NEWS of the WEEK
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The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport, at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crozier.
exported for the month, we find that there was a fall, the figure of 1,108 comparing with. 1,364 a year earlier, the value being in proportion (R182,985 contrasted with £203,395). During the whole year 11,434 commercial chassis, having a value of £1,765,819, were exported.
Daily Licences for Showmen's .
A suggestion that daily licences should be available for showmen's vehicles has been presented to the Minister of Transport, by Mr. James Stiles, of the 'Showmen's Guild. In many instances showmen require to move their gear only a few miles at infrequent intervals, and, at present a quarterly licence is necessary ev'en if machines be used for only one day.
The proposal is for a day licence that may he obtained from any post office, at a cost of 10s. -The plan would have to be sent to the Treasury for examination. EXEMPTION FOR LIMITED TRADE LICENCES.
The Minister has made substantive Regulations (The Road and Rail-Traffic Act (Exemption) Regulations, 1936) to replace previous provisional Regulations which exempted . goods vehicles from the licensing provisions of the Act when used for certain purposes.
The exemptions provided for in the previous provisional Regulations are continued, with the addition of vehicles which are being used under a limited trade licence within the Meaning of the Road Vehicles (Registration and Licensing) .Regulations, 1924,
Designer of Electrical Equipment Required.
A first-class man is required by a well-established London concern to take charge of the design of dynamos and electric starters for motor vehicles. A good salary will he paid. Letters addressed " Electrical 1L1esigner," care of the Editor, will be forwarded.
The employers' panel of the SouthEastern Joint Conciliation Board met, last week, to consider the recent award of the appeals committee of the National Joint Conciliation Board on the final grading of the area. It was unanimously resolved that no good purpose could be served by a meeting of the South-Eastern Board at this juncture, and that consideration of the award should be suspended until. the National Board had replied to the Associated Road Operators' deputation to the national employers' panel.
London Display of Reos.
During the fortnight commencing Monday, January 27, a display of the complete range of Reo commercial vehicles marketed in this country, will be held . by Sessions Motor Services, Ltd., at Cricklewood, London, N.W.2. Apart from complete vehicles, a number of stripped chassis will be on
view. .
Tilling and B.A.T. Report: Increased Profit.
The report of Tilling and British Automobile Traction, Ltd., for the year ended December Si. 1935, shows a profit of £328,718, against £276,877 for the• previous year. The dividend for the year on both the preference and Ordinary shares is 10 per cent., the former absorbing £20,000 and the latter £250,000, and, after £10,000 are transferred to the general reserve, there is a sum of £232,768 to be carried forward, which compares with £184,050 brought into the accounts. The income of the company was £349,731, which is a useful advance on the figure of £295,473 for 1934.
Death of Rochdale's Municipal Transport Manager.
We regret to learn of the death of Mr. G. Webster, general manager of Rochdale Corporation's transport department. Before the system was acquired by the. corporation., Mr. Webster was chief clerk to the Rochdale Steaan Tram Co.; Ltd., and on the change-over was appointed manager. MR. D. P. HEss, assistant to the president of the Timken Roller Bearing Co., of Ohio, recently arrived in this country during the course of a short visit to Europe,
MR. GEORGE A. FINCH, of Nottingham, has been appointed the representative for Specialloid, Ltd., inColombia and Venezuela. He leaves for these territories next month.
SIR JOHN MAXWELL, chairman of the Northern Traffic Commissioners, has accepted an invitation f Consett Urban District Council to open its new bus station on February 12.
MR. JAMES M'MILLAN, of Jerviston, has been appointed transport manager to Airdrie Burgh, and takes over his duties on january27 He will manage the cleansing And other „transport services. • We reproduc:ean this page a portrait of Mn. D. T. BUCHANAN, who has been appointed advertising manager of the Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co. (Great Britain), Ltd., Wolverhampton. Mr. Buchanan was a newspaper correspondent in France and in the Far East and joined the Goodyear concern in 1928. Since that time, he has had extensive experience in Goodyear advertising in many parts of the world.
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Owing to continued in-health, MR. ALFRED G. JErEs, J.P., who has been chairman of Henry Meadows, Ltd., Wolverhampton, since the company's inception in 1919, has reluctantly resigned from the board. Ma. HENRY MEADOWS, who founded the company and has been managing director from the commencement, has been unanimously elected chairman.
