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T HERE have been many criticisms of Section 11, Subsection 2, of the Road and Rail Traffic Act, 1933, mainly on the grounds...
C AUSTIC comments on the action of the East Midland Traffic Commissioners in intervening in the strike of employees of the...
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Futuristic Idea to THE loading and unloading Overcome Traffic-conI of goods vehicles in main gestion Problems . . thoroughfares...
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That the steel shortage is becoming critical. Of a heat wave developing in the Potteries. That crawling in fog reduces petrol...
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The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport, at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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" THE case has been very well pre . pared," said Sir Haviland Hiley, the Eastern Licensing Authority, in granting an...
A N apparent attempt by a workers' union to draw -C-licence holders into the conciliation net, has be - en revealed to The...
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The general dissatisfaction with the progress of the five-year road plan finds expression in a proposal by some counties to...
THAT the Scottish Motor Traction 1. Co., Ltd., is a newcomer, within the meaning of the Enston decision, was the conclusion...
A T a meeting of Cardiganshire Main Roads Committee, reference was made to the great growth of milk collection by lorries in...
A PROTEST against the railway companies " fishing expeditions" was voiced by Mr. L. W. A. White, on behalf of road-transport...
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rr HE detection and location of trouble in engines and other chassis components, before it has had time to develop, can do...
The New Rawlings P Y.P.-type Window Incorporates Several Improvements. Freedom from Rattle and Ease of Control are. Marked...
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At last week's annual meeting of Bradford Commercial Vehicle Owners Federation, Mr. Edward Smith was reelected chairman. The...
Yorkshire Unity Movement Spreading A S foreshadowed in The COMM ercial r3.1fotor, last week, the amalgamation of the Yorkshire...
F ROST and snow played havoc with hauliers, and roads were at their slipperiest last Friday night, when S.T.R., The Commercial...
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Operators Committing "Suicide" " C IVIL WAR " amongst operators meant nothing less than lingering suicide, said Mr. Intin,...
S EVERAL important questions were discussed before S.T.R , "The Commercial Motor costs expert, gave his address at the meeting...
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EXISTING BODIES M R. PARSONS, the works .manager,. walked. briskly into . . , the repair shop and stopped ,at the bench of Bob...
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SPARE-WHEEL PROBLEMS ' T . IIE statement that it is necessary to carry a stock of spare wheels ' and equipment may, to the...
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Commercial Vehicles Over Three Times as Numerous as Cars. Extensive State Network of Service and Repair Shops. Important...
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The One vehicle Carrier a Safeguard Against a Railway Monopoly. Why Rates Need Not be Cut to Compete with Fleet Operators T BE...
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PARLIAMENTARY BLUNDER T HE omission of one word has completely reversed the meaning of part of Section II of the Road and Rail...
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D URING an address to the Birmingham and District Section of the Institute of Transport, Mr. 0. C. Power, J.P,, M.Inst.T.,...
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'THE question of the use of speedo ' meters on buses was at issue at Leeds Quarter Sessions, last week, when Mr. W. Vane...
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j'i IL Metropolitan Commissioner 1. suspended, last week, the licence of Phillipsons' Motor Coaches, Ltd., for the...
THE annual report on the adminis tration of the Road Fund for the year ended Mal i ch 31, 1935, issued by the Ministry of...
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QUERIES The Editor invites correspondence on all subjects connected with the use of ccmmercial motors. Letters should be...
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Overhaul Transport Methods Transport Arrangements Must Be Modelled on the Lines of Those of Hauliers THE Oxford...
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Bristol Injection Pump T HE names of C. G. Nevatt, 0.B.E., and the Bristol Tramways and Carriage Co., Ltd., appear in patent...