New Centre Starts Competition Season
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THE season. of Lorry Driver of the Year competitions opened. at Weymouth—a new centre:—.last Saturday, in penetrating rain and bitter wind. There were 64 entrants, nearly all C-licensees. Among the few hauliers .represented were Arthur Hughes and Sons (Haulage), Ltd., Liverpool, who, as the result of a paragraph in The :Conunercial Motor; were among the first entrants.. Their (laver, P. Harkin, in an articulated Bedford, was the only competitor in class F2.
Contestants began by covering an eightmile route representative of varied conditions, with sharp corners and a steep hill. Every vehicle was halted on a gradient of 1 in 10. The standard of driving was said to be good.
Tests on the Highway Code showed a satisfactory knowledge by most competitors, who were stated to be particularly conscious of their responsibilities to children and pedestrians.
Maintenance tests were organized by Maj. H. Cozens, Dorset county engineer, who reported a good standard. Tests covered steering, suspension, wheels, tyres, brakes, bodywork, electrical systems and lights, Beam-checking equipment was supplied by Express Electrical Service, Dorchester. Maj. Cozens said the standard of maintenance was higher in the case of some of the older vehicles than of the newer models.
Manceuvrability tests comprised two prescribed nationally—parking at the kerb in three movements and estimating the minimum width through which it was possible to drive forwards and in reverse —and a locally devised exercise. This required contestants to drive forward on the left of a double row of pylons placed in S formation on wet grass, reverse between the obstacles and halt astride a line, and then drive forward on the right, again coming to rest astride the finishing
line. '!.' Many drivers had not studied the regulations and lost marks heavily. Thee was also evidence of competition nerves and the general standard of performance was not high. In addition, there were insufficient marshals.
An outstanding performance was put up by W. Lake (T. B. Lock and Sons, Ltd., Hendford) in a Bedford, who was the outright winner and class C champion with only 27 marks lost out of 500. His kerbside parking and estimation of width were models of precision. He won the prize for the best C-licence vehicle, too.
Accurate judgment of width was shown also by W. S. Hansford (Bath and Portland Stone Firms, Ltd.), in an A.E.C., who won class E, and R. R. White (South Western Stone Co.), in a Leyland Steer, who was runner-up in that class.
Another splendid example of width estimation was given by E. Bird (Eldridge Pope and Co., Ltd.) in a laden Thames, who reversed entirely by the use of the mirror.
As usual, the drivers entered by Pease Transport, Ltd., did well, carrying off the team award arid gaining first, second and third places in classes D, G and C.
RESULTS (Marts Lost from 500) Class A (UP to 15 IL)
l.--J. W. Lock (J. W. Lock). Austin. 78. 2.—C. W. Samways (G.P.0,), Morris, 108%. 1.—ASmith (G.P•0•). Morris. 125.
Class B (15-19 ft.) 1.—W. J. Robins (George Cake, Ltd.), Austin, 51i/2. 2.—R. English (Tillcys (Dorset), Ltd.), Morris,
58. Hongood cr. Wall and Sons. Ltd.), Thames, 581/2.
. Class C (1942 ft.) l.—W. Lake (T. It. Lock and Sons, Ltd.).
Bedford, 27. 1-luckier (B.R.S.), Guy, 35%, 3.—M. Aldrich (Pease Transport. Ltd.), Bedford. 54%.
Class D (22-28 ft.) 1.—H. Manning (Pease Transport. Ltd.), Foden. 52. 2.—D. M. Mills (Bath and Portland Stone Firms, Ltd.), 60,e. 3.—D. C. Pragnell (F. C. Prague], and Son), Thames. 72.
Class E (Over 35 ft.) 1.—W. S. Hansford (Bath and Portland Stone Firms, Ltd.), A.E.C., 59%. 2.—R. R. White (South Western Stone Co.), Leyland, 76. 3.—D. K. Keating (Bath and Portland), 112.
Class Fl (Articulated. Semi-trailers Under 22 ft.) 1.-1. A. Bridle (Shell-Mot and B.P., Ltd.). Bedford, 681.:, 2.—W. Hobbs (Burt, Boulton and Haywood), Bedford, 101.
Class F2 (Articulated. Semi-trailers 22-27 ft.) 1.—P, Harkin (Arthur Hughes and Sons (Haulage). Ltd.). Bedford, 171.
Class G (Articulated, Tractors Over 3 tons, Sernl-trallers 27-30 ft.) 1.—A. Parsons (Bath and Portland Stone Firms. Ltd.), E.R.F., 68. 2.-1. Francis ( Transport, Ltd.), Commer, 120. 3.—H, Gundry Leyland. 133.
Class I (Services) I.—Cpl. Thorne (578 Sqdn., R„E„ TA.). Bedford. 71. 2.—Snr. Howard (578 Sqdn., R.E., T.A.),. Bedford, 90.
Best Maintained Vehicle Gundry (B.R.S.), Leyland.
Best C-licence Vehicle W. Lake (T. B. Lock and Sons, Ltd.), Bedford. Team Award Pease Transport, Ltd.—M. Aldrich. Bedford, SO..; H. Manning, Foden, 52; I. Francis. Commer.