News and Comment.
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This journal is the only recognized authority ; it is exclusively read by the heads of many wealthy commercial houses.
One Hears--" (page 518) has this week been seriously affected by Manchester's spicy breezes.
The next German motor show will probably take place, in Berlin, from the 12th to the 22nd October.
The Kent County Council has purchased a third petrol lorry, from J. and E. Hall, Ltd., of Dartford, at £730.
Further 16 letters from owners of steam and petrol vehicles, which were unavoidably held over from last week's issue, are now published on pages 528 and 530.
We anticipate that the article on the subject of " Worm-driven Axles for Commercial Vehicles " (pages 519 to 522) will lead to not-inconsiderable discussion in our columns.
Intending exhibitors at the Royal Show at Norwich, in June next, are recommended to get into early communication with the Secretary of the R. A.S.E., Mr. Thomas McRow, of 16, Bedford Square, W.C.
Some further references to this year's 0.11.11.A. parade, which will take plaeo on the 5th June, in connection with • the Festival of Empire, which important Coronation-year departure was announced in this journal so far back as the 22nd December last, will be found on page 517.
Dunlop Organization.
Mr. L. M. Bergin, general manager of the Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre Co.. Ltd., has also been appointed general manager of the Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd. Mr. Michael Egan will act as assistant general manager of the Tyre Co., and will be Succeeded at Regent Street, W., by Messrs. C. G. Thiselton and R. E. Jameson.
Dennis in the North.
Mr. James Frost, formerly for many years traffic manager to the Barnsley British Co-operative Society, and a man thoroughly versed in commercial motoring, has now joined the staff of Dennis Bros., Ltd.. of Gnildford. Mr. Frost's present address is 26, Langdale Road, Victoria Park, Manchester, and we shall have more to say about his new departure next week.
A New Exchange.
Mr. Aldersey Taylor, lately representing Commercial Cars, Ltd., of Luton and London, informs us that he has now joined the Industrial Motors Exchange, with headquarters at 26e, Clarees Street, Piccadilly, W., and that the intention is to make a speciality of industrial vehicles of all types, both new and second-hand. Firms desirous of buying or selling industrial vehicles are invited to communicate.
North of England Show.
The liret published report upon the commerciel-vehicle and allied exhibits at Manchester, where the present display will be available for public inspection lip to and inclusive of Saturday next, the 25th inst., together with photographs taken in the splendid hall at Rusbolme, will be found on pages 532 to 538, Albion Output.
The Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd., of Scotstoun, Glasgow, intimates that the demand for Albion commercial motors is so great as to necessitate considerable fresh extensions to the factory at Sentstonn—in spite of the fact that a night shift has been running for upwards ei six months. it is hoped that the new extension will permit the avoidanee of a night shift.
C.M. U.A.
The full text of the C.M.U.A.. anneal report for the year 1910 will be published in our issue of next week. The annual general meeting will be held at 112, Piccadilly, W., on Wednesday next, the 1st prox., at 4 p.m.
The C.M.U.A. badge, which is now practically ready for sale to. members, is of handsome and striking design, and the details were settled by a suboommitLee over which Mr. H. Lyon Thomson, F.S.A., who is a wen-known authority on matters connected with design in metal work and other ;irtistic subjects, presided.
Obstructionist Consequences at Westminster.
Owing to the inexcusable delay on the part of the Westminster City Council, in the matter of the placing of its last order for seven petrol wagons, the cost of horse hire for the year 1910, which was estimated to reach -,C1,500, reached no less a sum than £2,755.
196, Deansgate.
Our Manchester business offices, to which we made references a week ago, are situated at 196, Deansgate. These offices will, as we have already pointed nut, lead to closer touch between our interests in the North and the head offices in London, whilst they cannot fail to increase our already-large circulation in the manufacturing districts of Lancashire and Yorkshire. A line map, showing the location of the offices, will be found on page 541.
