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Hours Law
I refer to the article in CM 3-9 April 1997 I headed "Misleading hours guide". With clarification on certain aspects of the legislation appearing from Brussels, and court cases......
Load Defence
I n the Legal Bulletin section of Commercial Motor I was surprised to read the statement "If you're overloaded, you must be guilty" and Gary Hodgson's suggestion that if a......
Gary Hodgson Replies. In The Article It Clearly States: "the
position seems to be that the operator is guilty, unless he can prove otherwise, at least as far as dynamic axle weighbridges are concerned," and, "The message from the high......
Growing Support
Tread with interest some of 1 your comments and those of JS Cook & Sons in last week's Commercial Motor. As the managing director of Daly Transport Services, which operate just......
No Trip—no Truckfest?
T am writing, in sheer disbelief, to warn other parents of the perils of arranging a trip to Truckfest for a truckmad three-year-old. My husband drives for a company that......