Men in the News
Page 28

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MR. T. JouNsroN has succeeded LORD CHANDOS as president of the British Electrical Development Association.
MR. E. E. PHEASEY has been appointed works director of Thompson Bros., (Bilston), Ltd. He was previously with Foster, Yates and Thom, Blackburn.
MR. H. F. MARKS has been elected president of the National Association of Furniture Warehousemen and Removers. MR. F. F. BABB becomes senior vicepresident, and MR. GEORGE PEARSON junior vice-president.
MR. E. B: HOLIDAY, who was appointed deputy chief road engineer for 'Scotland last August, ha4 now been made assistant chief civil engineer' of the Ministryof Transport's highways engineering staff. He is succeeded in the Scottish post MR. D. J SWIET SIR !ALAN ROBERTSON., chairman of the British Transport CommiSsion, has been elected 'a Vieerpresident of the institute of Transport., Other, vice-presidents are Ma., member of the board of managementof British Road Seryiees, Ma'.: E. R. L. Frrzi!AvNF, general manager of Glasgow Transport. Department. MR. DAVID iaLEE, MR. 14. LESLIE BOWES and MR: A. S. C. Huutotsr. -The honorary treasurer is MR, D. 'MCKENNA. The appointment Of MAJ.-GEN. G.. N. RUSSELL 'as president of the Institute was announced in The CominerCial Ma-tor dated March 28: MR. REAY GEDDES, a managing director of the Dunlop Rubber CO., Ltd., has been elected President' of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders in succession to MR. A. S. DtCK, managing director of the Standard Motor Co„ Ltd., who becomes deputy president. Vicepresidents for 1958-59 are MR. J. M. A. Swim, assistant managing director of the Ford Motor Co., Ltd., and MR. M. L. BREEDEN, joint managing director of Wilmot-Breeden, Ltd. Mk. W. G. ROOTES, managing director of the manufacturing division of the Rootes Group, has been re-elected honorary treasurer.
,26 . 21 years with the-concern.
MR. A. F. NEAL. general manager of Manchester Transport Department, is to MR. H. C. SWINDALL has been appointed general manager (finance and accounts) of Shell-Mex and B.P., Ltd.
MR. J. R. HODSON has been appointed Press officer -of the British Transport Commission id succession to MR. C. S. Lotic, who is retiring.
MR. I. MACKLE, general manager of Belfast Transport Department, has been elected vice-president of the Scottish Road Passenger Transport Association.
MR. W. CURTIS MATON has been elected president of the Institution of Body Engineers. Vice-presidents are MR. H. R. BARBER and MR.' W. J. BELGROVE, and the treasurer is MR. IC A. OSBORNE.
MR. ALAN BROWN has sticceeded MR. ARTHUR SYKE.S as general manager of Coombs Service Station (Guildford), Ltd. ' Mr. Sykes, who has managed the bnsiness since 1934, will ebnnrine in-an. advisory capacity. MR. A. Rummy contiffues as sales manager.
MR. W. D. SUTHERLAND has been appointed chief electrical engineer to. C.A.V., Ltd. He joined the ,company in 1954 as electrical product developMent engineer, and was responsible for the development of the C.A.V. automatic gear-change control equipment two years later.
MR. F. LEVER, Liverpool district manager of British Road Services, has been appointed general manager of Swift . Transport Services (Pvt.), -Ltd., Sali§bury. Rhodesia. He is flying out on June 3 to take up his appointment. The company's activities were described in The Commercial Motor on .May 2,
LORD MERRIVALE has been re-elected PresidentOf ffie Institute OfTraffic, Administration. The vice-presidents -are MR. R. P. BOWyER, MR. A. LAWEs COLE, MR. L. C. HARRISON, MR. C. J. PARKER, MR. B. R. MILLER, MR. F. N. WHITE, MR. T. JACKSON, MR. J. FOLEY EGGINTON and MR. T. J. D. MORRIS. MR. A. MAcNiuk is chairman of the national council and MR. A. T. 1-Tins and MR. W. LINDLEY vice-chairmen. MR. C. R. GRIfFIN is honorary secretary and Mr. Harrison, honorary treasurer.