. Separate conditions will be drawn up for coal, milk and newspapers.
Where traffic is carried at owner's risk, the Executive shall not be free from liability for not delivering the whole of the consignment or any separate package Forming part of it, or for pilferage from packages protected otherwise than by paper or other packing readily removable by hand. The theft must, however, be pointed out on or before delivery. An Executive is not responsible for what happens to merchandise while it is being carried by an independent carrier.
Unless the consignor requests in writing that only one system of transport shall be used, traffic may be interchanged between the service of one Executive and another, or passed on to an independent carrier.
Conditions relating to livestock are much the same as those applying to general merchandise. Unless a higher value be declared in writing at the time of delivery of aittrials to an Executive and an increased charge be paid, the Executive's liability is limited to the following sums:—Horse, £1,00; neat cattle per head,,150; sheep, ass, mule or pig. £5: dog, deer or goat, £2; a rabbit or other senall quadruped, or •any poultry or other bird, 7s. 6d.
An Executive need not exceed any statutory obligation to feed or water livestock, unless by special request and agreement, but in the absence of anyspecial request, it may do so if considered reasonable, without incurring any liability for the consequences.