850 b.h.p. Pulls 200-ton Load Up 1-in-10 Slope Out of the Sea ,
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TTHREE Rotinoff tractors with a coml. bined total output of 850 b.h.p. were employed on Monday evening to pull a 200-ton heat exchanger for 100 ft. up a 1-in-10 gradient out of the sea. This was,at Bradwell-on-Sea, Essex, where the Nuclear Power Plant Co.. Ltd., are building a nuclear power station.
The heat exchanger, more than "92 ft. long and 20 ft. in .diameter, had been towed by tugs from Thornaby-on-Tees over the week-end from the works . of Head Wrightson and Co., Ltd., the makers.
A. concrete slipway had been built at Bradwell, and at low tide on Sunday evening two Crane 16-Wheeled bogies were "aecUrately. . anchored into position On the shore to await the arrival of the load..
Loaded by the Tide
Tugs of the Tees •Towing Co., Ltd., drew the heat exchanger into the shore on Monday morning at high tide, and the object was manceuvred so that as the tide ebbed it would nestle into the cradles.• of the bogies. A diver went down at midday to check the bogie anchorages. The bogies had been specially lubricated by C. C. Wakefield and Co., Ltd., to resist the effects Of sea water.
Sunter Bros., Ltd., Northallerton, the hauliers engaged to move the heat exchanger from the shore to the site of • the power station about 11 miles away. employed one of their own Rotinoff Atlantic tractors and an Atlantic and a Super Atlantic made available by Rotinoff Motors. Ltd. A Scammell tractor stood by in reserve. Sunter's Rotinoff was connected to the drawbar of the bogie train. The other two Rotinoffs headed the train, the Super Atlantic being in the At about 7 p.m., the complete outfit, weighing 370 tons, climbed the gradient from the sea up to the road. This took only a few minutes. The remainder of the Journey through Bradwell village to the site was accomplished with the one tractor of Sunter's, the other two being uncoupled.
A number of turns had to be negotiated and the load arrived after about 1+ hours. It was to be erected by the Goliath crane installed at the site.
Eleven similar movements are tO be made at about monthly intervals. Direct road delivery was not favoured because of the disruption which would have been canted to summer traffic.
A RRANGEMENTS are being made by rt the Institute of Transport for a visit toDenmark next Year, provisional dates being June 16-25. The 1959 annual dinner of the Institute will be at the Dorchester Hotel, Park Lane, London, WI, on March 20.
To mark the Institute's 40th session, the 1960 congress will be held in London, probably from April 26-29. It is hoped that a number of overseas delegates will attend. Ferry Service is Now, 10 Years Old WHEN the s.s. Empire Cedric" sailed from Preston to Lame on Tuesday, the Transport Ferry Service's sea link with Northern Ireland was exactly 10 years old. It was set Up in 1948 as the world's first "drive on, drive oft" ferry for laden goods vehicles, and since then there has been rapid eipansion.
In 1948-49, there were 107 voyages on which 4,991 vehicles and containers were carried. Last year the number of sailings was 371, and 40,160 vehicles and containers made the crossing.
Another vessel will be employed on the service later this year.
T° expand the sales and service of Black and Decker electric tools in the European Common Market, the company are setting up a new organization centred in Brussels. Their existing companies in Holland. Belgium and Germany will be the key points in the scheme, with Black and Decker ' (Belgium), S.A., Brussels, as the administrative and warehousing centre.