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Brown Bros., Ltd., Great Eastern Street, London, E.C.
This house shows comprehensive lines of supplies which the user will find to be essential in everyday work.. Ranging from a repair lathe and powerdriven drill to the engine stand, with which many of our readers are already. familiar, the exhibit comprises lamps, horns, oils, arnishes and driving coats. The extent of Datto manufactures is well represented, and of course Raybestos and the Gabriel Rebound snubber are also given a considerable aMOUTib of space. Small hand tuals, hauling cables, tied en gineers' jointings, etc., help to swell the Brown exhibit. The " heavy gun" of this stand is, however, the Broil, lighting set, which comprises dynamo. switchboard, lamps, etc., and the complete set of fittings necessary for this purpose. In addition, a fine selection or steels of various grades, gunmetal fittings, rod brass for capstan use, and other similar supplies are on view, Brown Bros., Ltd., does a big business in supplying bolts, nuts, set ews, etc., to many consumers.
W. Canning and Co., 133-137, Gt. Hampton Street, Birmingham.
The exhibits on this stand will appeal principally to general manufacturers. It is the confident assertion of this particular concern that there is net a single exhibitor at Olympia but who does not in some. form or another resort to Cannings for supplies. Samples of lacquers, polishing compositions, rouge powders, emery powders. nickel salts, and other solutions are
shown. In addition, there is the Canning 6 volt 250 ampere dynamo, a. large size polisher specially constructed for the motor industry.
S. F. Bowser and Co., 32, Victoria Street, S.W. 1331 PETROL-STORAGE PLANT. [i33 Many of the largest vehicle makers its the country and on the Continent have installed the Bowser system of petrol storage in their garages. Self-measuring and filtering storage tanks for petrol and lubricating oils are the chief product of this maker, whilst self-registering pipeline machines, automatic filtration systems, and recording pumps, also come within the range of this manufacturer's activities. With the increased price of petrol it is important that wastage should be eliminated in every possible way, and S. E. Bowser and Co. claims that its storage systems embody the latest practices in the construction of storage plants having this object in view.
Garble, Ltd., 27, Cannon Street, London, E.C.
101] THE CARING SYSTEM 01! LIGHTING. [104 The Cathie system of acetylene lighting certainly makes gas lighting a simpler and more cleanly process. Electric lightiag may be ideal in many respects, but by reason of its cheapness in first cost the acetylene generator is hardly likely to be superseded yet awhile. Such improvements as the Carbic system offers are likely to cause it to retain its position as a practical means of lights ing. The Garblc idea is the substitution of cakes for the usual calciunt carbide in lumps. Each cake will give 10 cub. ft. of gas, and with the special generators theemanation of gas stops entirely when the lamps are turned out, and starts again when the light is needed. The generators are made in three different sizes--all suitable for particular classes of work and designed for the conditions imposed by the heavier types of industrial chassis.
The Carbic generator.
Car Springs, Ltd., 19, Fairfield South, Kingston-on-Thames.
The shock absorber made by this company is worthy of visitors' attention if only for the ingenious manner in which the well-known difficulties connected with this class -of appliance have been attacked. There is little doubt that some commercial motors are sprung in an unsuitable manner, although the chassis may be, in other respects, eminently satisfactory in service. In such cases the Acme spring absorber is an appliance possessing considerable merit. It is free from unnecessary complication anti is easily applied to most business motor vehicles. The Acme is carefullyprotected from grit and wet, and, if given ordinary attention from time to time, there is little than get out of order.
E. S. Hindley and Son,
11, Queen Victoria Street, E.G.
Here we shall find a number of the Rayfield carburetters. The maker claims that this appliance is both mechanical and automatic in its action. The mechanical valve employed is operated in connection with the throttle. This construction, it is believed, helps the carburetter to producs great engine nulling power and speed. Three air intakes are provided, and there are also three adjustments to the carburetter.