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T HERE have been suggestions—or perhaps it would be better to say hints— that this journal is published primarily to further...
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A Film to Encourage n URING the past few Mechanization of months at least three com • Farming panies have produced films on...
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That summer oils and some are not. That the Eagle A.R.P. laundry could clean any old rags, bottles or bones. That the best...
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WHAT CONSTITUTES LEGAL HIRING? I N its appeal against the grant of a variation of an A licence to Holdsworth and Hanson...
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MR. W. PARNELL, Of the Standard Haulage Co., Derby, has, we understand, been elected to the East Midland Area Wages Board in...
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Joint Action Sought Against Central Board's. Scheme A NEW LIGHT LAND TRACTOR. MAMED the Mectaur, a new agricul tural tractor...
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Mr. C. Owen Silvers, M.I.E.E., M.Insi.T., in His Paper Read at the Brighton Conference, Advocates the Abolition of Cheap Fares...
to renewals of A licences, on the score of change of operation, was set before Mr. Joseph Farndale, NorthWestern Deputy...
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connected with the use of com mercial motors. Letters should be written on only one side of the paper. The right of...
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A STRAIGHTFORWARD and practical means for overcoming the disadvantage of lost body space, which normally accompanies the use of...
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How Bouts-Tillotson Transport, Ltd., Takes Pains Over the Upkeep of Its Vehicles, A Well planned Depot Where No Time is Lost A...
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wiE much regret to learn of the IN death, at Manchester, of Dr. Harold F. Haworth, Ph.D., M.Sc., etc., on ) une IS, at the age...
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Maximum-load 30 m.p., Characteristics of Gene Braking, Economica, :le, With Outstanding 1-worthiness, Exceptional g and Ample...
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L EGAL arguments, lasting nearly seven hours, chiefly on the issue as to whether three applicants for the regrant of A licences...
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PASSENGER TRANSPORT STRONG CRITICISM OF BRITISH RAILWAYS D RAWING attention to the prospect of increased demand for holiday...
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Latest Figures for Goods and Had Vehicles Make Dull Reading and Continue Recent Downward Trend A s was intimated in our issue...
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Some Suggested Schedules of Brick Rates and Suitable Comments Thereon, Excessive Rates are as Dangerous as Low Ones T HERE has...
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in the way that Mr. William Robertson, of Wellgate, Lanark, did, and can look hack on so many changes in an industry. When a...
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EXPRESS CARRIERS AND THE "SMALL MAN." T HE only way for the National Conference of Express Carriers to persuade small carriers...
Plymouth Corporation has accepted the tender Of D. Andrea and Co., Ltd., for the supply of a Morris commercial 1-too van....
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Describing the Varied Uses of the Container and Methods of Construction, Our Coachbuilding Expert Offers Suggestions for...
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By Our Special Parliamentary Co rrespondent WHY NOT USE EMERGENCY TRACTORS NOW? WHEN moving the second reading of VV the...
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A Resume' of Recently Published Patent Specifications T HE usefulness of a tipping body is greatly enhanced if the load can be...