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The new circulation of our special number on " Motor Hiring and Contracting," in October, 1908, was largely concentrated upon...
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From his recent remarks before the Coventry Engineering Society, it is evident that Mr. S. F. Edge is not without apprehension...
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100-mile Road Trial with a Marshall Military Motor. Homoe," writing of the relative rates of the efficiencies of steam and...
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The Views of a Lancashire Cotton Spinner. By the Editor. Mr. William Birtwistle, of Blackburn and Preston, was the pioneer of...
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...i i .World. News contributiong are incited: payment v;i11 be made Gn publication. Our Weekly Table. The tabular return...
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" Th e 5x - tz-actor" I have said, more than ()nee, that it Sets as a tonic on me to glance through a full order book, and A...
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The comment and views of this journal are respected and carry weight, because members of its Editorial staff have practical...
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Formation of a Company in London to Act as Sole Concessionnaire for all Parts of the World. Halley's motors continue to make...
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The Corporation of the City of Mantheater, which has never gone out of its way to encourage the employment of public-service...
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News contributions are incited : payment nil/ be made on publication. Trouble at Cardiff. During last week, the smithe.rn...
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The First-published Stand-to-Stand Report of the Show at the City Hall. The main exhibits comprise: one tractor ; seven steam...
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The outstanding feature, in the matter of solid-rubber tires, is the practical equality of the numbers fitted by two leading...
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By a Lancashire Carrier. While I have no desire to be dogmatic as to the future development of these two sources of motive...
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Progressive Improvements in Working Costs for Petrol Vehicles. Valuable Testimony from Satisfied Owners. Steam vans and...
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"Much More Work." Messrs. Kench and Sons, Millers, of Warwick, under date the 10th inst., write.—" We have one Sentinel '...
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Should _Motor Manufacturers also Conduct a Business as Carrying or Hauling Contractors ? The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR....
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Selected Information which is likely to be of 'Merest to Makers, Owners, and their Buyers. An Old Tool in a New Guise. Markt...
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With the daily-increasing employment of commercial-motor vehicles at home and abroad, it becomes increasingly evident that...
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TEN SHILLINGS WEEKLY for the Best Communication Received, and One Penny a Line of ten words for any thing else published....
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Complete specifications of the following patents will be sent to any address in the United Kingdom upon receipt of eightpence...