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"The wheels
of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughriess of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crozier.
L.G.O.C. Results.
The report of the directors of the London General Omnibus Co., Ltd., and the balance sheet to December 31st last have SIOW been published. They show an increase in the number of passengers carried during the year of over 78,000,000, the actual number being 1,236,547,753. The number of road miles covered_ by the company's buses was 801, an increase of 23 miles. The number of garages has increased by three to 43, and the number of car miles run during the year has now risen to 143,943,201. an increase of 6,892,666. The number of buses owned has increased by 21 to 4,136, whnst, in addition, there are 568 buses working _in conjunction with the company.
The traffic receipts, after the operation of the common fund, total £8,644,035, an increase of f245,470. The expenditure amounted to £8,248,473, leaving a balance of net receipts of £395,562. Miscellaneous receipts from rent, advertising, interest, etc., bring the total net income to £725,454, which is £64,988 better than in the year 1924.
After deducting interest, rentals and other fixed charges, and appropriating £300,000 to reserve, there is available for dividend on the ordinary shares £271,632, whielt is better than the previous year by £2,061. The appropriation to reserve, however, is £50,000 better than in the previous year.
A final dividend, making a total dividend of 6 per cent, for the year 1925, has been declared, and £67,501 is carried forward. The dividend is the same as for the previous year, but the balance forward is £7,000 better. The amount received from the common fund is £211,134.
Spares Facilities for Berliet Users.
Automobiles M. Berliet, Richmond Bridge Works, Cambridge Road, Twickenham, have just instituted It scheme which is designed to put the company into closer touch with the owners of their various types of vehicle. To avoid the delay and annoyance often caused by pro forma invoices for spare parts the company-' have arranged, as from February 1st, that all bona-fide owners of Ballet vehicles who fill in an owner's registration form will be granted credit for spare parts to the value of O. The merits TA the scheme will be quickly understood by those owners of lorries or passenger-carrying vehicles engaged upon regular service.
The schema is outlined in the February issue of the "Berliet Times," the house organ published ia the interests of Automobiles M. Berliet, in which an owner's registration form is also included.
Exhibitions of Commercial Motors.
We understand from a reliable source that the policy of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders in the matter of a show for commercial motors is being reconsidered, whilst it is probable that greater. latitude to members of the Society will be given in respect to 'exhibiting at about half a dozen of this year's agricultural shows.
Albions for a Railway Company.
Amongst the list of users who have recently placed orders with the Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd., Scotstoun, -Glasgow, are the London, Midland And Scottish Railway Co., who are buying a number of both 2-ton and 4-ton vehicles of the company's manufacture. :Pe fleet of Albion vehicles which this railway company now own runs well into three figures. Leyland Motors' Profits.
The annual report of the directors of Leyland Motors, Ltd., and the' balance sheet for the year ending September 30th, 1925, continue to record advancing trade, better profits and an improve financial position. True, there is some way yet to go before the dividend stage on the ordinary shareholding is reached, hut three more good years should see a wonderful change in the aspects of the balance sheet. Tire gross profit for the year was £349,834 15s. 11d., which compares with £234,403 9's. al. in the preceding twelve months. After deducting interest on loans, the directors' fees, depreciation (to the extent of £66,191) and placing £20,000 to reserve for bad debts, and taking credit for small revenue items, there remains a net profit of £198,532 17s. 8d, which, again, compares with £90,499 is. 4d. for the previous year. The adverse balance, which two years ago was £998,710, is now reduced to £709,678. There are substantial arrears of dividend covering nearly five years on the preference shares. The directors report a considerable increase in the turnover.
Citroen Factory at Slough.
On Thursday last the new Citroen factories at Slough were officially opened, Mr. Andre Citroen himself being present. The site is an excellent one and the works have a roofed-in area of over 500,000 square feet. They are equipped with the most modern machinery, including chain conveyors for the assembly of chassis and bodies.
Citroen chassis for sale in England will, in future, be assembled at Slough, and all the bodywork will be made-there, steel being largely used in body construction. Whilst the bulk of the output -will consist of private cars, a number of vans will also be produced.
