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otor VOLUME 129 No. 3323 MAY 23 1969 There was nothing remarkable in the Minister of Transport choosing to put the railways in...
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from our industrial correspondent BRS raises Challenge to GPO rates by 5+ P.C. • British Road Services raised parcels rates...
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from our Parliamentary correspondent • The Transport {London) Bill was approved by the Commons this week and now goes on to the...
• Mr. Marsh has approved the drafting of regulations which will exempt certain small goods vehicles from carriers' licensing...
• The RHA international group has invited officials of the Ministry of Transport, Customs and Excise and the Home Office to...
• Diesel-engined nineand 12-seat bus models have today been introduced into the Ford Transit range. They are additional to the...
The basic Road Haulage Association 4 , member's subscription is to go up next • year from the present £4 to £7, with • the...
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Government committed to special authorizations • On June 17 last year the president of the Confederation of British Industry...
• Leading a procession of 70 floats in Hull tomorrow will be five vehicles making up a transport tableau presented by the Yorks...
• The Minister of Transport is being asked by hauliers, in the interests of road safety, to speed up work on a new type of road...
• The principal requirements of the new Liverpool market are to be accessible and to absorb its own traffic at peak times....
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• The sub-committee on Road Transport of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe's Inland Transport Committee opened...
• The great expansion in road transport in the South African economy was apparent in the second Overseas Lecture of the...
• Pengco, of Oxney Road, Peterborough, has supplied a Shelter-type body to the mechanical loading division of Geoffrey E....
• With the official opening last week of an impressive 44--acre service and spares depot at Ripple Road, Barking, Essex, Crane...
• Refuse collection vehicles with fully automatic transmission are now available from Shelvoke and Drewry Ltd., of Letchworth....
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Economy through Planning Last week, under the heading "Economy via wheels and workshops", Commercial M otor reported opening...
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Sheet glass, with a number of sheets in a block, is being transported swiftly and safely by road and sea in specially...
ONE of the leading container manufacturers in the country has formed a new company, Metro-Camnnell Containers Ltd.. to operate...
TRANSCONTAINER 1, the French National Railways new roll-on /roll-off container ship started services recently from Harwich to...
IN ADDITION to the large orders for containers placed with Cravens Homalloy of Sheffield (CM April 25), Dart Containerline Co....
A SAVING of approximately 20 per cent in total freight costs could be made by containerizing the trade between New Zealand, the...
A NEW SERVICE, the first of its kind, started recently for the movement of industrial coke from National Coal Board coke ovens...
INTERNATIONAL FERRY FREIGHT Ltd. has developed, with ICI plastics division, a system for carrying granular chemicals in bulk in...
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• Mr. T. Atkin, director, general haulage, Tayforth Ltd., criticized the customer when he addressed members of the Institute of...
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• The first prosecutions in the West Midland Traffic Area in connection with the new plating and testing regulations have been...
• On Tuesday, at the Skyway Hotel, London Airport, Alcan Industries Ltd., of Banbury, announced, before an invited audience of...
• The Post Office is prepared to have another look at the possibility of providing a mini postal bus service in Norfolk. Mr....
• Flashing direction indicators or warning triangles . . . Mr. Richard Marsh, the Minister of .Transport, is now trying to...
• Mr. Neil Carmichael, Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Transport, last week refused to say how much it had cost the...
• It is highly desirable that, in the interests of local amenity and safety, more lorry parks should be provided, Mr. Marsh...
• There may be another country-wide blitz against smoking lorries. The idea was mooted last week—and met with an interested...
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• In the interim report to shareholders in respect of the year ending June 30, 1969, the directors of Duple Motor Bodies have...
• An agreement between Newcastle upon Tyne transport committee and the TGWU to grant extra money to 180 bus inspectors and...
Opposition by Newcastle upon Tyne city council to the selection of union official Aid. A. Cunningham as chairman of the...
• A basic wage of £1,000 a year for o - m - o bus drivers in Edinburgh is the aim of their union leaders. This, they claim,...
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UITP Congress reported by Derek Moses • Attending a UITP Congress is similar, in many ways, to attending a conference...
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• After a nine-day hearing R. Hanson and Son Ltd., Wakefield, has been granted an A licence for 267 vehicles by the former...
• In a letter to the Western Traffic Area LA Mr. J. R. C. Samuel-Gibbon, in Bristol on Tuesday, Mr. E. E. Thatcher said that he...
• In Bristol this week. Mr. Samuel-Gibbon. the Western Traffic Area LA, granted the NFC (Pickfords) an additional 3 ton 5 cwt...
• At a Section 178 inquiry in Birmingham last week Mr. J. Courtney, of Birmingham, was told that he should personally supervise...
• An application by Larrow Transport (Northern) Ltd., of Birtley, County Durham, to include a tenth vehicle on their A licence,...
