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j'i IL Metropolitan Commissioner 1. suspended, last week, the licence of Phillipsons' Motor Coaches, Ltd., for the London-Newcastle service, for three months as from January 15. This covers the whole Easter period— one of the most remunerative of the year. No decision to appeal to the Minister has yet been taken. It, is (writes a special correspondent) even open to doubt whether the service will be renewed.
' The suspension was imposed because, as was reported at the time in The Coi;imercial Motor,, Phillipsons' practised interavailability of tickets with its associate companies without being ,.authorized to do so. At the hearing by the Commissioner, . Philiipsoes' denied his jurisdiction and the matter was taken to the High Coast. On December 17, the Lord Chief Justice and Justices Goddard and Singleten agreed that the Commissioner had full jurisdiction.
AT the annual meeting, at Truro, of the Cornwall Coach and Motor Csers Association, over which Mr. A. Richards, Mayor of Truro and one of the founders of the Association, presided, a sound financial position was .disclosed in the repott of the general secretary, Mr. W. H. Rogers.
He stated that the past year had been a successful. one, and contracts for petrol, oil and insurance had been maintained. Nineteen eases, involving 25 members, bad been presented to the Traffic Commissioners, of which 16 were satisfactorily settled. The Membership now stood at 54.
The election of officers for the ensuing year resulted as follows :—Chairman, Mr. A. Richards ; vice-chairman, Mr. H. Rosewarne ; genera/ secretary, .Mr. IV. II. Rogers; treasurer, Mr. J. 0. Whear (Camborne) ; trustees, Messrs. N. Trewren and T. W. Munday ; auditor, Mr. J. Welke; delegates to C.M.U.A. annual meeting in London, Messrs. Rosewarne and Munday.
At the association's annual dinner the speakers included Mr. J. L. Kinder. national organizer of the C.M.U.A., and the Cornwall Association's solicitor, Mr. R, L. Franks, DOVER WANTS BUSES.
r'NOVER'S electors favour the replace
ment. of the municipal trams by motorbuses. On Monday, a poll was taken in connection With the section of Dover Corporation's Bill which seekspower to abandon the trams in favour of buses, and 2,758 persons voted for it and 2,185 against it.
It is proposed that the East Kent Road Car Co., mg., should run the. services and provide new double-deck buses. To cover the capital outlay,, the company would he paid 3d. per mile in excess of the running costs, in addition to a quarter of the profits. The corporation would receive threequarters.of the profits—C2,000 a year, it is hoped. The agreement has not, of course, yet been ratified py the council.
A SUPPLEMENT to No. 254 of
"Notices and Proceedings," dated January 17, has been issued by the East Midland Traffic Commissioners. The publication lists agreed excursion fares for 1936 and runs to 173 pages.
_ We attended the dance given, last week, by P.S.V. Operaters, Ltd. This second event proved even more successful than the first.
Monday, the inquiry into OBrighton Corporation's application for an Order permitting the operation of public service vehicles along Hove front was concluded. The service is proposed to be worked along 7:%, miles of sea froat.
An inquiry was then held ieto Brighton Corporation's appeal against the South-Eastern Commissioner,' grant of a licence to Thomas Tilling. Ltd., to operate a service said largely to be coincident with that proposed to • be run by the corporation. .
Mr. Maxwell Fyfe, K.C., fur 'Brighton Corporation, said that shoi.MI Hove's objection to the proposal be upheld,Brighton was prepared to rim the service inside the borough. Should the Minister of Transport decirie against' the corporation, it was 'seggested that the Tilling service should te run along a different route. •
-Mr. Gerald% Thesigere for Thomas Tilling, Ltd., and the Brighton, Hove and. District Omnibus Co., 'Ltd., declared that Brighton's objection
varied. Originally, the corporatien opposed the use of a certain type of vehicle suggested by Thomas Ti/liue, Ltd., but a sub-committee of the corporation now wished to adopt for the identical route the design of vehieliwhich it had said was unsuitable.
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OVER S00, persons, including many: notabilities in the passenger-trans.; port world, ,attended the annual of Bieck and White Motorways, Lfcl.,. at Cheltenham, last Friday. The event _ was inaugurated seven years ago by! Mr. H. R. Lapper, general Manager' of the company, and was an qualified success.