4,000 Miles Tyre Trials.
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(Meld under the Competition Rules of the Automobile Club of Great Britain and Ireland.)
The objects of the Trial are to test the durability of standard types of tyres (taken from stockl and their ability to run long distances without involuntary stops, and to ascertain and record their behaviour and the time occupied in replacements or adjustments.
I.—Under the Competiti.n Rules.—The Trials shall be carried out under the competition rules of the A.C.G.B.I. for the time being in force. The Club will provide official observers for, and give certificates of, the actual performances of any sets of tyres entered for the trials.
2.—Defiurtum.—A set of tyres in Classes A, 13, C, and D shall mean four tubeless pneumatic tyres or four outer covers and four inner tubes.
A set of tyres in Class E shall mean four inner tubes and four covers each with protective device.
A set of tyres in Classes F, G, H, and I shall mean four solid rubber tyres, or six if double tyres be used on the back wheels.
The competitor shall be pernutted to use additional tyres, cusers, inner tubes, or protective devices out of those that have been selected and marked by the Club before the commencement of the trials, provided such parts as are replaced are handed over to the Club as being worn out. Such replaced parts will not be returned to the competitor during the trials for any purpose. At the end of the trials the tyres, covers, inner tubes, or protective devices used or replaced during the trials shall become the property of the Club, and may be dealt with as the Club may think fit.
3.e-roaring Conditions. -The trials will be carried out as far
as possible under ordinary touring conditions, and the tyres shall be ordinary touring tyres as sold to the publie, and shall be chosen from stock by the Club. They shall be fitted to ordinary touring cars as sold to the public. The entrant shall provide a car or ears suitable, in the opinion of the Club, for the purpose of the trials, at his own expense, and fix the tyres thereto, and shall be responsible for the provision of everything necessary for the proper running of such car or cars.
4.—Entries.—Every entry shall be made upon the official entry form of the Club, and shall state, inter aiia, tha name of the .driver (or drivers), which must have been duly entered on the competitors' register. No entry will be accepted unless accompanied by the maximum entrance fee. Each entry shall be made on a separate form.
The entry shall also be accompanied by a full size detailed scale drawing of section of the tyre entered; also by a section taken from a similar tyre.
The trials will not be held unless a minimum of five sets oi tyres are entered on or before .Tanuary 3rd, zoo6
The Club shall have the right to refuse or return any entry without giving a reason.
5.—Fe.es.—Fees must accompany the entry form, and only such portion thereof shall be returnable as may be required to snake the entrant's fee correspond with the following schedule : If the number of sets of tyres entered from all sources be not less than five, or more than ten, the entrance fee shall be Zion per set of tyres; if it exceeds ten, but does not exceed fifteen, £75 per set of tyres; if it exceeds fifteen, but does not exceed twenty, .1:6o per set of tyres; ii it exceeds twenty, hut does not exceed thirty, ‘55 per set of tyres; if it exceeds thirty, 45o per set of tyres. These fees shall include competitors' registration fees.
6.—Classi ficalion.—For the purposes of this trial, tyres shall be. divided into the following classes, viz.:— Pneumatic Tyres.
A.—For light cars ; the total running weight (including two passengers averaging isolb. each) shall not be less than r,500lb.
13.—For medium cars; the total running weight (including four passeagers averaging isolb. each) shall not be less than 2,400lb.
C.—For touring cars; the total running weight (including four passengers averaging malls. each) shall not be less than 3,000lb.
D.—For heavy cars; the total running weight (including four passengers averaging x5o1b. each) shall not be less than 4,soolb.
No tyres in Classes A, B, C, and D may be fitted with any device which protects the tyre from wear.
Armoured Pneumatic Tyres.
E.—To be fitted to cars of which the total running weight (including four passengers averaging isolb. eachj shalt not be less than 3,000lb.
Class E is limited to a combination of tyre and armoured protective derice.
Solid Rubber Tyres.
F.—For light motor vehicles ; the total running weight (including two passengers averaging isolb. each) shall not be less than 1,5oolb. G.--For medium motor vehicles; the total lunning weight (including two passengers as eraging Isolb. each) shall not be less than 3,000lb. motor vehicles, such as delivery vans, etc. ; the total running iseight (including two passengers averaging xsolb. each) shall not be less than 6,000lb. I.—For heavy motor vehicles, such as omnibuses, lorries, etc.; the total running weight (including two passengers averaging r5olb. each) shall not be less than 14,00elb. No form of spring road wheel shall be used in these trials.
7.—Tyres under Observation.—The tyres shall be under the control and observation of the Club from the commencement of the trials until the completion of the trials. A competitor may, however, at any time before the completion of the trials, give notice in writing to the Club that he terminates the trials, and shall state his reason. In the event of such withdrawal or of any failure of the tyres to complete the trials, they shall be removed from the wheels by the competitor, if required, so that the observer may satisfy himself as to the cause of failure. 8.—Air Pressure.—The Club may test the air pressure of pneumatic tyres at such times as it may see fit, and the entrant shall run the tyres at a pressure not exceeding that declared by hint on his entry form.
9.—Awards.--The set of tyres in each class which accomplishes the most meritorious performance shall receive the Club's gold medal, and the second best (provided there are at least four entries in a class) shall receive the Club's silver medal. The Club will take into consideration the size, weight, and price of the tyres entered, in relation to the weight carried. A certificate of performance will also be issued to each competitor. A special trophy will be given in Class D if the performance of any one set of tyres is, in the opinion of the Club, considered sufficiently meritorious.
