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We repeat what we have already written on several occasions—it is too early to speculate in the shares of companies which are...
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The circulation of our last number, containing our article on what to sec at the Show, exceeded 7,000 copies. of issue...
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Members of the Society of Motor Omnibus Engineers will pay a visit to Olympia this (Thursday) afternoon. The directors of the...
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The above title may seem somewhat misleading when it has to be stated here at the commencement that the most striking feature...
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In 1004 several gentlemen of influence in Sussex were anxious to start a service of motor omnibuses to connect Pulborough...
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The Editor's Stand-to-Stand Report of Commercial Vehicle Exhibits. We have introduced our forecast (November 2nd, itage IA,...
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The weights usually taken by commercial vehicles are generally too large to admit of the employment of pneumatic tyres, so this...
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time, cart be worn down as clo . se as possible to OH . . \■ heel. This latter item is very important, for the %vast, rubber...
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Some Impressions from Olympia. During the past years, in which the motorcar has been <71 the road, the attention of makers has...
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Self-Propelled Fire Engines and Omnibuses on the Increase. That motor plant should have begun to replace horsedrawn machines...
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Successful Acetylene Illumination an Important Factor. The efficient lighting of motor omnibuses is a question which has to be...
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(Meld under the Competition Rules of the Automobile Club of Great Britain and Ireland.) The objects of the Trial are to test...
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Where are the Steam Lorries? The Editor, " THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR." Sir :---The dearth of steam motor vehicles is a very...
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An Unlucky Run. " G.G." (Se.otby) writes us tm the e8th instant :--" St eing the letters which have appeared from time to time...
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Additional Appointments will shortly be made in other Towns. With a view to increasing the usetulness of the Motor Union,...
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.No. 27,996, dated December 21st, 1904. —Wheels.—T. Coulthard and T. Coulthard and Co.—Twin tyre wheels for non skidding...