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• Appearing for the second time in three years at a Section 178 inquiry, F. Bullock (Hauliers) Ltd.. of Worcester, had a...
• Yorkshire /Blackpool Pool operators were granted a variation to their Doncaster-toBlackpool excursions licence by the...
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Anthony Bull, vice-chairman of the London Transport Board since 1965. has been elected president of the Institute of Transport....
• Independent checking of diesel engine performance to the BS AU 141 standard can now be provided by the Hemel Hempstead centre...
their paces in a demonstration at the Forton (Lanes) Motorway Service Area (M6) on Tuesday and Wednesday. In addition to...
• A "part-cab assembly is now available on the BMC 350 EA 3.5 ton gross van chassis. This has been designed for customers...
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• A long-established Lancashire removing and shipping concern, Colemans, of Garmoyle Rd., Liverpool 15, is putting into...
• Modifications to a standard three-axle semi-trailer suspension have been carried out by M and G Trailers (Lye) Ltd. as a...
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Loads and forces (1) • In the days of the 20-Plate and governed top speeds little in excess of 30 mph, .hauliers' vehicles...
• An electric crane designed for use on trucks has been developed by Ledger Equipment Ltd., Airfield Estate, White Waltham,...
• In order to cut out the usual delay between a purchasing decision and having the specialist equipment fitted to the chosen...
• First Crane Fruehauf open-top van semitrailers to incorporate the latest design of removable, hinged rear header have been...
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Extended-tours operators who attended the gathering organized by the Scottish Tourist Board last week seemed agreed that what...
One of the well-known "non-delegates" up in Scotland was J. Mack, former traffic manager of Scottish Omnibuses Ltd. who now...
There have been some very convincing reasons put forward from time to time for not erecting crash barriers on the central...
Even in retirement, Pointer Group director Jonah Latham will be keeping the wheels turning. I see that at a retirement ceremony...
Another presentation, on Monday of this week, was in recognition of setvice to three generations of haulage management Matthew...
Visiting Automotive Products at Leamington Spa this week I was heartened to hear that commercial vehicle fleet operators...
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by David Lowe . . • Winning three out of the eight contested classes and taking the RHA Challenge Trophy for the best A or B...
by James Millen • It was all happening at Warley on Sunday. Rain, hail, an "icy airstream from the Arctic" (Daily Telegraph), a...
by Paul Moody • The change of running order which the Glasgow committee introduced this year did not prove to be an...
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by Colin Ley • After winning his class in a brewer's van, 19-year-old J. L. Devine, (John Smith Brewers Ltd.) proved -that he...
by Paul Brockington • Last year it was sunny and warm at Coventry LDoY and veteran P. Willetts of the Lockheed Brake Company...
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by Tony Wilding • At one time there used to be a fair certainty that the Ruislip LDOY would have good weather; maybe a short...
by lain Sherriff • Did you ever crib from the boy in front at school and as a result lose the class .prize? Perhaps at first...
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CONTAINERIZATION and specialized mechanical handling are being introduced more and more into the transport of fresh provisions....
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JAPANESE, American and East European exhibits provide the international flavour at the third International Materials Handling...
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A SAVING of up to 20 per cent of the time involved in the loading and unloading of containers and box vans has been achieved at...
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An exclusive interview with Ashley Taylor THE KEY MAN in the new West Midlands Passenger Transport Area will be the...
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. co EXHIBITION REPORT by R. D. Cater, AMInstBE THE Coal Merchants' Federation Coal Handling Exhibition was opened at...
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NIEE FOR my journey to Nice, I mined a demonstration run organized by DaimlerBenze from Geneva. We made the run to the French...
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Man for all Seasons Apart from this the Ministry would not be giving detailed guidelines although the publication of general...
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LAST WEEK I described the bare bones of the flow-line accounting system devised by Mr. R. P. Block with particular reference to...
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Tables of Operating Costs and find them extremely valuable. A question has arisen that in comparing the cost, and in particular...
reference to, the position concerning a plated goods vehicle (not plated for train weight), which is used to tow in a...
want to know if it would be possible to tow a trailer less than 1 ton unladen weight with just overrun brakes? Would I need a...
connection with our business as farmers under a Goods (Farmer's) licence. We understand that on the appointed day A. B and C...
under the totting-up procedure for three offences in three years. Will I have to take another driving test before getting my...
papers to fluidics techniques. Could you explain the meaning of the term and the practical importance of fluidics? A Normally...
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LAST WEEK I indicated that there is no simple way of resolving the variety and complexity of entrance requirements for the...
I HAVE previously discussed the question of disqualification from driving which the courts may impose for some offences; now it...
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Managing Director of TaIllii011 Pleat Haulage Weed In a recent interview with Mr. Langdon, he explained some of the problems...