The Club reserves the right to withhold any award.
to.—C'eriifirate.—The Club reserves the right to add to the certificate a record of the parts which, at the end of the run, show in its opinion an undue amount of wear, or to add any other observations concerning the trials.*
ii.—Distance.—The distance to be run in these trials snail be 4,000 miles. If, at the conclusion of this distance, it *appears desirable to ally competitor to continue the trials for those tyres which prove to be still in good condition, he may do so at a fee of 4,2 per set of tyres per day.
2.—Running 7inte per Day.---A day's run shall not exceed sun miles. A day shall be taken to consist of 12 hours' continuous duty, at the expiration of which the observer shall be entitled to insist on the car being locked up and to go off duty.
A set of tyres which fails to complete a day's run within a period of 36 hours, or which is not ready to start on its run by 9 p.m. on any day, shall be deemed to be withdrawn, and the trial thereof shall be thereby ended. This shall not apply to delays caused by failures other than tyre failures. 13.—Date, Start, and Finish.—The trials shall commence on February tat, 19c6, and shall start from and finish at such place in or near London as the Club shall appoint.
r4.—Routes.—The routes shall be as far as possible on main roads, to be selected by the Club. The drivers will be provided with general particulars of the route each day, and shall be responsible for following it, but the observers shall assist them to the best of their ability in keeping to the route. If the route be missed, the car missing it must return to the point at which it left the route. If the whole route for the day is not completed by any car, it must complete that same route on the following day. m5.—Speed.—'f he car shall be driven throughout at a moderate speed and with due regard to other traffic on the road. The driver shall comply with any warning given by the observer, and disregard of this warning may involve the disqualification of the entry. The speed within towns and villages must be reduced, and in no case must a car be driven to the danger or inconvenience of other users of the highway. Infringement of this rule shall render a driver liable to disqualification 16.--.510,1e—All stoppages of the car wheels shall be re. • Voluntary stops shall be stops which the observer auttea such as stops of the car or engine for legal requirements—trathc, meals, lighting lamps, repairs to car or its mechanism, or ter the convenience of observer or driver. The engine may be stopped while running downhill or during any stops. A.I involuntary stops, and the reasons thereof, and the time occupied, will be noted by the observer and stated on the certificate. An involuntary stop shall mean any stop caused by failure if any part of the tyres, or made for the purpose of carrying out any adjustment or repair to the tyres which, if not rarriea out, might cause such failure. All involuntary stops fur tyres, and the time occupied, will be noted and stated on the certificate. Adjustments and repairs to the tyres shall be carried out by the diiver and mechanic only.
I7.—Pasrengers.---The full complement of passengers r r equivalent ballast, which shall net consist of spare parts, shall be carried throughout the run and the total weight thereof shall average not less than tactib. per passenger seat. The competitor shall be iesponaible for filling all the seats, except those for the ebserver or observers. The observer or observers shall have the choice of seats.
'S.—Clic:lige of Driver or Mechanie.—The driver and mechanic may he changed only with the consent of the observer. 19.-Brakes and Safety.—The Club reserves the right to te-t the car in the motor house with regard to efficiency of brakra, and to refuse to allow a car to continue to run if, in its opinion, such running would tend to the danger of the public or cf the occupants.
ao.—Washing and Ad jusiing.--The car shall be properly washed between the several runs, and the driver or mechanic may at the close of each day's run replenish the lubricators and tanks, and make such repairs or adjustments to the car and lts mechanism as they may think fit, and no record will be made on the certificate of the time so occupied. The time occupied in adjustments or repairs to the tyres either before or after a rut, or during a voluntary stop, together with the nature of such adjustments or repairs, shall be noted and stated on a -certificate.
Advertinng arc Trials.—A competitor entering fur the
trials thereby agrees to accept the official records of the Club, and authorises the Club to publish them in such manner as the Club thinks best. The competitor may publish only the full and complete certificate issued by the Club. In the event of his desiring to publish by way of advertisement or otherwise any other matter relative to the trials, he shall submit a proof of such matter to the Club before its proposed publication, and he undertakes not to publish any such matter until he has received the written authority of the Club for its publication_
22.—Restonsibiiiiy fur Darnage.—lt is one of the conditions upon which entries are accepted by the Club, that the Club shall not be responsible for any damage that may he done by or to the cars tied their accessones and contents during the trials, or while the cars are under the Club's charge in the building provided by the Club for the storage of competing vehicles, either by fire, accident, or otherwise, nor for the theft of any of the ears, or any of their accessories or contents. The cars and their accessories and contents shall be at all times subsequent to such entry, and until the close of the trials, at the risk in all respects of the person entering the same, and no action at law whatever shall lie against the Club, or any member or members thereof, in respect of any act or omission in connection with these regulations, or with regard to any matter arising out of or concerning these trials. k or the purpose of this regulation "accessories" includes tyres.
23.--Tcst Void.--In the event of illness of an observer, or other occurrence entirely beyond the Club's coatrol, rendering it impossible to carry out the trial of any set of tyres as intended, the Club may issue such certificate as the occasion warrants, end at its discretion return the whole or part of the entry lees, but the entrants agree by entering that they shall have no claim against the Club. 24.—t:ornyTtitor to info2'm himself. —Every competitor shall be deemed to be acquainted aith these regulations, and to undertake to be hnunci thereby, and by the competition rules of the Club for the time being in force. 25.—Intertraalzon of Regulations.—The interpretation of these regulatione shall rest entirely with the Club, who may from time to time alter, add to. or omit from them.