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Q In Answer To A Question On February 2, The Q
and A bureau said that the driver of a psv not carrying passengers needs to have a psv driving licence, but is this answer in fact correct? My fitters often take passenger......
Q Am I Permitted By Law To Carry A Caterpillar Tractor On...
A It is not known why you should wish to do this but exemption is contained in Section 109 of the Motor Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations 1973 for machinery attached......
Q I Have Just Mounted A 300 Amp Lincoln Welder On
the chassis of a Thames Trader, for ease of moving the welder from site to site. This is the only purpose of the lorry and it cannot carry goods. I would assume that this......
Q I Am Employed As A Civilian By Naafi In W
Germany as an hgv driver. I am at present employed driving a 2L5 tons articulated vehicle, but have, in fact regularly driven articulated vehicles up to 36 tonnes grw. I drive......