Additions have recently been made to the board of directors of H. M. Hobson (Aircraft and Motor) Components; Ltd. They are Ma.:S. W. '.1-forruss, sales director, -Ma. J. MONTGOMERIE, works director, and CAPT. E.' Doosom. technical director. They have had 32 years, 25 years and 15 years respectively with one or other of the Hobson concerns.
Glasgow Transport Committee has agreed unanimously to recommend the appointment of MR. JAMES N. Wa.soN, . the present deputy .manager of the department, as general manager, in succession to Mr. Lachlan Mackinnon. who retires at the end of March.
Mr. Wilson has been in the service of the department for 46 years. He was transTerred from the cleansing department, along With Mr. Mackinnon, when the transport department was inaugurated. After a considerable period of service as secretary and treasurer of the department, Mr. Wilson was appointed deputy manager in 1928.
COUNTY ALDERMAN Stu JOHN QUARMBY, chairman of West Riding Highways Committee, has been nominated to serve on the panel of Yorkshire Traffic Commissioners.
MR. L. M. HAYBITTEL, A.M.I.T.A., has been appointed traffic manager (South) of Northern Motor Utilities, Ltd. The appointment embraces the control of the whole of the company's activities in the South of England, including Birmingham, with offices in Shell-Mex House, Mr. Haybittel, for the past four years, has been the company's London manager, and is vice-chairman of the Metropolitan Hauliers Section, A.R.O.
MR. J. L. KINDER, national organizer of the Commercial Motor . Users' Association, was fortunate in escaping injury when he was involved in the accident on the Great Western Railway, near Swindon, last week. He was travelling, from Truro, where, he had attended the annual dinner Of the Cdrimail Coach and Motor Users Asso4. dation.
Discussing the Association of British Chambers of Commerce circular, members of Gloucester Chamber of Commerce, last week, agreed that.if further transport legislation were• required, it should come under an Act, and not through the Minister of Transport.
Col. J. H. Collett said that Ministers had too much power and it should not be possible for further restrictions to be imposed by the Minister. Mr. Arthur Guy supported the views of the Newcastle Chamber, which suggested that time must be allowed for the position under •the 1933 Act to become clearer before, further restrictions Were . imposed.
North-West Conciliation Secrecy.
Details of business transacted at a meeting of the employers' panel of the North-Western Conciliation Board, on Tuesday,; were not issued. Following inquiries by The Commercial Motor. the secretary stated that general Matters were dealt with and wages were discussed•only when incidental to questions in hand.
R A.S.C. Reunion.
Late members of 347 Company M.T., R.A.S..C., and of the Base M.T. Depot, Ismalia, Egypt, who are interested in a reunion are asked to write to Mr. F: F. Munns, 152 Exeter Road; South Harrow, Middlesex,
Death of Tyre Co.'s Manager.
The death has taken place of Mr.
• Ridgeway Fitzgerald, Who for many years was South Wales area manager, at Cardiff, Of the Dunlop Rubber Co.
Suggestion to Avoid Overloading.
Two Swansea steam-wagon owners were fined £10 each by the Llanelly magistrates for permitting.theirvehicles to be laden 2 tons beyond the legal maximum rear-axle weight, and each of the drivers was fined £5.
In both cases tin-plates were being carried arid the magistrates suggested that, to avoid such prosecutions, the driver of every lorry loaded at tin-plate works should be issued with a certificate giving the weight of the load.
Power Proves Its Merits in Farming.
Highly successful demonstrations of farm tractors were carried out, last week, by the International Harvester Co. of Great Britain, Ltd., at Spellowgate Farm, Driffield, Yorkshire.
In addition, the agricultural department of Leeds University gave a series of power demonstrations for grassland.
Considerable power and power appliances are required to deal properly with grassland, and it was with the view of helping farmers in this matter that the latter demonstrations were held. All the fields chosen consisted of mediocre or inferior land, were matted, and short of lime. After mechanical treatment, the fields were cleared of loose turf, and fertilizers were applied. Fordson, International, and Massey-Harris tractors took part, B20