A.E.C's House JournaL .
Volume I of a new publication which is issued by the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., in the interests of the A.E.C. users and others, has just reached us. The booklet is known as die A.E.C. Gazette, andwill be issued month by month and contain news relating to I various phases of the company's activities. The first issue is a very bright edition, and if the present standard be maintained the booklet will not fail in its object.
Axles Wanted for 1-tonners.
We have been requested by the Boyden Foley Sales and Service, St. John, New Brunswick, to point out that they are interested in a commercial way in worm-driven rear axles suitable for 1-ton chassis, and that they would like to hear from British makers regarding such components.
Consequent on the death of Mr. Walter Flextnan Frenclr, who was managing director of the United Service Transport Co., Ltd, we are informed that the entire management of the business has devolved upon his son, Mr. Walter F. French, who has been appointed general manager.
Plymouth Bus Profits.
Accounts relating to the motorbus services run by the‘Plymouth Corporation, for the nine months ended December Blst last, show a profit of 12,659. During this period the passenger'receipte amounted to 124,822, equivalent to J 4.174d. per bus-mile. . The' total mileage covered by the buses was 420.294. The total revenue, which includes 12,287 for the hire of motor lorries, amounted to £27,216.
On the other side of the ,accounts, maintenance and 'repairs absorbed £(1,448 ; traffic expenses, £8,141 cost of petrol, £4,176; general expenses, £992; interest and sinking fund, £4,800. The total of these items is £24,557, which, deducted from the total iikome, leaves the profit to which we have already re ferred.
Guy Buses Popular with Municipalities.
The various bus models made by Guy Motors, Ltd., Fallings Park, Wolverlempton, are becoming increasingly popular amongst municipal authorities, and the company are able to record that during the past week or so eight more local authorities have joined the list of those employing Guy, passenger vehicles to seat between 16 and 82 people. The new municipal users of these vehicles are the authorities of Birkenhead, Burnky, Hong Kong, Liverpool, Middlesbrough, Reading, Southampton and Walsall. We are informed that the number of municipalities using Gny buses of various types is now over 100.
Devon General Still Progressing. The report of the Devon General Omnibus and Touring Co., Ltd., for the year ended December 31st last, shows a profit of £24,803, and, after deducting therefrom mortgage and other ,interest paid and accrued, and the amount transferred to the fund for the redemption of mortgage, there remains a balance of £23,172, which is increased to £24,306 by the amount brought forward
from the previous year. Of this sum,
/16,000 is being transferred to the reserve for depreciation on motorbuses and motor coaches (bringing this account up to £34,000)., whilst a dividend on the preference shares will absorb £6,244. • After the deduction ef -these sums and other small items, £1,748 remains to be carried forward.
The profit made during last year is £7,717 in excess of that recorded for 1924, and the progress of the company must, therefore, be admitted to he -very
satisfactory. During 1925 additional rolling stock was purchased involving an expenditure of £19,527, and this permitted extensions to be made.
The company now own, directly and indirectly, a fleet of 114 omnibuses and coaches.
Licence Receipts in the West Riding.
West Riding County Council reports that last gnr Road 'Fund licences brought in 1501,700, compared with £456,179 in 1924. The number of driving licences issued in the year totalled 65,447, as against 57,481 a year earlier.
Personal Pars.
We are informed that Major R. A. B. A.M.I.C.E., representing theBritish Portland Cement Association, has been elected a member of the National Council of the Roads Improvement Association.
The subject of the portrait which appears on this page is Mr. Edward Tnstain, who is one of the partners of the Buda Co., England, who represent the parent concern of America in Great Britain.Mr. Tustain has had a long and varied association with the motor industry; starting in 1906 with five years' apprenticeship served with Maim, Egerton and Co., Ltd., at their Norwich works. He went to London for the company in 1913 and helped to start their new depot in Euston Road, N.W. He saw military service from September, 1914, and served in the A.S.C. during the whole of the war in France, the last three years being spent as an Inspector of Mechanical Transport at General Headquarters. -Upon demobilization -he was appointed., as garage superintendent at one of the depots of the London General Omnibus Co., Ltd. He took over the representation of the Buda Co. about four years ago, concentrating chiefly upon the railroad side of their business, and he now acts for the company exclusively as their factory representative for Europe, giving special attention to the development of the Enda engine interests, as is indicated in an article appearing elsewhere in this issue, Activity at Leyland Works.
