A. Bull becomes loT president
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Anthony Bull, vice-chairman of the London Transport Board since 1965. has been elected president of the Institute of Transport. He will take office on October 1 1969 and deliver his presidential address on October 13. Mr. Bull has been the institute's hon. librarian since 1966 and in that capacity is at present a member of council, following earlier service as an ordinary member in 1955-59 and as vice-president in 1964-66. Mr. Bull is a member of the LIITP management committee.
H. G. Harwood has been appointed metrication officer to the Mechanical Handling Engineers' Association, to represent the Association in all future discussions on the subject and to keep its members informed of developments in this direction.
A. K. Plat-ten has been appointed honorary secretary of the Society of Service Managers: R. J. Griffiths becomes registrar. H. Smith has resigned as secretary and registrar because of personal commitments.
Derek L. Fytche, 41, traffic manager of the Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co. Ltd. since 1965, has been appointed deputy general manager as from June 1.
Ken W. Marsh, 40, has been promoted field sales manager of the number plate division of Hills (Patents) Ltd., Staines.
Leslie Sharp, formerly traffic superintendent with West Yorkshire Road Car Co. Ltd. at Keighley, has been appointed eastern area traffic superintendent in succession to Cyril Garforth, who retires after 40 years with the company.
J. H. Calvert has been appointed group transport adviser, and G. F. Wilson transport manager ofJohn Smith's Tadcaster B.y o. Ltd.
Stephen L. Stanley, 51, director of Ulster Ferry Transport Ltd.. has been appointed general manager of the Coast Lines Group road transport, Liverpool and Belfast. Mr. Stapley was formerly assistant general manager of Thomas Allen Ltd.. a subsidiary of Coast Lines.
Trevor Webster, formerly sales director of BLMC's truck and bus division, has been appointed deputy managing director of the overseas division led by Jack Plane. The division will expand British Leyland's interests outside Europe and North America. Louis Portman has been appointed marketing director--truck and buses.
Michael Bradstock, executive chairman, University Motors IHoldings) Ltd., has been elected president of the Motor Agents' Association in succession to Richard Hawksiey; W. T. R. Bridges, managing director. Chiltern Motor Holdings Ltd., becomes MAA vice-president.
D. Munt has been appointed manager of Ferrymasters Ltd.'s Hull branch. Mr. Munt was formerly British Road Services' Edinburgh branch manager.
D. Warren, formerly the BRS Southampton branch manager, becomes manager of Ferrymasters' Southampton branch. Gerard Servillat has been appointed area representative, Southern France, based at Lyons.
W. Harvey Carroll has been appointed managing director of H. Evers Ltd.. bulk haulage contractor, and H. Evers lAggregates) Ltd., subsidiary companies of Settle Speakman and Co. Ltd. Patrick J. Brett, 59, will join the staff of the National Bus Company on September 1 1969 as industrial relations officer, on transfer from the NFC. With the approval of the NFC. Mr. Brett's services will be made available to the NBC on an advisory basis, until he takes up his new appointment.
The Wakefield Memorial Scholarships for 1968-9, presented by Castrol Ltd. in memory of Lord Wakefield of Hythe. were awarded last week to K. N. Asher, from Bombay; S. K. Chong, from Kuala Lumpur; T. B. Urn, from Penang; and P. Squires, from Northampton. The first three scholarships are in automobile engineering and administration, the fourth in automobile engineering. The presentations were made at the College of Aeronautical and Automobile Engineering, Chelsea. by E. Eric Hughes, of Castrol.
J. E. Jennings, previously assistant to the late Mr. Beechey Newman. has been appointed fleet sales manager. Duple Group Sales Ltd. for the UK.
H. Collins has been appointed BRS Parcels Ltd. branch manager, Boston. Mr. Collins was formerly senior traffic clerk, Lincoln. C. E. J. Peak is area manager (designate) south western area. Formerly branch manager, Bristol, Mr. Peak will succeed T. F. C. Bell who is to retire shortly.
A. B. Smith, who has 44 years' unbroken service with the Rover Company, has been appointed managing director as from October 1. He succeeds W. Martin Hurst who is retiring. Bernard G. L Jackman, at present deputy general manager, will become general manager,
Gilbert Over has been elected junior vice-president. NAFVVR 1969/1970.
We record with regret the death of A. H. Shaw. Mr. Shaw was until recently sales director of Austin Crompton Parkinson Electric Vehicles Ltd. (now Crompton Leyland Electricars Ltd.).