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Vol. XVII. No 137 24th July, 1913. The Show Opening. We publish (page 519) a brief report of the proceedings on the occasion...
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A Few Viewpoints.—By The Editor. Where Do Our Roads Lead ? The roads of the United .Kingdom form a continuous system. That...
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H.R.H. Prince Arthur of Connaught makes a Happy Speech. On Friday morning last, at Olympia, H.R.H. Prince Arthur of Connaught...
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By S. F. Edge. Now that the question of depopulation of our agricultural areas is so much beiore everyone, it is well to look...
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That's it's following the fashion to buy. That the loads lend weight to the display. That some of them would fall off if they...
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Mr. Albert Brown --Brown Bros., Ltd. It is an interesting fact that one of the artists who contributes to our group of papers,...
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WA Pen Pencil &Camera We ace now able to present to our readers, in the pages which follow, a systematic and detailed review...
One of the latest ehain-driven, two-Lon Albion chassis, with 25 h.p., four-eylinder engine, occupies the central position on...
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THE ALLCHIN STEAM .WAGON MODEL. 1 - . 1 3 Load. En g ine. Drive. 5 ton 4:j ins, by 7 ins. Chain. by 8in. The price of a...
The two extremes amon g the extensive exhibits of Alldays and Onions are the 35-40 h.p. fi ve-ton chassis and the 8 h.p. 5-cwt....
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Three exhibits only are staged by the Argyll Co., one of these being a 20 h.p. chassis for two-ton loads. Another is a...
LIST OF AUSTIN COMMERCIAL 281 Monsiss. [29 Load. I.P. Drive. Price (a) The Austin Co., always famed for its...
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of Aveling and Porter, Ltd., has staged two representative examples or its latest models of steam and petrol road vehicles. The...
One of the best-looking of the French-built commercial vehicle chassis at the Show is the two-ton Bayard. It is certainly a...
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A Remarkable Chassis Intended for Heavy Omnibus Work. Those of our readers who have followed the evolution of the design of...
A Fine Load of Models of Varying Load Capacity. LIST or BELSIZE CosesiEnetAr. 31] Moses. [31 Load. H.P. Drive. Price (a)...
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This French manufacturer's exhibit consists of four different types of machines and includes a 31-ton lorry chassis having the...
Three Examples are Staged of the Five-tonner, which Has so Good a Consumption Record. The management of Berna Commercial...
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Two Representatives from a Big List are Staged for the First Time in England. LIST OF BENZ COMMERCIAL 2] MODELS. [2 Load....
LIST OF 1.30 - EssiNG COmmEnCIAL 78] MODELS. [78 Load. H.P. Drive. Price (a) 2 tons 25 Chain 3 „ 35 4 „ :15 51 5 40 11 _ *...
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We illustrate a Karrier Char-a-banes on Page 554. The three excellent models staged by this well-established North of England...
A Steam Wagon that has Many Points a interest. One of the most interesting three-ton steam wagons which has ever been...
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South-country users know very little of the Durham-Churchill machines, as this company practically confines its attention to...
Undoubtedly the exhibit which will attract most attention both from the spectacular and mechanical point of view is the latest...
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There are five models shown on ( t ie De Dion stand, aud, perhaps, in diversity of types De Diens make as brave a show as...
To the Daimler Co., Ltd., must certainly be given considerable credit for the way in which it has tackled the question or...
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This English concern is exhibiting Licorne commercial vehicles, of which we anticipate much more will soon be heard. The 25cwt....
There are live machines on this stand, and four of them are the property of the Royal Flying Corps. Three of them are of the...
Charron cars are represented at Olympia by two taxicabs, one hotel bus, one traveller's brougham, and two delivery vans. All...
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LIST OF PURREY-EXSTIAW STEAM 701 LORRIES. E70 Load. II.P. Drive. Price (a) 4 tons 35-S0 Chain 478 6 „ 50-100 563 * 8 „ 50-100...
Those of our readers who followed the records of the 1907 trials promoted by the It.A.O. will recall that of the few steamers...