One cf the largest vehicles at present passing through the works of Leyland Motors, Ltd., Leyland, Lancashire, is an 8-ton side-type wagon which is being constructed to the order of H. Viney and Co., Ltd., of Preston, for dealing with bulk loads. This company already own a number of Leyland vehicles, and their latest purchase is an attempt to dispense, in certain reirennestanees, with the necessity for using trailers.
Amongst other vehicles which the company have in hand is a number of 4-tonners for the electricity department of the Liverpool Corporation. These vehicles are being constructed with special tilt-van bodies for fuel collection and distribution to various electricity stations.
The Leyland works are also busily engaged on the construction of a number of passenger vehicle models, and amongst orders which the company have received for vehicles of this type is one from Simpson's Motor. Services, Dunfermline, for three vehicles ; another from the South of Scotland Motor Seevices, Dumfries, who are buying two Leverets and a Lioness ; and a third from the Kendal Motor Bus Co., who are awaiting delivery, of three Leyland Lions.
M. of T. Grants a Bradford Appeal.
The Ministry of Transport has granted the appeal of the West Riding Automobile Co., Ltd., against the decision of the Bradford Watch Committee in refusing to grant licences for motorbuses. The Ministry points out that the company are ready to give reasonable protection to the corporation tramways.
A.E.C. Data Sheets.
We have just received from the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., a copy of each of eight specification and quotation forms dealing with all current models of A.E.C. chassis, and also a copy of a data sheet which gives in compact form full details and prices of the various models at presefit figuring on the company's manufacturing schedule. The specification and quotation forms clearly set out the main features in the design of different models, and each contains drawings, showing a plan and side elevation of the chassis, which give dimensions intended to assist bodybuilders.
Daimler Tipping Wagons for Zanzibar.
The Crown Agents for the Colonies have recently placed an order with the Daimler Co., Ltd., Coventry, for three Daintier CJ-type commercial chassis fitted with side-tipping bodies, which are bound fOr service in Zanzibar. The CJ chassis has a Daimler silent sleevevalve engine of 36 h.p., and is designed to deal with 2-ton loads ; the chassis has a wheelbase of 11 ft. 6 ins.
The bodies are being constructed by the Eagle Engineering Co., Ltd., of . Warwick, and will be fitted with that company's patent either-side-tipping gear.
Patenting a Tipping Trailer Design.
In our issue dated January 12th we published the first particulars of a new type of trailer designed and constructed by W. and G. du Cros, Ltd., The Vale, Acton, London, W.3, especially for refuse collection. We are now asked to make it clear that the patent for the design has been lodged under British. Patent Application', No. 11,134, of 1925., This trailer has a particularly low load-line and it also possesses selftipping and seIf-righting powers.
Performance of a Guy Bus. Evidence of complete satisfaction which has been obtained from a Guy saloon bus is contained in a communication which Guy Motors, Ltd., Fallings Park, Wolverhampton, have received from Mr. S. Caswell, of Tunstall, Stokeon-Trent. The first vehicle which this user purchased from the company con sisted of a 2-ton chassis fitted with a 20-seater one-manzeontrolled-type body. For the first 13 months that the vehicle was in service it averaged not less than 1,000 miles per week, and accomplished its regular work through the heavy and erratic traffic in North Staffordshire. During this period the bus never lost
a journey, and was free from involuntarfitops on the road, whilst the total cost of repairs amounted only to 13s. 44., this expenditure being involved for repairs to the magneto. A mileage of 60,000 without any chassis trouble is striking testimony to reliability.
£40,000,000 for Roads.
According to an advice from Melbourne, representatives of the Federal Government and the States have concluded a lengthy conference on the Australian Big Roads policy and the way has been paved for the inauguration of the scheme, by which it is Planned to spend .£40,000,000 during the next ten years on Australian roads. Of this sum the Federal Government is to Contribute one-half and the States the remainder.
