So Efficient at Leicester
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AAUCH credit must be given to the iVI organizers of the Leicester L.D.O.Y. competition. This was a very efficiently run round last year-and the general administration this time was just as good. The organizers have the most important knack of keeping vehicles moving-not allowing maddening and unaccountable five-minute gaps to creep into the programme as has often been the case in
other rounds I've. attended. .
The result of this efficiency was that more than 130 vehicles had completed the tests by 4.45 p.m. and the results had been announced and the prizes awarded shortly after 5 p.rn. Admirable. But how is it done? The answer, in my view, is the great keenness and perspicacity of the organizers. They have the ' foresight to appoint enthusiastic and skilled officials. Hence the stewards and marshals (drawn frotin the Leicestershire Car Club) know what they're about and get on with the job. And a suitable team of figure experts is appointed to look after the tricky job of producing accurate results in a hurry-so that hundreds of people don't have to hang around for an hour or two at the end of the day to find out who's won what.
But even at Leicester things were by no means perfect. The tests were held at the Melton Mowbray cattle market as last year. On that occasion they took place on a spacious stretch of ground with a soft, dusty surface which flew about rather disconcertingly. This time an uneven stretch of road between the sheep, cattle and pig pens was used. The main drawback of this was that the road, was so fearfully narrow. This meant that spectators were not able to move about freely-and were constantly being abjured by a rather over-zealous and not too polite commentator not to cross the road, not to stand on the railings,, and n20 even (on occasion) not to move! Certainly the movement of spectators on the course should he carefully regulated, but surely they are entitled to expect a certain freedom to move around-and a first-class view.
One further criticism concerns the width-judgment test. On this I was surprised to note that 5-ft. marker posts were being used. It was the First time had seen these high posts used this year--according to national regulations 1-ft. posts should he used on this test.
The driving at Melton was of a good general standard. Strangely, the results in Classes C and D were appreciably better than in those for the lighter rigids in Classes A and B. In fact, the best performance of the day was registered in Class C by J. Gunn, of Wolsey Ltd., who collected only 118 penalty points. Another local driver, P. Craven (A. and W. Evans Ltd.) did very well to win the large Class f) from nearly 40 rivals. A fine performance was given in Class El by the team representing Clarkes Boxes Ltd„ of Mount Sorrell. Drivers from this team won the first two places, E. E. Gilliver beating team-mate A. Smart by 23 points.
One man who was certainly very pleased with his showing on Sunday was H. W. Beal. In the needle match between three Shell-Mex and B.P. drivers in Class H he reversed last year's placings with colleague 1.. F. Wilson. Only two drivers, in fact, managed to repeat their 1963 Class wins: H. Thornley (J. E. Chatle. Ltd.) in Class Fl and Services driver SAC, Cunham in Class S. Last 3-ear's overall winner. J. Barker (Thomas. Bell and Son Ltd.), who Won Class F2 last year, took to honours in Class A. Prizes were awarded by Aid. W. G. Dyer,
Sheriff of Nottingham. E.J.M.
()serail Winner: J. Gann (Wolsey Ltd.), Conner.
Team Anardt Kelton Portland Cement Co. Ltd. (C. Campbell. F. D. Smith. D. Vipan).
Class A. up to 16 ft, i I. J. Barker (Thomas Bell and Son Ltd.). Bedford. 257 penalty points; 2, B. Venters (A. Fowler and Sons Ltd.), Morris, 291: 3. R. Luck (S(1uires and Kintons Ltd.). Thames, 302.
Class B, 1610 19 ft.: I. R. Pearson (S.P.D. Ltd.). Comma-. 213; 2. T. D. Smith (Ketton Portland Cement Co. Ltd.); Dodge. 274; 3. E. Ashmore (John Player and Sons), Bedford. 289.
Class C. 19 to 22 ft.: 1. J. Gunn (Wolsey' Ltd.), Conuner. 118; 2. a Vipan (Kelton Portland Cement Co. Ltd.). Leyland. 178; 3. D. Oldnall (3. E. (Bettie Ltd ). Fodcn. 216.
Class D, 22 ft, to 25 ft.: I. P. Craven (A. and W. Evans Ltd.). &Mord. 177; 2. A. Pebbles (Flaked Products (Pmerborosigh) Lid.). Bedford, 182; 3, J. D. Clarke (Ellis and Everard ltd.), B.M.C.. 191.
Class El. over 25 ft., two axles: I. F. E. Giniver (Clarkes Boxes Ltd.), Bedford, 168; 2. A_ Smart (('larkes Boxes Ltd.). Bedford. 191: 3. J. Bell (Thomas Bell and Son Ltd.), A.E.C., 194.
Class E2. over 25 Et.. more than two axles: I, C. Bennett 1Kiwi TranNpori Co. Ltd.). A.E.C., 154; 2. R FL Hempsall (F. G. Carrood (Transpor() Ltd.). Albion. 17(1; 3. F. Driver (Murphy Bros. Ltd.). Tilden, 2)3.
Class F1, box or tanker semi-trailers up to 30 ft., tractive units under 4 tons: 1. 11. Thorolcv (J. E. ('hettle Ltd.). Albion, 235; 2. C. Ravenseroft (Vic Hallam Ltd.). 'A.E.C... 352; 3. G. Worthington (J. F. Chettle Ltd.). .Nihion. 371.
Class F2. hos or tanker semi-trailers up to 30 rt.. tractive units over 4 tons: 1, R. Doy (Thomas Reit and Son Ltd.), Bedford, 262; 2. K. loinlinson (A. Tomlinson (Hauliers), Ltd.), Conner, 323; 3. T. Blake (Thomas Bell and Son Ltd.). Isedford. 324.
Class G. flat or sided semi-trailers ma to 30 rt., tractive units 4 tons and over 1. D. Challenger (Vic Hallam Ltd.), Leyland. 345; 2, G. Laing (Vie .14allant Ltd.). Dodge. 4116; 3. R. M. Anon (Murphy Brothers Ltd.). A.E. C.. 41)9.
Class 1-1, box or tanker semi-trailers with tragtive twits 4 tons and over: I. H. W. Beal (Shell-Met. and B.P. Ltd.):A.E.C.. 425; 2. L. F. Wilson iShc11Meg and R.P. Ltd.). Scammell. 500; 3. J. u.
ISIvell-Mcx and R.P. Searnmell. 561
Class S. Services vehicles. 19 to 24 ft.: 1. S.A.C.
J. N. Cuttilant Cranwell), Bedford, 246; 2. co. W. Tunstall (RAP., (ottesmore). Austin, 282; (two entries only).