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13,V.P. Features New Heavy-duty Gas-producer Trailer

24th April 1942, Page 25
24th April 1942
Page 25
Page 25, 24th April 1942 — 13,V.P. Features New Heavy-duty Gas-producer Trailer
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QUITABLE for all types of heavyLi-duty commercial vehicle, a new B.V.P. producer-gas trailer unit has just been introduced by British Vehicle Producer Gas, Ltd., 120, Pall Mall, London, S.W.1. It constitutes an item of principal interestin the company's revised range, which also includes plants for 2-3-tonners and 4-6-tonners, respectively, a set of components for assembly on a trailer, and suitable for vehicles up to 2-3 tons, and a light-van plant.

Trials in service of one of the new heavy-duty trailers appear to indicate that it represents an advance on the model it supersedes. We are informed that one of the first of these trailers to be delivered was at once put into operation by a municipality, being used in cenjunction with a converted 7.8-litre compression-ignition engine installed in a double-deck bus, and operating on a route involving over four stops per mile. Its performance is stated to have been found satisfactory by all concerned.

As is unmistakably manifest by an accompanying picture, symmetry characterizes the outfit. The illustration is virtually a plan view of the set, being reproduced from a photograph

taken from a b-o v e the trailer. Assuranee that the trailer chassis is of first-class manufacture is afforded by the fact that it is a product of .j. Brockhouse and Co., Ltd., Victoria Works, West Bromwich, which concern also supplies the coupling gear, etc.

Larger than that of the displaced model, the fuel capacity of the producer, which is of the cross-draught dry-blast type, is stated to be 200-300 miles. There are four cooler tubes through which the gas first passes, and from them it is conveyed, to the primary cleaner, of which the element is a sisal pack. Thence, it goes to the Vacumatic fluid scrubber, claimed to afford 98 per cent, efficiency, and through a final sisal filtering device, which serves, presumably, for extraction of the remaining particles, and for separation of the gas from the liquid it may have picked up in the filter. From this unit a pipe line leads to the engine.

A water-cooled tuyere is employed, the large cooling tank being mounted between the producer and the firststage filter, Poke holes are provided for declinkering the nozzle, and there is a flame trap in the air intake. All detachable covers on the filters, cooler tubes, hopper, and firebox are secured by strong clamping bars and handwheel screws.

In addition to the main components, there are supplied 12 ft. of 21-in, steel piping, a connecting length of armoured hose, a mixing valve, a carburetterconversion casting, and a trailer coupling, The price quoted for a trailer is £185 and delivery can be given in 8-12 weeks, or with a " priority M form " in about half that time. The trailer is equipped with an automatic braking device, incorporates -a highgrade steel axle, springs, roller bearings, and " easy clean " pressed-steel wheels shod with pneumatic tyres. The equipment includes the usual items.

Various means have in the past been provided for facilitating the initial lighting-up of the producer fire. In the case of the latest B.V.P. range a scheme has been developed whereby there is incorporated in the air intake to the tuyere a tubular ring wound with asbestos string, and freely perforated with many small holes. This is connected to a small' paraffin tank, so all that has to be done is to turn on a tap until the asbestos is soaked in liquid fuel, to light it, and then to start the draught. This lighting-up apparatus costs £2 2s, extr.

The lightweight plant for assembly on operators' own trailer chassis is offered at £100. Model-B plant for 2-3-tonners costs £120, Model C for 4-6-tonners £125, and the light-van plant is listed at £85.

It is of note that the steel wool and coconut-fibre pads formerly used as filtering media are no longer employed, sisal being relied upon as the only additional requirement to the Vacumatic scrubber. This substance can be obtained from British Ropes, Ltd., Anchor and Hope Lane, Charlton, London, S.E.7. It is sold in a form specially prepared for producer gas under the name Brithemp sisal. The liquid used in the scrubber is light oil, a variety of types being suitable; purified used engine oil diluted to an appropriate viscosity may be employed.

Another refinement worthy of mention is the Duplex foot control. This auxiliary, which costs 47 10s., is an " extra " that enables the accelerator pedal to be used for running on both petrol and gas, the change-over being made by means of a mechanism incorporating a Bowden-type push-pull control operated from the dashboard.