What the Associations Are Doing
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THE only way for the National Conference of Express Carriers to persuade small carriers to join up would be to accept them in groups of local associations on payment of a maximum subscription from the association and not one from individual operators.
When " Smalls " carriers of Yorkshire met in Leeds on Tuesday last to form a county section of the Association, this was the opinion expressed by Mr. L. W. Morton of Holdsworth and Hanson (Leeds), Ltd., of Leeds, who acted as convenor.
The matter arose when the question of forming an area council was under discusion.
Mr. Morton said the Manchester Association had affiliated themselves to the National Conference, and similar action in Yorkshire, he said, would be an important step forward.
Mr. A. L. Holmes (Queen Carriage Co., Ltd ,) , Huddersfield, said that in Manchester there had been great difficulty in getting the one or two vehicle men to take an interest. No impression had been made on them, and there always seemed to be an atmosphere of suspicion. An association had been formed with the express intention of joining the conference, but the original association had never got in touch with the man with fewer than five vehicles.
Mr. Morton said, " I think the small fellows should be asked to affiliate by approaching them as an association, and that the only subscription to the Conference should be a maximum of £10 or so, as an association with no indi ✓ idual subscription, in groups of .20 or so carriers. The National Conference will have to be told that this is the only way in which they will get Yorkshire to come into line."
The meeting also discussed the " Square Deal " with the railways, and the question of licence objections by the railways.
°earl:, were elected as followsr-Chairman, Mr. B. A. Withcrick (Northern Express, Leeds);
S on. scary, Mr. W. Wood* (City Y..irpress Motors. Ltd., Bradford). Representative on Iknol-Rail Regional Committee; Mr. L. W. Morton Il(oldsworth and Hanson (Leeds), Ltd.); deptily rei>reeentative: Mr, Morris Mho Trans
• port 5.7tv.aes, Ltd.); representativeis on Ewentire Council of National Conference of Express Carrier.: Mr. Witherick and M. Morrie. York. aIEre Area C,nuncil: Mr. A. L. Holmeseteen 1:arriage Co. Ltd. Huddersfield', r. -J. Gcou..r.,■1 W. liold.sworth, Ltd.Halifaxi. Courel reprc-sentatives are also to be appointed Ion Leeds, Doncaster, Sheffield, York and HulL A euh-committee for Rates 4truoture will alsohe made.
Road.safety Exhibition at Leicester.
The traffic section. of the Leicester and County Chamber • of Commerce, in collaboration with the British Road Federation, is Organizing a Road Safety Exhibition, to be held in Leicester, for one week commencing Monday, July 10.
The centre attraction will be the now well-known working road model, sup-plied by the British Road Federation, which illustrates special features in road design and demonstrates the dangers of the present conditions of most urban main roads.
Numerous other exhibits will be supplied by national and local interests, and photographic sections will also be included.
The exhibition will be opened on the Monday by the Rt. Hon. The Earl Howe, C.B.E., Chairman of the British Road Federation.
Premises have been loaned for the occasion by Mr. J. C. Vaughan-Harbourne, chairman of the traffic section of the Chamber of Commerce, at 50-52, Belvoir Street, Leicester, and the exhibition has already been promised support by the Lord Mayor of Leicester and numy other dignitaries.
The exhibition will be open to the public, without charge, during the whole of the week from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Monday, July 10, to Friday. July 14 inclusive, and from 10 a.m. to p.m. on Saturday, July 15.
The exhibition of the British Road Federation's working model of a modern road system, held in co-operation with Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., at the Sandg-ate Road showrooms of Martin Walter, Ltd„ in Folkestone, from June 12-17 attracted Widespread interest.
The exhibition was opened by Alderman G. Spurgen, 0.13.E., J.P., who was introduced by Mr. G. R. Lyne Smith, manager of the showrooms. In the course of his speech Alderman Spurgen said: " The British Road Federation is urging that more money be devoted from special motor taxation for the purposes of national road construction and improvement than at present, thus relieving the ratepayers of this country of a large proportion of the sums they now pay annually for this purpose."