No Permits for Port 'Traffic
Page 41
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THE Midland area is more fortunate in the granting of permits than any other part of the country. In the Potteries, the Ronk Haulage Executive claims that it can provide the necessary vehicles for the stream of traffic to and from the ports and refuses all applications for permits.
Mr. 0. F. Goodwin, West Midland Area secretary of the Road Haulage Association, made these comments at the annual general meeting of the Warwick, Leamington and Stratfordon-Avon Sub-area, last week. The position in the Potteries was so bad, he declared, that a deputation had been appointed to meet the Executive permits officer, who had promised to reconsider exceptional cases of the refusal of permits resulting from the non-return of form P.R.2(A). There was, however, little hope of success. There had been several eases of hardship through incorrect information being supplied.
Mr. W. A. Weatherhead, the local secretary, reported that the sub-area's request for a comprehensive rates schedule had been considered at an area meeting. It had been decided that the, sub-area committee should compile a schedule and an offer was made by the area committee to supply all the available data.