Wellington Tractors.
A subscriber in South Africa sends in a photograph of his Wellington tractor at work in Greytown, and we have pleasure in reproducing it on this page. It is one of the Government engines that was shipped last autumn. 'A local journal, " The Greytown Gazette," for the 20th ult., which accompanies the communication, contains an excellent report of the manner in which this engine came through a severe ploughing test on the virgin veld, and this report concludes as follows:—` Altogether, the exhibition proved the practical utility of the engine for such purposes as driving machinery and hauling loads, and also, on ground of average suitability such as that experimented upon, for breaking up the veld."
It may be added that A. B. Jones, Ltd., of Queen Street, Durban, holds the Natal agency for this make of tractor.
Cairns' Tyre Co., Ltd., with an authorized capital of £80,000 in £1 shares, by Jordan and Sons, Ltd., to take over certain inventions relating to tires for motorcars and other motor vehicles, etc. First directors: P. Collins, J. Cairns, R. Holton, T. C. Longstaff, H. W. Lindop, and C. Smith.
Pendleton Radiator Co., Ltd., with an authorized capital of £5,000 in £1 shares (500 deferred), to take over the business of manufacturers of motor accessories and motor engineers carried on under the style of the Pendleton Radiator Co. at Claremont Road, irlams o' th' Height, Manchester. First directors: A. T.. Dunn, S. Nuttall, C. W. Scrouther, A. Norris, and W. Senior.
Auto Van Maintenance Co.
Mr. W. N. Munford, the manager of the Auto Van Maintenance Co., of 23, Augustus Street, Cumberland Market, N.W., asks us to point out that the Belsize vehicles named on page 492 of our issue of last week are the property of his company. These Belsize vans, numbers of which are run tinder contract by the company named, are doing extremely well, and giving satisfaction to the important firms for
whom they underdke delivery service, and Messrs. D. H. Evans and Co., of Oxford Street, W., have given instructions for two additional vans to be brought into use at the earliest possible date.
Old Pneumatics.
Frank Little and Co., Ltd., of College Avenue, Newcastle-on-Tyne, is specializing in the reclaiming of old pneumatic tires, and has often been able to secure another 2,030 miles of running at an expenditure of 10s. per cover.
London-Bristol Mails.
Tenders are now being invited by the Pcstmaster-General for the conveyance of mails by motorvan between London and Bristol, and in the reverse direction. The contract will be for a term of three years, as from the 1st September next, and Clause 11 of the terms requires that the vehicles shall 4: proceed on their respective journeys at a speed of not less than 13 miles an hour." The vans are to be used for letter and parcel mails, as required, and are to be not more than 39 cwt. 2 qrs. in unladen weight, and with a load capacity for 18 cwt. of mails. The covering letter invites the attention uf parties who tender to the existence of labour exchanges—only, presumably, as a matter of form. Motor Ambulances.
A 16 h.p., four-cylinder Vulcan, motor ambulance is now working in connection with the Knightswood Hospital at Partick, Glasgow.
Mr. McKenna, answering a question in the House on the 16th inst., stated that a motor ambulance would go into use at Devonport on or before the llth. May.
The Metropolitan Asylums Board, on or before the 13th prox., requires. tenders to be lodged for the supply of : (1) nine chassis for motor ambulances; (2) six van-shaped ambulance bodies,. and (3) three brougham-shaped ambulance bodies—see advt.
Prowodnik Tires.
A comparative newcomer in the eyes of many readers, yet, none the less, the English branch of an established maker with huge resources, the Russian Tyre and Rubber Import Co., Ltd., of 162, Shaftesbury Avenue, W.C., is now ready to develop and extend its solid-tire department. Prowodnik tires., named after the factory at Riga, are guaranteed for 10,000 miles of running, and the company has many records to show in excess—a few above 30,000 miles. From knowledge, we can recommend the extension of consideration to this company, when orders are being placed or tenders. asked.