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isherwoods Adjust Petrol Prices: Isherwoods Petrol Co. Ltd., of Eccles, Lanes, have reduced the inner zone price -of Regular brand by Jed. a gal, to 4s. (t.-td. inner zone Premium grades 95, 97 and WO have each been raised by d. a gal. to 45. 3-id.. 4s. 6d.
and 4s. 9d., respectively. .
kassian Cross-country Vehicles: Several new models of eross-eountry vehicles 'have been developed in the Soviet Union on the basis of the GAZ-69 five-seater 4 x 4 car. They include a van and ambulance and are designed to carry seven passengers or more than 11 tons of goods. Quantity production of the new vehicles will begin in Ulyanovsk in a few months' time and it is expected thatone in every five will be for export.
Eton-Windsor Relief Road : The Minister of Transport has made a grant of more than £31-m. to the Buckinghamshire and Berkshire County Councils •towards the cost of the new three-mile Eton-Windsor relief road, estimated at more than£4,1m. The road. which is to be carried on a new bridge over the Thames. is to -be largely constructed on embankment and will be linked at its northern end with the Chalvey interchange Of the London-South Wales motorway, M4• (Slough by-pass).
George Cohen Profit Up: in the year ended March 31 last, combined profit of The George Cohen 600 Group Ltd., after all charges, amounted to £841,150, -compared with £602,110 in the previous year. The directors recommend a final dividend of 91 per cent, -less tax, making a total dividend of 14 per cent (13 per cent in 1964).
Language Courses: To meet the needs of industry and commerce for more personnel with a good knowledge of foreign languages and Continental trading practices, a twoyear full-time course is to he started in September by the Holborn College of Law, Languages and Commerce, Red Lion Square, London, W.C.1. The fee for a two-year course is £60, and includes instruction in applied economics, •market research and
export practice. Details from Mr. P. P. Newmark, Head of the Department of -Modern Languages.
Flexy Brushes: The Flexy Distributing Co. . Ltd. has changed its name to Flexy -Brushes Ltd.
Serek Brightou Branch: Serck Radiator Services Ltd. has opened: a Brighton branch, the 38th addition to the company's nation-wide chain of service Centres. The new branch at il7 Victoria Road. Portslade Brighton 46971) is managed by Mr, R. W. Bates. A.E.C. Sales: The trading arrangement whereby the sales organization of A.E,C. Ltd. operated under the name of A.E.C. (Sales) Ltd. is to be discontinued. F I DM August I, A.E.C. Ltd. will once again operate under its own name for all purposes. the sales division being under the control of Mr. Robert 0. Bennett. sales director.
New B.L.C.C. Premises: The Maidstome branch of British Insulated Callender's Cables Ltd. is tomove to larger premises at Tovil, -Maidstone, Kent (tel.: Maidstoile 51113-4 and 4001). The new offices and stores (manager, 'Mr. J. F. Russell) will He fully operational front next Monday.
Kenning Expansion: The Kenning Motor Group is to purchase a single-storey buildinp on a 31-acre site of Aerex Ltd. at Chesterfield, Derbys. The site will provide -higher capacity for the tyre and remoulding business and will eventually .employ 250 people.
Sponeel Move: Sponeel Ltd.. formerly of 40 Chancery Lane, London. W.C.2. has moved to new premises at. 185 London Road. Croydon, Surrey.
Leeds Inner Ring Road Work will start shortly on a £2m. scheme CO construct the -first stage of the 1,eeds inner ring road between Westgate and Claypit Lane. -the scheme involves the provision of 1,220 yards of new dual-carriageway • road, muck of
which will be below ground level. [tie Minister of Transport has made an initial grant of just over £1.m. to Leeds County Borough Council towards the cost. •
A.E.-Glacier Merger: Agreement has been reached for the Glacier Metal Co. Lid. to join Associated Engineering Ltd. This will he effected by an offer for the who'd of the issued share capital of Glacier on the following basis: for each 61 per cent Cumulative Preference stock unit of El of Glacier one new Oil per cent redeemable Cumulative Preference share of fl of A.E.: for each 5s. Ordinary stock unit of Glacier--two 5s. Ordinary stock units of AL.. plus 2s. in cash.
Revised Plan for Baldock By-pass: [no Minister of Transport has announced revised plans for linking the proposed six-mule 13.11dock by-pass motorway with the Al until; road. These will involve the construction of a full interchange where the motorwty crosses A6I41 at Letchworth Gate, by-pass is designed to relieve a coimsid seCtion of the Great North Road het-'. CCP. Corey 'S Mill. at the northern end of ;represent Stevenage by-pass, and Radwell Hay's Wharf Acquisition : The Proprietors of Hay's Wharf Ltd. have acquired the whole of the issued ordinary and preference shares in London and Rochester Trading Co. Ltd.: the latter company is chiefly Concerned in shipping and lighterage but controls ancillary haulage interests.
M5 Extension Announced : The line of route For a rurther 41--milelength of the Birmingham-Bristol motorway (M5) has heeri announced by the Minister of Transport. 'the new section. nearly all of it in Gloucestershire, runs southfrom Strenshom to join the Severn -Bridge approach road at the Almondsbury interchange. When completed, it will by-pass A38 with ILS 110tOriOUS bottlenecks at Tewkesbury and Gloucester.
July Start for Honiton By-pass; The Minister of Transport has authorized Devon County Council, as his agents, to accept the t880.000 tender for the construction of a two-tulle by-puss of Honiton, Devon. on the London-Penzance trunk road. A30. The work, which is to start this month, will be completed' in -about two years.
Total Refinery; Total' 9. Products (GB 'oil refinery plans to build au refinery On the southern side of the Humber estuary, with an initial crude oil capacity of 3m. tons .1 year when operation starts in 1967.
Better Year for Maw Knox : Consolidated profit, before tax of 1312W Knox Ltd., London, for the year ended December 31 last. was £123,550, compared with a loss in the previous year of £126,462; this represents a net improvement of almost exactly ,E250.000. Net profit for 1963 was .£122,572. .C4011. Contract for Motorway; The Minister of Transport has authorized Buckinghamshire County Council, as his agent, to accept the tender amounting to £4,749,822 of a Coilsortium of three firms for construction of the first eight miles of the 131emile High Wycombe by-pass. Work will start immediately and is planned for completion in the autumn of 1966.
.E120,000 Warehouse for Blackhurns: A new warehouse -with 30,000 sq.-ft, of covered storage space in Nobel Road. Eley's Estate. Angel Road, Edmonton. London, N.18. has been opened by Blackburns (London) Ltd.. the oldest aluminium stockholders in Britain. The head office of the company remains .!t Dray-ton tlouse, Gordon Street, London. W.C.I, but the warehouses at Royal M.:I! Yard, Roger Street, W.C.1, and Stephen -Street, Tottenham Court Road, W.C.I. \ been closed. Blackburns are one of Briti-it Aluminium's approved stockholders.