LIST OF F.I.A.T, COMMERCIAL MODELS. [6 Load. H.P. Drive. Price (a) 325* 385 * 600 * 750 9-seat (b) 15 Gear 15 cwt. 20„ 2...
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LIST OF DENNIS COMMERCIAL 45] MODELS. [43 NOTE.-28 h.p. 29-seater char-abanes, as exhibited, £810 complete. (a) Chassis with...
LIST OF FODEN STEAM WAGONS. 33J [33 Load. Drive. Tires. Price (a) 3 tons Chain Rubber 600 * 5 tons „ Steel 550 * (a) Vehicle...
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1] THE GIRLING PARCELCAR. Load. H.P. Drive. Price. 5 cwt. 6 Cardan 105-120 (a)* (a) Complete vehicle according to body and...
This maker's most remarkable exhibit is a 75 h.p. Colonial model. Ealley's Industrial Motors, Lid., for some time past has...
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A single example of this maker's production is staged, and this is a fine three-ton, rubber-tired machine for Ingham Chew and...
The Hanford subvention model is, unfortunately, not being shown at Olympia, and the only chassis staged is one of this maker's...
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As we have already announced in this journal, F. B. Goodchild and Co., Ltd., has arranged with the Laycock Engineering Co.,...
The Leyland Co., among its numerous other exhibits, is showing a 450-gallon fire-engine for the Shanghai Fire Department. This...
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The two exhibits on this stand are of exceptional interest, in that the models staged are of the German War Office subsidy...
The unique features of Mass front-drive tractors have already been described in full detail to our readers. The principle of...
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The Mandslay Co. makes a very effective display of its soundlybuilt vomenercial models. These comprise two chassis, a couple of...
The McCurd chaesis will well repay a. close inspection, for very obviously it is the result of a careful study of heavy...
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One of the five - ton Minerva wagons, similar to the type which has from time to time taken part in the French military trials,...
The two newest types of Manes s. Daimler chassis are exhibited by this company. The smaller of them — a30 h.p. machine for...
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In the British pleasure-car market the Adler enjoys an excellent reputation, reliability and general efficiency being two...
62. This German concern has gained a reputation of its own on the Continent, in that its productions have been adopted by the...
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THE HILLMAN COMMERCIAL MODEL. 60j • [60 Lead. H.P. Drive. Price(a) 10 cwt. 10 Bevel 2110 (a) Chassis with tires. * Five...
81] THE GLOBE LIGHT VAN. 181 Load. H.P. Drive, Price (a) 9 cwt. 8 Belt 125 (a) Chassis only with tires. The single-cylinder...
Readers of the early volumes of this journal will recall the experiment made at Aldershot with a type of traction engine that...
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The initial prejudice of the user against the. somewhat unusual eonstraction employed upon these three wheelers once overcome,...
Napier's business motors—as this maker likes them to be called—are well exemplified by a fine range of load-carrying machines....
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Examples of Sturdily-constructed Chassis from Salisbury. The two chassis exhibited on this maker's stand consist of a...
THE STONELEIGH CO'31M_ERCIAL 46] MODELS. [46 Load H.P. Drive Price (a). 30 cut. 24 Worm 495 (a) Chassis with tires. Two...
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This concern has gained a sound reputation based on many years' experience in body design generally. The undertaking has now...
Here we shall find three of the well-known Star models. No alteration has been made in the design since we described these...
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THE TILLING-STEVENS PEZROL 65 ELECTRIC MODEL. [65 Load. H.P. Drive. Price (a) 3-4 tons 40 Worm 770 (a) Chassis with tires,...
On the Straker-Squire stand is a vehicle that should be of more than usual interest to furniture removers and others whose...
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LIST OF "LITTLE GIANT" STEAM 59] TRACTORS AND WAGONS. [59 Load. H.P. Type. Price (a) (a) Prices for complete machines,...
(b) Chassis with tires, including delivery f.o.b. London or Southampton. (c) Narrow track. (ii) Special Colonial model. (e)...
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Four Examples a a Make which does Well on the Continent. Visitors will be impressed by this exhibitor's display of...
