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A S if to make amends for some of the damage done to the free development of road transport during wheeled Si the past 41...
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A SSUMING that the country's legislators become increasingly motivated to improve the efficiency of road transport, it is a...
New Plastic White n NE of the most useful aids Lines With Reflecting %-. 1 to the driver, particularly Studs on unilluminated...
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That two heads may be better than one, but not when on the same penny. Only a very . few cries of distress because Cardiff's...
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n UR1NG the resumed hearing by the Metropolitan Licensing Authority, on Monday, of an application for A licences for Annis and...
⢠IT is understood that the Bristol Tram ways and Carriage Co., Ltd., Bristol, is building a prototype 30-ft. single-deck...
TT is understood that Dennis Bros., I Ltd.. Guildford, is building a horizontal-engined single-decker passenger chassis, which...
DRICES offered by the Road Haulage Executive for vehicles acquired from hauliers continue to drop. " The Commercial Motor" was...
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F IVE freedoms for hea'vy-vehiele manufacturers were demanded by Mr. C. W. Reeve, C,B.E., chairman of Associated Commercial...
A VIGOROUS campaign 'to recruit .. .manufacturers and suppliers as associate members of the Passenger Vehicle Operators'...
nESPIT strong protests from the 1- 1 railways, Glasgow Corporation and big bus companies, the Scottish Deputy Licensing...
THE Midland area is more fortunate in the granting of permits than any other part of the country. In the Potteries, the Ronk...
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MR. E. POPPE has resigned his directorship of Douglas (Kingswood), Ltd. ⢠MR. T. Musa°, service engineer of F. Perkins,...
THE keen post-war demand for Continental travel is reflected in the large number of applications for licences for these tours....
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B y an award of the National Arbitration Tribunal applying to vehicles Operated by members of the Conference of Liverpool and...
America last year produced 1,123.736 commercial vehicles, compared with 1,363,856 in 1948. Dennis Bros., Ltd., Guildford, has...
MEWCASTLE Corporation and the 1, 1 Gateshead Tramways Co. have reached final agreement on the company's Bill which is being...
WHAT the All Ceylon Omnibus PV Companies Association describes as " an insidious attempt on the part of the Government to...
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I T is understood that the draft of the new consolidated Conditions of Fitness Regulations, which is to be distributed to...
T HE action against six members of the executive council of the Transport and General Workers' Union and the London Transport...
" CARES in the London area are to 1 . be increased after October order to help offset the losses on British Railways,"...
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has been discontinued this year by Brush Coachwork. Ltd. " We have not gone out of the business and our development and...
H AULIERS in County Durham have decided to oppose a decision by Durham County Council to abolish a I2-year agreement and obtain...
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Spending Pounds to Save Pennies A PENNY-SAV1NG policy that is probably wasting hundreds of pounds is being followed by the...
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F 4 XPER1ENCE in the h o in e market and in various countries overseas has led to the introduction, by Saunders Engineering and...
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By R. W. Bent, M.I.Mech.E. U NLIKE the private car engine, the commercial vehicle power unit has never been handicapped by a...
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By L. J. COTTON, M.I.R.T.E. A REMARKABLE improve 7 ment in performance and fuel consumption has been attained in the Crossley...
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QOM E of the most important appeals to arise from a decision of the West Midland Licensing Authority were heard before Mr. I....
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M UCH has been made during recent weeks of =contradictory statements by prominent politicians. The leader of the Conservative...
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Rotofig Dampers WITH the introduction of additional VI' models in the 'range of Rotoflo dampers manufactured by Universal...
MHILST there was controlled coil' ordination between road and rail transport in Western Germany before the war, railways are...
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A FEW days ago we dispatched the first examples of I â Ia batch of 100 reconditioned ex-W.D. vehicles to the docks for...
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L'QU1PPED with two electric motors, new Brush three-wheeled industrial tractor has an electrical differential between the front...
B UiLT to the company's own design and manufacture, 367 underfloor-engined singledeck buses and coaches are now in service with...
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Parcels Carrying A Guide to Small Operators in This Work Who Have Unique Problems to Deal With and Whose Success Depends on...
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A NOVEL design for a. lorry comes . in patent No. 631,764, from R. Ruelle, 5, rue Manin, Paris, which shows a chassis having a...