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IC asks for bond in building society

24th April 1997, Page 25
24th April 1997
Page 25
Page 25, 24th April 1997 — IC asks for bond in building society
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

• A Kingswinford operator has been granted a fresh licence for four vehicles and two trailers, on condition that he deposits £10,000 in a building society account.

West Midland Traffic Commissioner John Mervyn Pugh said the licence granted to Wendy Nitsch, trading as Safe and Sound UK, would lie on the table until he received confirmation that the money had been deposited.

Nitsch had

been called before the Tc at a Birmingham public inquiry because of con

cerns over finance and repute: her transport manager, Ron Nitsch, had failed to report convictions for the unauthorised use of vehicles to the Traffic Area.

Financial evidence was heard in private. Mervyn Pugh said there had been concerns about finance because of an involvement with a previous operation. He was disappointed to find that there had been convictions for operating vehicles without a licence.

Though he did not find that the Nitschs had lost their repute at this stage, the existing convictions would be taken into account if there were any further convictions.