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News and Comment.

24th February 1910
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Page 10, 24th February 1910 — News and Comment.
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The comment and views of this journal are respected and carry weight, because members of its Editorial staff have practical experience and knowledge of the construction and use of commercial motors. Our circulation is genuine, and includes the heads of many wealthy commercial houses.

Lever Bros., Ltd., of Port Sunlight, now has a fleet of more than 50 motorvans ; the load capacities range from 15 cwt. to 5 tons.

Exaggerated statements about petrol consumption are likely to do considerable harm to the industry, and we deal with several aspects of this subject on page 518.

Motor-wagon-carrying points in the Manchester district, and comparisons between the state of affairs in 1910 and 1901, form the subject of our first leading article this week.

The contents of this issue arc largely directed to the further treatment of the looter-transport requirements of Manchester and the area whose interests are identified with the cotton city and port. Some 3,0(X) extra copies of this number are being circulated in the Manchester district, in accordance with our announcements.


The annual general meeting of the Commercial Motor Users' Association will take place, on Wednesday next, the 2nd pros., at Caxton House, Westminster, S.W., at 4 o'clock. Additional nominations are invited for membership of the Executive Committee. At this month's ordinary meeting, eight new members were elected.

The official notice reads as under :— Notice is hereby given that the annual general meeting of the Commercial Motor Users' Association will be held at Caxton House, Westminster, S.W., on Wednesday, 2nd March, 1910, at 4 p.m., to transact the following business : 1. To confirm minutes of previous annual general meeting.

2. The consideration and adoption of the report of the Executive Committee.

3. The presentation and passing of the statement of accounts and balance-sheet for the year 1909.

4. To elect an auditor for the year 1910.

Executive Committee.

Notiee is hereby given that under Rill,, 15 of the Association nominations for the Executive Committee must be received in writing by the 1st March, 1910. The following have already been

nominated R. E. Crompton ; Mr. T.. G. Oldfield ; Mr. M. J. Davey; Mr. II. Thomson Lyon ; Mr. E. Shrapnell Smith Mr. J. C. Mitchell; Mr. H. W. Wigan ; and Sir T. D. Pile, Bart.

The following members remain in office for 1910 :—Mr. G. Arnold ; Mr. W. G. Lobjoit ; Mr. W. J. Baker ; Mr. J. Scott ; Mr. E. Godfrey Brewer; Mr.

D. H. Simpson ; Mr. F. C. A. Coventry; Mr. Chas. Wheeler ; Mr. F. R. de Bertodano; Capt. IL K. Bagnall-Wild ; Capt. A. E. Davidson ; Mr. W. M. Hodges; Mr. W. H. Willcox ; Mr. H. Howard Humphreys ; and Mr. I. Witherington.



14th February, 191.0.

The adjourned discussion on Mr. T. B. Browne's paper is fixed for Tuesday evening next, the 1st March.

Halley Orders.

Halley business is booming, and this fact is due, in probably equal proportions, to the intrinsic merits and sound design of the chassis and the excellent sales organization of Halley's Industrial Motors, Ltd. The new development, under which the output of the works is taken, for a long term of years, by a new organization, of which Mr. Arthur J. Foster is the general manager, and to which we refer at some length on page 528, should prove an enormous step forward, in spite of the previous high standard of results in all departments.

Amongst recent orders for Halley vehicles, the following are to be noted : two five-ton tip wagons and one threeton lorry for Australia ; three 25 cwt. chassis, making six Halley machines in all, for Harrod's Stores; two 25 cwt. vans, making four Halley machines for this company, for the Civil Service Co-operative Society, Ltd. ; one 25 cwt, van, making three Halley vehicles (two at the Aldershot branch), for the Junior Army and Navy Stores, of Regent Street, S.W. ; one 30 cwt. furniture van for Messrs. Ffannington, of Brighton, making the third Halley vehicle for that firm ; and one 25 cwt. lorry, making the fourth Halley chicle for the same owner, for the " X " Chair Patents Co. Another export order is for a large rubber com

pany in the Straits Settlements, and further orders are expected as the outcome of recent sound rubber flotations. Two three-ton Halley vans are on the point of delivery to the Gas Light and Coke Co., and a 25 cwt. mail van to the Stores Department of the G.P.O., London.

Mr. E. Godfrey Brewer.

Mr. E. Godfrey Brewer, M.I.Mech.E., who recently—by mutual agreement— dissolved partnership with Mr. E. It. Calthrop, M.I.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., is now established as a consulting engineer at 56, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W. Mr. Brewer desires it to. be known that he is in no way related to, or connected with, another Mr. Brewer, of Westminster, whose name has figured in the lists of the Probate and Divorce Division.

