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EXPORTS REACH NEW RECORDS ENCOURAGING OUTLOOK FOR 1949-50 T HE thirty-fifth annual general meeting of The Austin Motor...
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A FTER a considerable majority of the mem bers of the commercialvehicle industry represented by the Society of Motor...
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O NCE again a small number of men, with a comparatively minor grievance which could no doubt have been settled reasonably...
Do Not be Brutal A TRANSPORT manager to the Driver Who of a well-known haulage Wastes His T'me . . company has informed "The...
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That " cold" rubber is a hot tot*. Of " Sidesoles " to build up tyre walls worn by kerbing. That America is planning toll...
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vURNITURE removers and hauliers 1 . of indivisible loads will be greatly affected by the latest development within the British...
A N agreement has been made between the British Transport Commission and the Tyre Traders' Joint Committee to the effect that...
TRADE-UNION leaders were 1 warned last week, at a meeting addressed by Mr. Alfred Barnes, Minister of Transport, and Sir Cyril...
B.T.C. Abandons Principle of Charging What the Traffic Will Bear U NDER the new freight charges scheme to be devised by the...
rrHE Commission points out that, in many ways, the scheme embodies new features, but is devised as an advance upon existing...
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A T least three manufacturers of heavy commercial vehicles have now decided to exhibit at the British Motor Show, to he held in...
N O directions as to the integration of transport or financial policy have been given by the Minister of Transport to the...
A LTHOUGH conditions of carriage will be common to road, rail and inland waterways, minor variations will he made to meet...
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T HE Road Haulage Association has been asked by the Conservative Party to submit a statement of policy on denationalization...
S EPTEMBER'S record output of 4.538 commercial vehicles a week was again exceeded in October, when the weekly average output...
WHEN Mr. J. R. Henderson, a West VI' Hartlepool haulier, had his application to run a new vehicle heard by the Northern...
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A CCOR DING to the annual report (of the British Transport Commission, pilferage in the State railway undertaking in 1948...
THE town council of Barrow has decided to take no action on a resolution from the National Union of Ratepayers' Associations,...
CILLING in a Ministry of Transport 1 form known as Stats 14 was a job "only for a fully qualified chartered accountant,"...
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D OAD transport is to replace goods and passenger services on the County Down Railway, except on the route from Belfast to...
Appeal Tribunal Disagrees with Licensing Authority's Sympathy A DECISION of the Appeal Tribunal, made known a few days ago, r...
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A T the request of the United Nations, the International Chamber of Commerce has recently submitted a report on co-ordination...
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Christmas as it Might be if the Minister of Transport and the Road Haulage Executive Entered Fully into the Spirit of the...
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A S announced in "The Commercial Motor" last week, Leyland Motors, Ltd, Leyland, Lanes, has introduced a new range of...
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en said and written lately, both in favour against the trader operating his own vehicles. whose output is consistently...
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THE FLAT 0 liTSTANDINCi features of the new A.E.C. Regal Mark IV underfloor-engined coach chassis, are that it will provide...
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rtONSTRUCTED entirely from Noral k.--light - alloy extrusions and sheet supplied by the Northern Aluminium Co., Ltd., Banbury,...
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By P. A. C. Brockington, A.M.I.Mech.E. / 4 ABOUR-SAVING schemes and the use of specialized equipment and scientifically...
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Concentration Creates Efficiency By C. S. DUNBAR, minst.T. I N 1792 two young men, George Newton and Thomas Chambers, became...
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Archdeacon T HE success of any enterprise, be it industry, commerce or trade, depends primarily upon three factors--employers,...
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A T a meeting of the Institute of Road Transport Engineers, held last week at the Royal Society of Arts, Mr H. Clutterbuck....
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Fears of Being Unable to Obtain Long-distance Permits After The Appointed Day Are Leading Hauliers to Compete More Intensively...
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B ASED on the retail delivery of 1,000 million gallons of milk annually, at an assumed delivery cost of 4d. per gallon, the...
A SSEMBLING in congenial surroundings at Ilford, the Eastern Sub-Area of the Road Haulage Association pioneered an unusual type...
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Your Vehicle Mobile T HERE is little question that, to-day, the lighting and starting battery receives far more attention than...
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is particularly suitable for hardening gear teeth, because the teeth alone can be heated and quenched, instead of the whole...