Centres, Dates and Secretaries
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Aberdeen: SUNDAY, JUNE 3. Mr A.G. McKenzie, do Road Safety Department, Police Headquarters, Queen Street, Aberdeen AB9 1BA. Tel: Aberdeen 29933, Ext 370-1.
Belfast: SATURDAY, JUNE 2. Mr L.A. Sinfield, RoSPA, 117 Lisburn Road, Belfast, Northern Ireland. Tel: Belfast 669453.
Birmingham: SUNDAY, MAY 6. Mr Eric E. Alley, FACDO, AFICD, Road Safety Officer, Birmingham City Council, Accident Prevention Centre, 8 Meadow Road, Harborne, Birmingham B17 8BX. Tel: Birmingham 429 353 113.
Bristol: SUNDAY, MAY 20. Mr TU. Damsell, British Road Services Ltd., Driver Training Centre, Spring Street, Bristol. Tel: Bristol 664681 Carlisle: SUNDAY, MAY 20. Mr J.S. Rogers, Transport Manager, W.C. Robertson (Carlisle) Ltd., Durranhill Industrial Estate, Carlisle, Cumberland. Tel: Carlisle 27541 (Business) Carlisle 23941 (Home).
Coventry: SUNDAY, APRIL 8. Mr A. Read, Road Safety Training Officer, City Engineer's Department. Fleet House, Queen Victoria Road, Coventry. Tel: Coventry 28701, Ext 40.
Dundee: SUNDAY, MAY 27. Mr G.D. Melville, "Donellen", 4 Largo Place, Broughty Ferry, Dundee DD5 3S13. Tel: Dundee 75246 (Home) Dundee 66313 (Business) Dunfermline: SUNDAY, MAY 20. Mr J. Paul, "Lochinver", 108 Halbeath Road, Dunfermline KY12 7LT, Fife. Tel: Dunfermline 22014 Edinburgh: SUNDAY, JUNE 10. Mr David Thomson, Howgate Cottage, Maybank, Penicuik, Midlothian. Tel: Bathgate 53551, Ext 66.
Essex: SUNDAY, JUNE 24. Mr EJ. Barber, e/0 Road Haulage Association, 22 Upper Woburn Place, London WC 1. Tel: 01-387 9711.
Fleetwood: SUNDAY, JUNE. 17. Mrs TA. Leadbetter, '75 The Esplanade, Fleetwood, Lancs. Tel: Fleetwood 6157 (Evenings).
Grimsby: SUNDAY, MAY 13. Mr A.R. Bates, Road Safety Organiser, Highways Department, Lindsey County Council, Newland, Lincoln. Tel: Lincoln 25282, Ext 306.
Guernsey (Channel Islands): SUNDAY, JULY 8. P/C Peter Derham, Road Safety Officer, Police H.Q., St. James' Street, Guernsey, CI. Tel: Guernsey 25111.
Hampshire: To be confirmed contact National Secretary.
Isle of Man: SUNDAY, APRIL 8. Mr T. Rimmer, Road Safety Officer, 6 Mt. Havelock, Douglas, Isle of Man. Tel: Douglas 3766 (business) Douglas 6333 (home).
Kent: SUNDAY, JUNE 3. Mr E.G. Broome, Terminal Manager, Shell-Mex & BP Ltd., Grove Road, Northfleet, Gravesend, Kent. Tel: Gravesend 64377.
Leeds: SUNDAY, JUNE 17. Mr E.R. Lunn, 32 Woodland Hill, Halton, Leeds. Tel: Leeds 648730.
Liverpool (North West): SUNDAY, MAY 13. Mr 1G. Johnson, 1 Ravenhead Drive, Upholland, Skelmersdale, Lanes WN8 OAN. Tel: Upholland 2397.
London: SUNDAY, JUNE 10. Mr A.E. Teer, c/o Cadbury-Schweppes Ltd., Schweppes House, Grosvenor Road, St. Albans, Herts. Tel: St. Albans 59242. Londonderry (N. Ireland): SATURDAY, MAY 26. Mr T.A. Smallwoods, "Scoutaid", 65 Woodburn Park, Londonderry, N. Ireland. Tel: Londonderry 2182.
Manchester: SUNDAY, JULY 8. Mr Eric Taylor, 9 Birchfield Drive, Worsley, Manchester M28 4ND. Tel: Manchester 872 4422, Ext 50. Newcastle-under-Lyme: SUNDAY, MAY 20. Mr R.D. Stokes. Road Safety Officer, Civic Offices, Merrial Street, Newcastle, Staffs. Tel: Newcastleunder-Lyme 610161, Ext 219.
Newcastle-upon-Tyne: SUNDAY, JUNE 3. Mr L.H. Nicholson, Road Safety Officer, City Engineer's Department, Civic Centre, Barras Bridge, Newcastle-upon-Tyne NE1 8PD. Tel: Newcastleupon-Tyne 28520, Ext 691.
North Midlands (Leicester): SUNDAY, JUNE 10. Mr G.E. Chettle, c/o J.E. Chettle Ltd., Mill House, Ilkeston Road, Nottingham. Tel: Nottingham 75929.
Norwich: Miss G.C. Moorby, 27 Mountfield Ave, Norwich. Tel: Norwich 34400 (home), 45093 (office).
Nottinghamshire: SUNDAY, MAY 20. Mr J.M. Glazebrook, Glazebrook Transport Ltd., Langley Mill, Nottingham NG16 4AN. Tel: Langley Mill 2301.
Oxford: SUNDAY, JUNE 3. Road Safety Office, Ebor House, Blue Boar Street, Oxford OX! 1BX. Tel: Oxford 49811.
Portstewart: SATURDAY, JUNE 16. Mr IS. Gough, The Triangle Centre, LDoY Association, 33 Burnside Road, Portstewart, N. Ireland. Tel: Coleraine 4111 (Business) Portstewart 3357 (Home).
Ruislip: sumotv, MAY 20. Mr S.C. Fenn, do Express Dairy Foods Ltd., Block 'A', Victoria Road, South Ruislip, Middx. Tel: 01-845 2345.
St Austell: SUNDAY, APRIL 29. Mr J. Newman, Road Safety Officer, Court House, Crinnis Wood Avenue, Carlyon Bay, St. Austell, Cornwall. Tel: Par 2722.
South Wales: SUNDAY, JUNE 10. Mr G.B. Emery, Training Officer, British Road Services Ltd., Waterton Road, Bridgend, Glamorgan, South Wales. Tel: Bridgend 56382.
Sussex Area (Crawley Centre): SUNDAY, JUNE 17. Mr Alan G. Ransom, Road Safety & Driver Training Centre, The Old Town Hall, Albion Street, Southwick, Sussex. Tel: Brighton 595252. Torbay: SUNDAY, MAY 20. Mr Leonard Newman, Public Safety Officer, Town Hall, Torquay TQl 315R, Devon. Tel: Torquay 26244.
West of Scotland: SUNDAY, MAY 13. Mr G.B.M. Kerr, Road Safety Officer, 264 St. Vincent Street, Glasgow, C.2. Tel: Glasgow 248 7749. Weymouth: SUNDAY, MAY 13. Mrs G.M. Burden, 102 Westhill Road, Wyke Regis, Weymouth, Dorset. Tel: Weymouth 5459.
Wolverhampton: SUNDAY, MAY 6. Mr MJ.P. Deeming, Road Safety Officer, Town Hall, Wolverhampton, Staffs. Tel: Wolverhampton 27811.
York: SUNDAY, JULY 29. Mr G.U. Balderson, 33 Russell Street, York Y02 INN. Tel: York 55647.