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A PPARENTLY very few of our readers are ..aware that if, instead• of repairing the engine of a petrol vehicle, it be replaced...
D URING a play recently broadcast, King Charles II complained in humorous terms that Mr. Pepys of the Navy Office was in the...
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Of trams for sale—at Southend-on-Sea. That they were really scrap many years ago. As a plea for good roads, the better the...
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SATURDAY LAST DAY FOR RETURNING TYRES -ro-MORROW is the last date by I which tyre dealers or stockists, not notified of...
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N O comment is available, from the Leeds Area Manag ement Committee of the Hauliers' National Traffic Pool, or officials of...
I N his report at the annual general meeting of the East Lancs Area of Associated Road Operators the area chairman, Mr....
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A N announcement from the Ministry of Supply states that, as from May 1 replacement pistons and cylinder liners for all i.c....
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T HE effects of the position in Malaya have been to cut off over F) per cent. of our supplies of natural rub ber....
AREA ACTIVITIES.—Reports from area offices of the Ministry and National Pool show that local organizations everywhere are...
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Solving the Problems of the Carrier Showing that a Wellknown Scheme Deemed to be Applicable to Only Large Fleets can be...
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We Bled to Death the South American Rubber Trees, We Neglected Our Potential Sources of Synthetic Rubber at Home, and Now We...
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QUITABLE for all types of heavyLi - duty commercial vehicle, a new B.V.P. producer-gas trailer unit has just been introduced by...
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Progressive Trans at Bradford port Syste Trolleybuses and Motorbuses are Achieving Considerable Success an Municipal Service...
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FUNCTIONS OF THE BRITISH ROAD FEDERATION M Y attention. has been drawn to the article by your contributor, "Tantalus," in your...
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A Precis of an Important Book on This Subject, the Author of Which is Gilbert Walker, Lecturer in Economics, University of...
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F OR some years past experiments with electrically operated injectors have been carried out by Aeroplani Caproni S.A., of...