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bus relieved that a settlement of the railway wages dispute has been reached. The solution will, however, be difficult for the...
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HE London bus strike has been a dangerous and 1 costly failure. Whatever short-term benefits may accrue to employees in the...
Great. Time Saving in Welding THE average time taken in welding axle cases at the I Birmingham factory of Fisher and Ludlow,...
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That FW have built an 8 x 6 ready-mixed dOncrete truck, with the first, third and fourth axles driven. That this is probably...
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n ES P ITE a , warnin'g five _months ago that they had operated irregular Continental tours in previous seasons, Stockland...
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T THREE Rotinoff tractors with a coml . bined total output of 850 b.h.p. were employed on Monday evening to pull a 200-ton heat...
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MR. T. JouNsroN has succeeded LORD CHANDOS as president of the British Electrical Development Association. MR. E. E. PHEASEY...
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I F applicants could establish that they operated efficient trunk services, they should be granted licences for collection and...
THE railways will never pay their way, according to Mr. W. Riddell, prospective Liberal candidate for Greenock. He told the...
U.D.T. Branch: United Dominions Trust, Ltd., are to open a new branch office at 32 Church Street. Inverness. Daimler Trial:...
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A SERIES of new excursions from Mold (Flintshire). sought by W. G. Richardson and Sons, Mold, was refused by the North Western...
E'ARES for all excursions and tours from the Birmingham and West Bromwich areas, with the exception of period excursions, are...
T H E E frequency of winter services by the Llandudno •,and Colwyn Bay Electric Railway, Ltd., is. to be cut and fares...
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D ECISION was reserved at Sheffield, on Monday, when the Yorkshire Deputy Licensing Authority, Mr. J. H. A. Randolph, finished...
N EW regulations concerning lamps and reflectors come into force on June 2. The minimum height from the ground of the centre of...
THE secretary of a haulage company admitted at Sheffield, on Tuesday, that an A-licence vehicle which had been operated outside...
.-„THE first official moves towards solving r the London bus dispute were made on Wednesday, when representatives of both...
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B ECAUSE S. and S. Transport, Ltd., Nottingham, •had a hopeless deficiency, the shareholders would not receive a penny • piece...
IT is no use running a railway designed 1 for the Victorian era in days when there are 7m. motor vehicles on the roads of this...
T HE use of rivets instead of welding on the turntables of articulated vehicles was advocated by the Northern Area vehicle...
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delivered to Price and Co. (Bakers), Ltd., feature Eafield air-cooled oil engines and plastics bodywork. Four are bein g...
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WHEN George Bristow, Ltd.. ManorIT gate Road, Kinston-on-Thames, successfully applied to the Metropolitan Licensing Authority...
'THIS is not the time for extending fare concessions, the North Western Traffic Commissioners declared this week. In a reserved...
P EOPLE travelling from Luton to the London theatres expect the expedition to be fun, and do not want to be involved in a rush...
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S UNDAY bus services are costing the Midland General Omnibus Co., Ltd., 29.81d.. per mile--a loss of 2d., the East Midland...
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D ISPLAYED for the first time at the Austin Motor Company's second commercial vehicle exhibition at Longbridge, the new Austin...
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A DDRESSING dele g ates and g uests at the Public Transport Association . Conference at Harrogate last week, the chairman, Mr....
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A MAXIMUM speed of 12-14 m.p.h. on level roads with a full payload is claimed for the Rangemaster threewheeled battery-electric...
T HE way a haulier sold a lorry he had never seen was described to Leeds magistrates, last week, when fines totalling £84 were...
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A NINE-GALLON pressure vessel, equipped with facilities for spraying detergent mixture, is offered by Wakefield-Dick Industrial...
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F ROM.. village •carriers,.in horse-drawn days, to a modern 50-vehicle fleet including tankers is the record of the 60-year-old...
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r REDTT is due to Mrs. Jean Hall for organizing the first eliminating round of the Lorry Driver of the Year competition at...
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, T HE season . of Lorry Driver of the Year competitions opened . at Weymouth—a new centre:—.last Saturday , in penetrating...
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C URRENT problems of the road transport industry, particularly in relation to short-stage passenger transport, were critically...
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TUST over 100 coaches from six countries, France, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Switzerland and the United Kingdom, took part in the...
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Not a Job for the Office Boy Importance of Accuracy in Completing A-licence Application Forms : Effect of Normal User O...
R ESEARCH into the de-icing of road surfaces by submerged electrical elements was among the projects shown to invited guests...
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You would find a visit to our Basildon Works of very real interest. To see how BONALLACK bodies are made is a fascinating...
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S ENTIMENT will not preserve the London bus, except in a museum. A few people have put on record that the streets look drab...
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Roads of Tomorrow 'THE panoramic presentation of a section of the London' Birmingham Motorway in your issue dated April 18,...
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N discussing private-hire work last week, - 1 emphasized that . operators' chief competitors today were car owners. In I...
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NCORPORATING all the refinements introduced on I the I-type semi-trailer coupling over the past 13 years. the • 6-type now...