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One Hears—

24th April 1942, Page 17
24th April 1942
Page 17
Page 17, 24th April 1942 — One Hears—
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

Of trams for sale—at Southend-on-Sea.

That they were really scrap many years ago.

As a plea for good roads, the better the way, the better the speed.

That the motor industry's R.A.S.C. and R.A.O.C. Comforts Fund has obtained a total of 127,540.

That road transport considers itself to be " no small beer" in the transport of alcoholic refreshment.

That some of the 1,200 tyre supplying and exchanging concerns cannot understand why they have been selected.

That many will have to beg, borrow or — heavy gear from the less fortunate but better equipped.

That Service drivers and other troops, despite the official ban, are still obtaining meals at cafés intended mainly for road users.

How fortunate it is for Press astrologers that papers are speedily collected for salvage and are, therefore, seldom available for reference. That hydraulic tappets don't tap.

Of unintentional co-operation—Crossley publicizing Napier.

That on some routes catering for drivers might well be intended for Beans Express.

That the proprietors of many drivers' cafés have little or no knowledge of how to obtain their correct ration.

That the dockers' canteen at Avonmouth provides special Sunday facilities for drivers—on other days local cafés are open.

That the Ford company is dead against any endeavour to obtain higher prices for reconditioned tractors by putting them up for auction.

Of discussions as to the future of the commercialvehicle trade—whether post-war sales will be handled on a greater scale than hitherto by established retail traders.

That there are many 'who hold the belief that the after-sale service traders can offer will be a deciding factor in the placing of orders.

Of those who travel only by rule of thumb.

Of vehicles insufficient in numbers to accommodate all the " thumbers."

That " Tantalus " certainly keeps the pot boiling—and sometimes over !

That we could do with some of those "seven-league boots "—without coupons.

Complaints about the transparency of some envelope labels— except from nosey-parkers.