Representative Types of Modern Motoreabs and Light Van Chassis. This exhibit consists of a Renault taxicab and a chassis. It...
A Coventry-built Example of the Light Van. THE STANDARD COMMERCIAL 191 MODEL. [19 Load. H.P. Drive. Price (a). 3 cwt. 9.3...
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(a) Chassis without tires. (b) Loads include body. (c) Humphries gear. (d) Captain detachable rims. "Examples staged at...
21] THE NEW TILLING MODELS. [21 Load. H.P. Drive. Price (a) 1 ton 15 Worm 415* 2 . tons 20 .3 495* (a) Complete with tires....
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A three-ton rubber-tired steam wagon and one of the. company's latest compound tractors comprise the exhibits of Wallis and...
Walker Bros., Ltd., of Wigan, has sent four examples of its Pagefield machines from the Wigan works. One of these is a two-ton...
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This old established company stages but one example of its products, and this is a six-tonner. This model has recently...
Elsewhere in this issue we publish a three-page article dealing with the whole of the new models of the Wolseley Tool and Motor...
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A. T. Speedometer Co., Ltd., Long Acre, London, W.C. 112] A ALAGNETIC SPEEDOMETER. [112 We have already described the...
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Brown Bros., Ltd., Great Eastern Street, London, E.C. 117] AN INTERESTING LIGHTING SET, [117 This house shows comprehensive...
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William E, Cary, Ltd., Redbank Spring Works, Manchester. 1261 OPEN PLATE SPRINGS. Dee The exhibit of a Manchester concern...
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B. M. Fair and Co., 3, Gt. Winchester Street, London, E.G. 114] THE MEA MAGNETO. (144 In order to demonstrate the efficiency...
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the test of some few years use, and the increased number sold is sufficient testimony to reliability and general good service...
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commercial type, price 14 10s., registers up to 100,000 miles and repeats. Taxi owner-drivers should visit this stand to...
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pitch roller and silent chains is shown. Clearlydrawn diagrams illustrating silent-drive chain-adjustments are prominently...
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Spiral Tube and Components Co., 61, Northdown Street, King's Cross, London, N. 1431 RADIATOR SUPPLIES. [143 Radiators are the...
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C. A Vandervell and Co., Ltd., Warple Way, Acton Vale, London, W. 114] LIGHTING OUTFITS FOR MOTORVANS. [114 This company...
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S. Bewley and Son, Wellington Woks, BaUetesea-Breidge, S.W. [STAND 110.] This manufacturer makes a strong appeal on behalf of...
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Englehert and Co., 119425, Finsbury Pavement, B.C. LSTAND 130..] This very progressive firm is of old-established fame in the...
Bayleys, Ltd., Newington Causeway, Southwark, London, S.E. [STAND 10.1 This stand contains three smart examples of...
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E. and H. Hora, Ltd., 36, Peckham Road, London, S.E. [STAND 15.] One of the biggest displays of bodywork is to be found on...
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Avon India Rubber Co., Ltd., 19, Newman Street, Oxford Street, London, W. [STAND 151.] This manufacturer shows its popular...
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Suggested Sheet-iorms for Commercial-motor Users. By Geo. W. Watson, M.I.Mech.E., One of the first rules in business is to...
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A Very Interesting Chassis Which Bears Evidence a Original and Practical Design to an Unusual Extent. Tin a leading article,...
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Our engineering department undertakes the inspection and trial of new or second-hand motors on behalf of readers of "THE...
Au imposing exhibit of five machines is staged by this well.kaown maker_ Daring a visit last week to Coventry, when taking a...
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An Entirely-new Design of Double-reduction Final Drive. The Wolseley Method of Rear-axle Suspension Deserves Particular...
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in our last issue we concluded that week's portion of the present article with some record of the garage organization all over...
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When Bedding the Big-ends. [1293] " (Alexandria) writes :—" I send to you a sketch [We have had this rcdrawn.—En.] showing a...
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Complete specifications of the following patents will be sent to any address in the United Kingdom. by the Sale Branch, Patent...