Fourth Successive Win for Portsmouth Overall Winner
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FOR the fourth year in succession, Driver L. T. Phesse, driving his G.P.O. Telephones' Morris, has come first in his class, and this year—the first time Portsmouth has used the formula method for deciding an overall winner—he was announced as Portsmouth's lorry driver of the year. With a total of 137 penalty points against him, Phesse proved that consistent driving is the secret to success and laid low the myth that this year's manoeuvring test three (reversing into a loading bay) was more difficult than in previous years. His " score " for this was a mere seven. Driver Phesse's vehicle also earned him top marks, by the way, as having the best road safety equipment, for which he received a special trophy.
As usual, under organizing secretary Sergeant Bernard. Hale, of Portsmouth City Police, the whole programme went through from beginning to end without a hitch, ,helped, no doubt, by a new control system which Sgt. Hale had devised. This was a specially designed card which the drivers carried with them from test to test. It enabled them to follow their progress through each part of the test. They could see exactly where they had gone wrong, and could argue with the officials if they thought it necessary. As a result of the innovation, too, scores and class winners were posted within minutes of the class having completed the test.
There were a few initial surprise withdrawals. At the outset two drivers were not allowed to enter the contest because they were not carrying their driving licences. "How can we tell that they are even qualified to drive? " one of the marshals asked me, justifying something which, in any case, the rules are adamant about.
Two other competitors did not compete—but this was nothing to do with the rule book. They were drivers from the head post office in Portsmouth who. becaust of the ban on overtime, were not allowed to take part!
The Post Office strike and overtime ban caused a certain amount of consternation on the part of the organizers. The non-arrival of instructions, meal cards, and so on, laid an additional burden on the (broad) shoulders of Sgt. Hale and his willing band of helpers.
The Portsmouth round specializes in "side events ", for which special trophies are awarded. This year's civilian winner of the concours d'elegance was E. .I. Ellett of Shell-lvlex and B.P. (the cup, incidentally, was presented by Shell-Mcx and B.P., though I am assured that there was no ".fiddle "). The services concows d'elegance prize was carried away by Corporal D. M. Lewis of the Royal
Marines Barracks, Eastney—w1a0 were. as usual, this year's congenial hosts of the event. Power Petroleum's cup for the Highway Code Test was won by Southern Gas Board driver, J. Baker. who had only one fault. The best Corporation Driver cup went to A. McMurrie of Portsmouth Corporation, while Mne. Sgt J. H. HaIl was announced as the best armed forces driver. N.H.T.
Overall Winner; L, T. Phesse (G.P.O. Telephones, Portsmouth).
Team Award: Southern Gas Board, Southampton (F. Horning, R. Jackson, E. Flood), Class A, up to 16 Ha 1. E. Horning (Southern Gas Board, Southampton), Morris, 89; 2, R. Jackson (Southern Gas Board, Southampton), Morris, 123.
Class B, 16 to 19 ft.: 1. L. T. Phesse (Post Office Telephones, Portsmouth), Morris, 137; 2. I. Baker (Southern Gas Board, Portsmouth), fhames, 193.
Class C, 19 to 22 ft.: I, A, R, Tynan (Schweppes (Home) Ltd., Fareham), Bedford, 99; 2, J. H. Efford (Southern Electricity Board, Portsmouth), Austin, 142.
Class us, 22 to 25 ft.: 1, I. Williams (i3otley Flour Milling Co. Ltd., Southampton), Albion, 135; 2, A. MeMarrie (Cleansing and Haulage Dept., Portsmouth), Anstin, 169.
Class Et, over ZS ft., two axles: 1, E. Taylor (Southern Gas Board, Portsmouth), Thames, 171. (Only one competitor.) Class E2, over 25 ft., more than two axles: 1, J Haskett (Southern Gas Board, Portsmouth). Eoden, 152; 2, G. S. Harley (John Heaver (Readymix Concrete) Ltd., Chichester), A.E.C., 250.
(Sass Ft, semi-trailers up to 39 ft., tractive units under 4 tons: 1, A. H. Francere (Geo. Cohen 600 Group Ltd.), Cotnmer, 270; 2. L. Rovvsell (Brickv,00ds Brewery), Bedford, 204.
Class F2, box or tanker seml-trallers up to 3011.. tractive units over 4 tons: 1, K. Pankhurst (ShellMex. and B.P. Ltd., Hoye), Bedford, 459; 2, K. E. Tobutt (Peter Keevil and Son, Merton), Bedford rx. 594.
Class G, flat or sided semi-trailers up to 30 ft., tractive units 4 tons and oven 1, C, Curtis (Tate and Lyle Transport Ltd., Southampton), A.E.C.. 234: 2, G Harvey (James Duke and Son Ltd.. Bishop's Waltham), Seddon, 263.
Class H, box or tanker semi-lrailers with tractive units 4tons and oven 1. A. carEwright (Tate and Lyle Transport Ltd., Southampton), A.E,C„ 276; 2. E. I. Ellett (Shell-Met and B.P. Ltd., Hove), Scammell Highwayman, 291 Class 5,, Services vehicles 19 to 24 ft.: Sgt. 3. H. Hall (Royal Marines, E.T.W. Fort Cumberland), Bedford, 154; 2, Mae. D. A. McKenzie (Royal Marines, Eastnev), Redford, 259.
Best Road Safety Equipment Award: Post Office Telephones (L. T. Phesse).
Best Performance in three testu F. Homing (Southern Gas Board, Southampton).