S.T.R. at Reading: Important Statements
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SEVERAL important questions were discussed before S.T.R , "The Commercial Motor costs expert, gave his address at the meeting of the Reading sub-area of A.R.O., on Monday.
The area organizer, Mr. J. W. _Sewill, reported on his attendance at a Meeting of Reading Chamber of Commerce, where he presented the reply of .A.R.O. lnitlie published staternent by the Association of British Chambers of Commerce. The Reading Chamber Was unanimously of opinion that no further restrictions upon toad transport were necessary—indeed, that some Of the existing limitations could well be removed.
Three years ago, prior to the coming into effect of the Road and Rail Traffic Act, the chamber held contrary Views. It is dear that that body's experience of the operation of the Act has led it to suspect the presence of railway interests behind any proposal for further restrictions of road transport and that it is not favourable to any increase of railway power.
The resignation of Mr. A. L. Guilenant. hon."secretary, was accepted, and it was announced that Mr. J. W. Sewill had been installed as organizing secretary for the Southern area. Mr. j. H. Betteridge, of Reading Garage, was elected hen, secretary of the Reading sub-area and Mr. Woodruffe as his assistant.
An announcement of a meeting of the rates committee to be held in Winchester. on January 29, was followed by keen" discussion of the problem of rates stabilization, which, incidentally, formed a fitting introduction to S.T.R.'s lecture. • He, commenced by endorsing the views of the previous speakers. He then described a simple procedure for arriving at a basis for making quotations for undertaking any kind of haulage xs.ork. •
Mr. Guilmant and Mr.Adlam, the chairman, both stressedthe import
ance of The Commercial Motor Tables of Operating Costs. Both paid tributes to the reliability and comprehensive nature of our Tables..
S.T.R. to Lecture in London Next Week.
The address on costing to be given by S.T.R., The Commercial Motor consultant on transport economics, under the auspices of the Eastern sub-area of the Metropolitan division "of the A.R.O., will be delivered at the White Horse Hotel, High Street, Stioreclitch, on January 28. at 7,45 p.m.
On account of a substantial accession. of new membership to the Liverpool
area of the it has been decided to create a new division, which will be known as the Liverpool District and North Wales Division, to link up.. and control the branches at Wigan, St.,.. Helens, Warrington, Chester, Wrexham and •Bangor. The chairman of the division is Major James Bennett, O.B.E. (of the Mersey Shipping and Transport Co., Ltd.), and the secretary, Mr. C. Dudley Whitnall.
Previously, there has been only one division of the C.M.U.A. in Lancashire, . the headquarters being Preston and the secretary Mr. Walter Atkinson.
A.R.O. Secures Increase of Council
That local hauliers, employed by the council, had, through the efforts of A.R.O., secured a substantial incteise in rates, was announced at a Meeting at Edinonton (London)"; on Monday.
Mr. R. W. Sewill, national directer, spoke on the subject of wages and present conditions, and the question of rates. The "meeting was Well attended and a lively discussion followed the speeches. The chairman was Mr. J. . Goddard.
Passenger .Board for Liverpool. .
To-day (Friday) a passenger sectional board for the Liverpool area of 'A.R.O. will be appointed.
Licensing Procedure to be Explained:.
An address by Mr. A. j, Soper, of the 'North-Western Licensing " Authority's office, Will be given under the auspices of A.R.O. at the Exchange Hotel, Manchester, on January 27, at 7.30 p.m.
Local C.M.U.A. to Alter Constitution.
A special general '.meeting of the C,l)/I.U.A. West Midland Division ia to be held at the Woodman Hotel, Easy Row, Birmingham, on January 30; at 7.30 p.m. The primary object is to effect certain alterations in constitution.
Useful Work in Carmarthen..
To a meeting of Carmarthen and Joint Counties Road Transport Association, at Carmarthen, under the chairmanship of Mr, P. F. Carter, the secretary, Mr. H. • D. Pritchard, A.S.A.A., reported that, following the representations of the Association to Carmarthen Town Council, on the insufficiency of vehicle-washing facilities at Carmarthen Market, redress had been obtained. The matter was raised before the Association by Mr. H. D.Jenkins, of Mythim.
It was reported that the chief constable of Ca.rmarthenshire had sent out a circular to commercial-vehicle owners in the county, calling attention to complaints against drivers of heavy vehicles who were alleged to have ignored signals and not to have kept to their proper side of the road. Members of the Association, on the advice of the executive committee, have instructed workers that, whenever they. notice such breaches of the regulations, they should report them to the nearest constable.