Competitions for Coachbuilders.
The Worshipful Company of Coach Makers and •Coach-Harness Makers of 'London, in conjunction with the Institute of British Carriage and Automobile Manufacturers and the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders,
. have just announced a series of competitions of particular interest to those concerned with bodybuilding. There are six different competitions, but the only one of direct concern to commercial-vehicle coachbuilders is No. 2, in Which three prizes are offered for a working drawing of a 81-seater single-deck saloon coach, of the low load-line type, designed to meet the proposed regulations of the Minstry of Transport. The awards arc: .1st, £25 and silver medal; 2nd, £16 and' bronze medal; and 3rd, 110 and bronze medal.
Money prizes are offered in each class, Further parCeulars of the competitions can be obtaieed from the Institute" of British Carriage and Automobile Manufacturers, 16a, Soho Square, London, W.1.
Karrier Repeat Orders.
Repeat orders can usually be con, sidered a sign of satisfactory service, and it must be gratifying, therefore, to Karrier Motors, Ltd., Karrier Works, Huddersfield, to have received a number of them quite recently. Amongst such orders which the company have received can be cited those from the Liverpool Co-operative Society, Ltd.; Storthes Hall Mental Hospital, Kirkblirton ; Messrs. R. Coupe, of ToCImorden :'Messrs. W. Twort, of Lewes; Messrs. Miller and Sons, Exmouth; and Messrs. Reyrolds Bros., of Barnsley.
American Tractor Exports in 1925.
During 1926 the United States exported 44,975 wheel tractors (value $26,127,449), 077 track-laying tractors (valito 451,835,144), and tractor parts to the value of S4,614,038. These record shipments were made more or less to supply actual needs. This is in direct contrast to the huge volume of tractor exports in 1920, which, being largely speculative, influenced the market adversely for several years.
Lancashire Co-operative Society's Motor Fleet.
The HorWich (Lancashire) Cooperative Society, which had a trade of £43,484last quarter, has just put into service a motor butcher's shop to, serve the Blackrod district: The horses en= gaged in the trade originally . cost /1,727 and have been written off in the accounts. The society has several motor lorries, including a3i-tonner, a 2-tonnor, a 1-ton Ford, and a11-ton Leyland.• With the ,exception of the last-named the whole of the vehicles have been written off, the annual rate of depreciator being 20per cent. on cost.
A 2,500-gallon Fuel Tanker.
The large-capacity tractor-tanker which is illustrated on this' page is now in the service of the Pullmore Motor Spirit Co., Ltd., Enfield .Highway, Middlesex, to whom it was recently supplied by Leyland -Motors, Ltd. The vehicle, which consists of A Leyland lorry chassis and a Carrimore semi:, trailer attachment, has been built in accordance with the police regulations governing the transport of Motor spirit in bulk. These regulations, as is.generally known. are very stringent and they specify that the load shall be' separated from the engine and ordinary fuel tank by a fire-resisting shield extending from above the height of the load down to
within 12 ins. of the ground. .
Amongst the interesting features of this tractor-tanker, which is --built to transport' 2,r00 gallons Of spirit, is a quick-acting cut-off valve fitted to the fuel-feed pipe; The total weight of the engine and load is approximately evenly distributed over the three axles of the vehicle. The rear tank is divided into four self-contained compartments. The filling pipes are carried 'down to the bottom of the tank, and each terminates in sue' a way as to provide at all times a liquid seal at the bottom of the piPe. The dipping pipes are also carried to the bottom of the tank and any openings in them, other than the upper orifices, are covered with fine wire gauze.
A Yorkshire Joint Bus Committee: A joint committee has been appointed for the purpose of formulating general lines of policy .with regard to the licensing mid regulation of omnibases in the borough of Pontefract, the urban districts of Castleford, Normanton and
Whitwood, and the parish of Glasshoughton. Its attention is being particularly directed to :— (a) The safety of the public in all its aspects ; (b) the reliability and regularity of the service rendered to the public; (c) the adequacy of the service and the preventing of wasteful service ; (d) the impartial and equitable treatment of conflicting interests ; (e) the mitigation and relief a congestion of the streets.
