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at Manchester, for which show we last week published a guide and ground plan, marks a distinct stage in the history of the...
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Tales, tales, tales—in the Octagon Lounge at the Midland. That Mr. Raymond Dennis is a past master at working hotel lifts past...
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Among the many hotly-debarpd points relating to the construction of motor vehicles, none has been more strenuously contested...
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A Comprehensive Traffic Census by the L.C.C. The Competition of Motorbus and Tramcar. Concluded from page 495) Expense is no...
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News contributions are invited: payment will be made on publication. Cheltenham is still being kept without taxicabs;...
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This journal is the only recognized authority ; it is exclusively read by the heads of many wealthy commercial houses. One...
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West Ham has now received intimation of the L.G.B.'s approval of its loan of £850 to cover the cost of a motor fire-engine....
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News contributions are invited: payment will be made on publication. The s-eekly Traffic returns were unavailable for...
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High Up in Peru. Messrs. C. Weiss and Co., Lima, Peru, write:--" The Yorkshire steam wagon ordered for us by our Hamburg...
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Could Do More. The Executors of Thomas Welch, 'Calico, Printers, Green Vale Print Works, Westheughten, near Bolton, under date...
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she rode on a tiger ; They finished the ride with the lad) inside Lid the smile on the face of the tiger. This famous stanza...
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Pressure upon this v. eek's text pages prevents our devoting any space to the speeches at the pre-show functions. We intend,...
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; Anglo-American Oil Co., Ltd. (100). The large petrol suppliers generally seem fortunate in the securing of easilyremembered...
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The absorption of road shocks at the wheel rem or between the rim and the axle, is absolutely necessary, if a motor vehicle is...
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The Editor invites correspondence on all subjects connected with the use of commercial motors. Letters should . be on one side...
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Our readers will be informed by the Editor on any Points connected with the construction or use of commercial motors. Where a...
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Every tip-wagon driver, at solve time or other, has experienced considerable difficulty in manceuvring his machine into a...
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TEN SHILLINGS WEEKLY for the Best Communication Received, and One Penny a Line of ten words for any thing else published....
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Complete specifications of the following patents will be sent to any address in the United Kingdom upon receipt of eightpence...