Mass : Stand 61.
Page 24
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The unique features of Mass front-drive tractors have already been described in full detail to our readers. The principle of locating the whole of the engine and driving gear at the forward end of the chassis will appeal to many users in England ; on the Continent Mass tractors have met with a considerable amount of favour. The models on show are of the company's *ton type ; one is a demonstration traction unit having the chassis stopped off some distance behind the front wheels, thus allowing for any form of body and rear trailer wheels to be attached. The other exhibit comprises a complete industrial equipment in the form of a brewer's lorry. The vertical engine, capable of developing 14 has its cylinders cast en bloc,
and is disposed under the front footboards and upon lifting the latter the valve caps and indeed the engine generally is quite accessible. A feature is the mechanical sight-feed lubricator, supplying oil to the engine bearings through external pipes running alongside the crankcase, all unions therefore being quite accessible. The method of drive, constructed under the Bezancon patents, is so arranged that even under full steering lock the efficiency of the tractive effort of the machine is not lowered in any degree whatever. Our illustration shows the disposition of one of the driving chains. The well-known type of Solex radiator which is fitted to the machines gives it quite a distinctive appearance. The usual form of foot brake is fitted, and a handbrake lever and suitable connection enables the conventional type of rear wheel brake to be fitted to the trailer portion. The unit is mounted on stout front wheels fitted with Dunlop twin tires. Two types of tractors are constructed, described by the company as a 31tonner and a 5-tonner respectively, and any form of trailer portion can readily be attached. Prices are : the smaller model, £575; the 5-tonner, £750.
Although front-drive machines are not in very general use in this country. certain advantages possessed by chassis construction of this kind are obvious. Few engineers dispute the fact that the tendency for a machine to skid is to a large ex
tent eliminated by the adoption of this form of drive. There is little doubt, we think, that this system will be received in the near future with considerably more favour than is at present shown to it by the average English user. The special facilities which a system, such as the Mass, with the whole of its power unit. concen trated at the front of the chassis, possesses, are primarily due to the facility with which all sorts of special and capacious examples of coach-work may be accommodated_ To stonemasons, horse-owners and suppliers of safes and such-like heavy weights the Mass tractor offers exceptional advantages.
An additional live example of conventional design was staged on Saturday.