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ON MANY occasions the attention of the council of the Institution of 'Automobile Engineers, Watergate House. York Buildings, Adelphi, London, W.C.2, has been drawn to the shortage of men really competent to carry out repairs to motor vehicles, a shortage which, in view of the great increase in the number of vehicles, is bound to become more serious.
There seems to be no likelihood of imtnediate escape from the situation. The council is of the opinion that the future can only be satisfactorily provided for by putting into operation at the earliest poSsible : moment some scheme for traininglads specifically with the idea of their becoming repair men, as distinct from the present practice of training them for positions in man ufieturing works. Althang,h. undoubtedly, the' latter type will still be required both for manufacturing and in the larger repair -shops, where the number of men employed allows of each being a Specialist in' his own particular
line. In the case of the smaller repair shops much greater versatility is essential, and a suggested scheme of training has been put forward by the council as a basis for discussion. This has been distributed to all the manufacturers and the leading garage proprietors with a view to evolving a satisfactory scheme on the lines suggested.
The subject is one which presents many difficulties, both in regard to the , nature of the training and of putting Into execution any scheme which may be produced.
Any criticism will be heartily welcomed, especially if it be of a constructive nature, and a copy of the letter sent out by the Institution, together with the draft scheme, will be forwarded to -anyone interested, on application to the secretary.
It is suggested that the course of training shall extend for a period of five years and shall be taken at the works of some _manufacturer, large operator or repairer in a big way of business and
approved by the Institution or other
competent -body. At the end 'of the training an examination, both written and practical, will be held, and successful candidates will be entitled to term themselves " certified automobile repair men."
The suggested syllabus of the practical course is as fbllows:—Machine shop, 9i months; engine testing, two months ; car testing, two months ; view room, one month ; fitting and assenabling, three months ; electrical Quipmeat, three months;. tool store, one month; wheel and tyre work, one month; coppersmithing, one month; hardening, one week ; welding, one week ; repairs three years.
The following subjects will also be studied from the theoretical side :— Foundry work, smithing, material test, ing, metallurgy, the parts of a car, their purpose, construction and the reason for various forms of construction. In addition there will be drawing-office work and sketching.