A Stretford User's Appeal.
Mr. Wm. Connolly is appealing to the Ministry of Transport against the refusal of the Stretford Urban District Council to entertain his application for consent to run a motorbus service between Eccles and Chorlton, along Los.tock Road, Barton Road and Derbyshire Lane.
Dover Hires a Motor Coach:
At a meeting of the tramways committee of the Dover CorPoration it is reported that in regard to street repairs arrangements were made for the hire and running of a 18-seater char-ilbanes which was driven by tramcar
drivers, and that the average number of passengers conveyed per trip in either direction was seven. The following statistics were submitted
Distance covered, 1,266 miles ; petrol consumed, 147 gallons; miles per gallon, 8.6; running cost per day (hire and petrol), £1 19s., total cost, including time of three driverS,. £40 10s.; total running costs per mile, 7.7d.
The manager estimated the saving in electricity to have been 1,646 units at 1icl. per unit, i.e., £10 5s. 9d.
M.A.B. Buys a W. and G. Passenger Chassis.
W. and G. du Cros, Ltd., The Vale, .Acton, London; W.3, inform us that they have just received an order from the Metropolitan Asylums Board for one of their low load-line Passe ;,,er chassis incorporating a six-cylinder engine in its design.
Ball-bearing Stockists.
We have received from Bearings Service Co., Carlisle House, 8, Southampton Row, London, W.C.1, an abridged list of ball bearingS 'Nikon they have in stock. This company can sopply many types and sixes of ball bearing. They are also stockists for Soles carburetters.
A North Country Motorbus Absorption.
AR interesting absorption has just taken place in the north country, where negotiations have been completed be. tween.United Automobile Services, Ltd., and Messrs. Adamson and Thurlow, proprietors of the Gypsy Queen Motor Services, Ltd.,, of Darlington, for the purchase of the latter undertaking. From their northern" headquarters at Bishop Auckland the former 'company operate an extensive network of motorbus routes radiating to all parts of the county of Durham, and also in North Yorkshire as far south as Ripon end .Rarrogate, whilst they already have a number of services running to and from Darlington. Messrs. Adamson and Thurlow have for the past three years' or so_ nil 11. service between Stockton and Darlington, in: competition with the United service .connecting the two places, which has been in operation for something like sevenyears. The Gypsy Queen service was discontinued on February 19th. FOr the future Messrs. Adamson and Thurlow intend to concentrate upon
tours and private-hire wort, and for this purpose are keeping two vehicles, one being a 20-seater Daimler bus and the other a ' 30-seater Vulcan bus. United Automobile Services, Ltd., have taken over two 30-seater Daimlers.
Inst. P.E. Meeting.
A general 'meeting of the InstitutiOn a Production Engineers will be held in the Council Room -of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, 83, Pall Mall, London,. S.Vv".1, on February 26th, when Mr. R. H. Hutchinson will introduce a debate on the subject of "Payment by Results." All those 'who are interested are invited to -attend and take part in the discussion.
— Leeds Co-operative Traffic.
The traffic department of the Leeds Co-operative Society did work representing a Value of £6,954 for the productiv.2 departments and of £31,801 for the distributive departments in the past six months, wiiilst £824 was taken in motor coach fares. On the expenditure side i72,6s3 waa paid for petrol and oil, 11,04 for licences and 122,405 for wages. During the last Six months £1,682 was expended on new commercial motor vehicles. Karrier Municipal Tippers.
The illustrations which we publish on this page are of two municipal vehicles which have just been delivered from 'the works of Karrier Motors, Ltd., at Hudderstield. The upper picture is of a vehicle which constitutes a recent repeat order received from the tramways department of the Salford Corporation. It is a hydraulic three-way tipper in which the makers' JK chassis with a capacity of 3 tons is employed. This particular type of chassis was chosen by reason of the fact that the. tramways department already Owns similar chassis, which serve as the basis of a number of buses which it runs.
