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TT is satisfactory to record that, contrary to -Iwhat is usually expected, when the deputation of representatives from all the...
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That a:bus has a thin.end.• Which? Mucli of the wily sixpence in taxi circles. That several people are" banging" it. That...
The hill was long and tortuous, with - a surface like butter, so Jones was rather bucked at the steady going of "the old bus"...
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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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Chief Constable Bassom Not Yet Replaced. Pneumatic Tyres for Omnibuses. Petrol Pump Legislation. Tax Rebate on Pre-1913...
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This Equipment has been Developed for the French Military Authorities, for Use in the Colonies where Charcoal may Not be...
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Details of the Plans Made for Enabling Owners in this Country Readily to Secure Spares and Replacements. W HEN an important...
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I T is interesting to learn that, as a result of experience with petrol driven tower wagons for the maintenance of overhead...
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The Case of the Heavy Vehicle Interests as It was Laid Before the Chancellor of the Exchequer and His Reply. (IN Thursday...
" We are in a position of some difficulty, having regard to the hundred and one forecasts concerning your intentions which have...
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Some Details of the Progress and Orgar Orange Coaches and a Keith and Boyle, Ltd„ who Run the et of Goods Vehicles. T ONDON...
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O N MANY occasions the attention of the council of the Institution of 'Automobile Engineers, Watergate House. York Buildings,...
HE London County Connell -public control. :seetnhaittee. . reports that the neelel code of conditions relating . to the...
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Valuable Advice on Every Phase of Ford Transport, which will Appeal to the Owner, Driver and Repairer. 392.—Keeping a Check on...
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Recent Tendencies in Commercial Motors and Their Equipment, and the Effects of the Growth of Traffic on the Roads. By Sir John...
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Details of a New Laffiy Machine the First Example of which has been Supplied to the Royal Borough of Kensington. O NE OP the...
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The Latest Doings and Developments in the Bus and Coach World. MUNICIPAL BUS SERVICES IN BOLTON. The Local Authorities...
Judgment Given in Favour of a Bus Company in a Test Case Brought in Connection with the Recently Made By-laws. T EM Glasgow...
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MHE Elgin and District Motor Bus Co., Ltd., who, six years ago, had their beginning under the name of William Macdonald and...
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Taxi Fares in Paris, Although Increased, Still Remain Low. P Alas is by far the best-served city in Europe in the number and...
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The Editor invites correspondence on all subjects connected with the use of commercial motors. Letters should be on one side of...
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Methods and Devices Adopted by Our Driver and Mechanic Readers. M ANY of the popular Fiat 15 ter models have come on to the...
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A Résumé of Recently Published Patent Specifications. " Ls 4 DMOND MOGLIA and the Anglofl l Continental Export Co., in...