Fire-brigade Matters.

Southport's order for a first-aid engine had not been placed on Monday morning last; an early decision in the matter is expected.

The Rhondda District Council has secured the right of purchase, through a special committee which it appointed, of a suitable plot of land for the erection of a fire station. It is intended that the new station shall accommodate a motor fire-engine.

Since our issue of last week went to press, with its report upon the tests of motor fire-engines at Glasgow, we have received an official communication from Firemaster "Waddell, in which he gives particulars of the deeplift tests. It appears that the Halley engine inarle two lifts from a depth of 25 ft., the first in 36 secs., and the second in 23 secs. ; the Dennis engine made the same lift, but it took 2 mins. and 26 sees. We understand that the Dennis engine was shorthanded, and this, we think, was extremely shortsighted on the part of those in charge, as there is never a shortage of men at a fire, and it is a pity that this apparently-adverse record should be put up against the Dennis engine for that reason. Apropos the horse-power of the three engines which took part in the tests, the dimensions which we published last week will have shown our readers that, according to the R.A .C. rating, Dennis and Halley were each of 60 h.p. Merryweather and Sons, Ltd.. informs us that its engine gives 60 b.h.p., but we have not been advised of the bore and piston-stroke ; judging from external appearance, we should say that they are at least as great. as in either of the other engines, but we shall be happy to publish them hereafter. Pressure of special matter this week, on our text pages, necessitates the holding over of " Answers to queries " and several letters of " Opinions from others."

" Steam or Petrol " and " Steel or Rubber " is the title which we have given La our report of an interviea with Mr. William Birtwistle, of Blackburn and Preston. It will be found on pages Z22 and 523.


An announcement is made elsewhere in this issue of the flotation of Pfleumatie (1910), Ltd. Readers of this journal are aware of the high opinion which we hold in regard to this company's prospects.

Motor Carrying.

Cotton spinners and manufacturers, bleachers a n d dyers, calico printers and finishers, paper makers and other manufacturers or traders, who may desire to obtain quotations from reliable carriers, should watch the announeements, from time to time. in our sundryadvertisement pages.

White Steamers.

The White three-ton steam truck, of which our United States correspondent sent home the first advices eight weeks ago, a as turned to good account, during the great snowfall at New York last month. and two photographs are reproduced herewith. It was found that the White truck did the work of at least four ordinary two-horse trucks. Whereas the horses were frequently falling down, the motor travelled over the snow without difficulty, and it could have been kept in service for several days in succession with relays of drivers.

Go to the Show.

We strongly urge readers of this journal, both new and old, alio are within convenient access of Manchester by road or rail communication, to pay a visit to the exhibition at the City Hall not later then Saturday next.

Although this week's number has proved to require that IllOSL of its space should be devoted to Manchester topics and interests, a general statement of van data, together with letters which are typical of a very large number that we have received from tigers within the past few weeks, will be found on pages 544 to 550. The fact that much of. this testimony concerns old vans and repeat orders, should duly impress prospective buyers. The statements are plain.

Double-purpose Bodies.

The supplementary list of Sturmey Motors, Ltd., of Coventry, sets out some excellent examples of doublepurpose vehicles ; the conversion of a van to a ear is often desirable, whether for jobbing or private use.

St. Helens Rubber.

We have pleasure in directing attention to the fact that the St. Helens Cable and Rubber Co., Ltd., of Warrington, is now making excellent band-type tires, and in recommending them for consideration.

North-British Goods. The North British Rubber Co., Ltd., is not showing at the Manchester Motor Show, but the company has an exhibit of its many interesting lines at the Manchester warehouse, 14, Cumberland Street—off Deansgate.

New Registrations.

The Co., Ltd., with an authorized capital

of £15,000 in shares, and with its Ake at 638, Salisbury House, London Wall, E.C., to manufacture, bay. sell, let on hire or otuerwise deal in industrial and commercial automobiles, motors and motorcars ot every description, etc. South African Agricultural and Transport Motors, Ltd., with an authorized capital of £27,500 (25,000 preferred ordinary shares of £1 each and 50,000 deferred shares of is. each), and with its office at 62, London Wall, E.C. First directors: J. D. Alexander, 2, St. Helens Place: E.C.; C. N. I.. Cazalet, Whitehall Court, S.W.; J. B. Garbe, Durban, Natal ; J. Melling, Dashwood House, New Broad Street. E.O. ; P. C. Tarbutt, 18, St. Swithin's Lane, E.C. Secretary for London, Herbert Lea.