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Complete Report of the Exhibits of Power-driven Vehicles, Agrimotors, and Adaptations of the Internal-combustion Engine to Agricultural Requirements.
NEARLY seven years have passed since the R.A.S.E. Council accepted the invitation from Cardiff to hold the annual exhibition in the city for the third time, and, in the ordinary course of events, the Society's visit would have taken place two years ago.
It will be remembered that, in spite of war-time difficulties, "Royal Shows" were successfully held at Nottingham in 1915 and at Manchester in 1916, but the continuange of hostilities and the prevailing conditions in the country rendered. it necessary to postpone indefinitely the projected visit to Cardiff in 1917. Since the Armistice, however, negotiations have been successfully concluded, and this year's Show, which opens to-day (Tuesday) and remains lopen until Saturday next, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. each day, promises to be very successful. It has been our invariable custom, in connection with past "Royals," to devote considerable space to a profusely-illustrated report of exhibits of direct interest to our reader; and this year we are following these general lines, which we have reason to know have been appreciated by our readers in the past. The editorial staff of this journal are concerned with the three or four days immediately preceding the opening of the Show, and it is obvious that, in this connection, our activities are somewhat hampered by the non-preparedness of many exhibitors .who, perhaps, are unable to do otherwise than leave the arrangement of their stands until the last minute, and to the non-arrival of other exhibitors. This latter difficulty is somewhat intensified this year, on account of congested rail services. However, considering all the circumstances and the fact that this .year's Show of machines in the Implement Section is larger than it has ever been before, the progress which had been made up to the date of our visit was most satisfactory. So far as concerns those exhibitors whose machines were held up en route, we can only hope that their optimistic anticipations have by this time been fully realized. The Showyard, which on this occasion covers an area of 110 acres, is on practically the same site as was used for the 1901 Show, which, however, only c24 covered 90 acres. The surroundings are certainly most beautiful. The main entrance is from Cathe dral Road by way of Talbot Street, and trams from the station run at frequent intervals to within a very short distance of the main gates. A No. 6 car which passes close to the Great Western Station is the service to take. We do not think it necessary to detail here the service of trains running from dif
ferent parts of the country to Cardiff (these can very easily be extracted from the usual sources), but suffice it to say that from London, Manchester, Bristol, Gloucestershire and other equally important centres a fairly good service of trains is running.
In many senses, the 1919 Cardiff Show is unique. It is the first show of this kind held since 1916, when this country's activities were at the mercy of official
demands. Several new models are to be seen, and each is referred to in the text that_ follows; but,
very obviously, we can do no more in the hmited space at °Ur command than briefly outline the general lines of Construction followed.
H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, -K.G., is attending the Show for the first time to-morrow, Wednesday,
and his visit will be attended with very little ceremony; after certain formalities he will make a tour of the most interesting sections of the Show, which cannot fait to include many exhibits in the Implement Section.
• Under the auspices of the Imperial .Education Department of the War Office, 1,000 officers and men, who before joining up were engaged in agriculture in the oversea Dominions,, will .visit the Show. Special arrangements have been made in connection with this visit.
There is little doubt that the attendance at this year's Show will be a big one, and it is confidently anticipated that much business will be done. As one local motor agent knowingly put it, "Business will collie the way of those who are_ in a position to give reasonably-early delivery of machines for which the price is fixed.'
Merryweather and Sons, Ltd., have undertaken the fire protection arrangements of the Show, as in previous years.?
Albion Motor Car Co., Lrd.
