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New B.r.s. Scottish District
I N the reorganization which is taking place in British Road Services, the Scottish division has been reconstituted as the new Scottish district of British Road Services Ltd.,......
Operators Meet Minister
A T the Minister's invitation, leaders of goods vehicle operator associations were due to meet Mr. Marples yesterday to discuss the summer " blitz " of roadside vehicle checks......
Liner Train Progress
From our Industrial Correspondent TH E somewhat more conciliatory attitude of leaders of the National Union of Railwaymen towards the problem of allowing access to private road......
Over 1,400 Prohibitions In Two Roadside Checks
r- I F 821 goods vehicles examined at roads:de cheeks in and around Leeds on July 8 I– , and 9, which marked the opening of the Ministry of Transport's summer " blitz ", 296......
Lorry Men On Theft Charges
E LEVEN men, including a transport manager, a number of lorry drivers and labourers, appeared at Thames Court on Monday on charges of stealing lorries and their loads, involving......
B.r.s. Statem Ent On Rates F Ollowing The Announcement By 1
the Road Haulage Association that a rates increase of 5 per cent had been recommended to come into effect from September 1 there were various reports in the Press about the......
Forth Bridge Opening
I T has now been confirmed that traffic will be able to flow over the Forth Road Bridge immediately after the opening ceremony by H.M. the Queen on September 4. It had been......