Foden : Stand 33.
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33J [33
Load. Drive. Tires. Price (a)
3 tons Chain Rubber 600* 5 tons „ Steel 550* (a) Vehicle complete as staged. * Example staged at Olympia.
Three repeat orders constitute the exhibit of the well-known Sandbaeh factory of Fotlens, Ltd. In general design and constructional detail, there has been practically no alteration in these machines for some considerable time past. It is interesting to note, however, that on two of ths exhibits a Moore auxiliary double-acting donkey pump has been fitted on the off side of the engine, the two examples being the five-tonner for Harrods and the three-tonner for Schweppes_ They are both fitted for different uses. Harrods wish to have some means of pumping water on to the van body in case of accidental fire, and as it was inconvenient to do this with the ordinary engine-dtiven pump, and futile to rely upon any special adaptation of the injector for this purpose, the Moore pump was selected. Mr. Maidens, the engineer in charge of Schweppes's fleet, selected the Moore pump for an entirely da ferent reason. Practically the whole of his wagons are employed on dock work, and often they are hemmed in by other vehicles for long periods at a time, and it is found that the injector is far too delicate an instrument on which to place entire reliance for maintenance of a safe water level in the boiler. The engine-driven pump on the Foden wagon cannot be used when the wagon is standing, be cause the design furnishes power from a shaft that is in permanunt connection with the road wheels. The donkey pump on Harrods van may also be used under similar eon ditions for feeding water into the boiler.
It should be noted also that on the three-tonner for Schweppes, provision has been made for the fitting of a pair of band brakes direct on to the back wheels in conformity with the latest order of the Local Government Board. Unfortunately, the back wheels for this wagon were not completed in time for the Show ; consequently, we are unable to illustrate the new form of braking. When completed, the back wheels, like the front wheels, will be fitted with Midland solid-rubber tires of suitable sec tion for the load. This Foden wagon is one of three repeat orders which have recently been placed by Schweppes with Messrs. Foden.
The third Foden exhibit is, as we have already stated, alse a repeat order, for Boots the well-known cash chemists. It was the first Show "arrival." We note that Fodens still retain the spherical seating eccentric sheaves and straps, and are not showing one of the new type of ball-hearing eccentrics which they have introduced.