The tipping wagon shown in the second picture has been delivered to the hlexberough Urban District Council. In this case the Karrier CY-type chassis is employed, this having a 25-36 h.p. engine, a four-speed gearbox and wormdriven rear axle. The operation of tipping is effected by means of a horizontal screw gear which moves the body rearwards on rollers approximately 2 ft. before raising it into a tipping position. The body is lined with sheet steel and fitted with detachable hinged sides and tailboard, thus enabling the vehicle to be used as a platform lorry when required.
Traffic Doubled in Three Years:
That motor traffic in the county has doubled in three years is disclosed by the result of the traffic census taken on the roads in Holland (Lincolnshire).
024 Light mechanically propelled vehicles have increased by 103 per cent. over 1922, and heavy motor traffic by 34 per cent., whilst horse-drawn vehicles have decreased by '4.7 per cent.
The daily average number of vehicles onthe roads is shown' to have increased from 677 to 1,296, and their weight from 602 tons to 1,250 tons.
Priory of Wales Ambulances.
. The statement of accounts of the Priory of Wales (Order of St. John of Jerusalem), for the year ended December 31st last shows that an income of /6,516 was received for the hiring of motor ambulances, levies and subscriptions. out of a total revenue of 114,250.
Total outgoings amounted to £18,105, of which 802 was expended in running the ambulances, this sum being exclusive of attendants' and drivers' wages.
A Fuel Company's Road Transport Fleet.
According to a statement recently issued by the Anglo-American Oil Co., Ltd., no fewer than 1,770 motor lorries and tank wagons are now being used in connection with the transport and distribution of Pratt's motor spirit in this country.
A Road Construction Discussion. An informal meeting will be held at the Institution of Civil Engineers, Great George Street, London, SAVA, on Wednesday, March 3rd, when "Road Construction" will be discussed. The subject will be introduced by Mr. EL E. Lightfoot, A:Wins-W./1 LocalProceedings.
Blyth Corporation has decided to purchase a watering wagon at • an. estimated cost of £1,350.
Swansea Corporation has made a contract with the Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., for the supply of solid tyre.
North Bromsgrove Urban District Council has decided to purchase a new steam roller ta a cost of about £700.
Portslftde Urban District Council is considering the provision of motor vehicles for the highways department.
Pershore Rural District Council has undertaken to purchase a new motor ambulance for the sanatorium committee.
The Merthyr Tydfil Town Council is considering the question of buying an additional bus for use on workmen's services.
Blyth Corporation is to make provision in the next estimates for the purchase of two motor vehicles for refuse collection.
Oldham Corporation has accepted the tender of the Oldham Motor Co., Ltd.. for the supply of a inotorvan for the waterworks department.
Glasgow Corporation has decided to invite tenders for the supply of a motor tower wagon for the lighting department at a cost of about £800.
Bedford Corporation recommends acceptance of the tender of the Oakley Motor 'Works, Ltd., at £292,• for the supply of a motor ambulance.
The libraries committee of the Glasgow; Corporation is considering the purchase of another motorvan. for the conveyance of books to district libraries.
Ripon Corporation is to obtain further information as to types and working costs of motor vehicles 'before deciding upon the introduction of mechanical transport.
Rhondda Urban District Council is seeking Parliamentary powers for the exclusive right to run motorbuses within the district.
The chief constable of Cardiff has recommended the city council to purchase a motor ambulance for street accidents and police services. The council has decided to make provision in the estimates for the new financial year for 1:he. purchase.
The tramways department of the ,Walsall Corporation, which has recently been in the market for bus chassis and bodies, has accepted the tenders of Dennis Bros., Ltd., and Guy Motors, Ltd., for the former, and that of. Vickers, Ltd., for the latter.
Amongst tenders required by the roads and bridges committee of the Northampton County Council we note one for the hire of steam rollers, and 'for which tenders have to be delivered to the County Surveyor, County Hall, Northampton, not later than March 15th.
The highways and bridges department of the Codstone Rural District Council invites tenders for work in connection with the maintenance and repair of highways for the year ending March 31st, 1927. Amongst these is one for the hire of steam rollers sad for which tenders have to be delivered not later than March8th.