CERT.AINLY the first exhibit to attract attention on the Albion stand is the hydraulic tipping wagon, and it is well worth a visit, and in case any reader, after seeing this paragraph, has missed it he should make a point of calling. This gear is mounted on a standard 3-tonchassis, somewhat shortened as regards the rear end of the frame, of course, to allow of the body tipping. The remarkable easewith -which this operation appears to be performed, and the rapidity of its accomplishment are proving to bean irresistible attraction to. visitors, and the operator is continually at work demonstrating. Ingenious as the mechanism is; it is nevertheless quite simple. The fluid .medium for its operation is oil. A small pump situated beneath the driver's seat .is. so long as the engine runs, continually passing oil. from its suction to its delivery side, in which operation, of course, it does not absorb any appreci able amount of oil. Manipulating a lever, ,however, which is conveniently situated close to the driver's hand, closes a by-pass which allows of this free circulation, and diverts the oil to a substantial ram, situated behind the gearbox and about 2 ft. in front of the Cross shaft, upon which the lorry body is balanced. Under the influence of the pressure exerted by this oil as it is pumped into the ram cylinder its plunger rises and lifts the body, thus performing the operation of tipping. It is claimed that this only takes 75 seconds, and we ourselves have verified it, as no doubt many of our readers have or will during the Show. Opening the by-pass again, of course, liberates the oil in the ram cylinder, and the body gradually, and without shock, returns to its normal position on the chassis. When there it can readily be secured by means of a couple of turnbuckles and screws admirably adapted in their design to be readily manipulated by hand. The chassis is, as with all Albion productions' full of great interest. It is a standard 3-ton model, with three speeds and reverse, chain driven, the gearbox being designed to cover the main driving bevel and differential gear, as well as the change speed mechanism. An in
The other exhibit is also a 3-ton model, and_ it is fitted • with
ordinary platform lorry body. It possesses no special distinctive features, beyond the fact that it is _Albion, and we feel sure that Stand No. 242 will be noted as one to visit by all those possible purchasers of a commercial motor.
Anglo-American Oil Co., Ltd.
/THIS well-established concern have
exhibited at many past "Royals," and on this occasion there is to be seen on Stand No. 204 a very comprehensive range of refined oils and motor spirit. Under the former head "Crown Diamond," "White Rose," and "Royal Daylight" are to be seen prominently displayed, whilst the grades of motor spirit include ." Pratt's Perfection," " Taxibus," and "Anglo's Benzole." All these grades of motor spirit and refined oils have given such considerable satisfaction to manythousands of users throughout the country that comment on our part regarding their qualities would be superfluous. The stand is well worth a visit by users of agricultural and other internal-combustion-engined machines.
Austin Motors, Ltd.
CONSMERABLE interest is being taken by everyone concerned with farms and farming in the Austin tractor, and it is not surprising to find that Stand 362 is very popular. This tractor has a four-cylinder 26 h.p. engine, twospeed and reverse gearlaox, double reduction semi-floating rear axle, and all mechanism completely enclosed in one large built-up, cast-iron casing, which also does duty as the frame of the chas sis. It runs on four wheels, being secured at one point to the centre of the front axle, and therefore three-point suspended. A belt pulley and governor are provided, and the price is £300. Some rather striking claims are made for this little machine. It is-stated, ft example, that it has developed a drawbar pull of over 35000 lb., which for a tractor which itself weighs only 26 cwt. is rather good; also that it has ploughed together three 12 in. furrows, 8 ins. deep, in the heaviest land, and inunskilled hands will plough six acres a day. It is sold as a general-purpose tractor, and has a haulage capacity, up a gradient of 1 in 12, of four tons. Ancona Motor Co., Ltd.
ON Stand No. 251; besides an example of three-furrow self-lift tractor plough and tractor type tandem disc haTrow, may be seen a model of the Wallis Cub Junior tractor. This machine was the pioneer of the modern type self-contained chassis with totally enclosed transmission._ The four-cylinder engine is : of standard automobile, type, with overhead valves totally enclosed, high-tension magneto ignition, and fan enclosed in a cowl behind the vertical radiator. The carburetter fitted is a Halliday, a component of particular interest specially adapted to utilize paraffin as fuel. Besides an exhaust heated vaporizer, its equipment also includes an automatic water supply, and a small quantity of water is admitted with each induction stroke. Gearbox and rear axle case are together, and when bolted to the .engine the whole forms the equivalent of -the frame of the tractor. The transmission is by double reduction gear. The tractor runs on three wheels, the front being the steerer, and is mounted in giant bicycle forks with coil springs, to soften and absorb shocks. The steering gear is a compound of bevel gear and chain and sprocket. The driver sits at the extreme rear and controls the tractor by means of the usual arrangement of throttle, brake and change speed lever. The last named operates through an inverted gate, the imake takes effect on the substantial pulley or use when driving, threshing, or other barn machinery.
A peliar fact about this tractor, one
which has, however, been demonstrated so frequently as to leave it beyond a doubt, is that it can, in lavoprable cir
rt a tractive rt a tractive
cumstances, exert force, or drawbar pull, in excess of its own weight, tending rather to show that the. de signers have hit upon the best arrangement of hitch.
The A. Ltd.
TWO fine vehicles make up the exhabits of this company on Stand No. 125. One of them is fitted with a 30-seated char-a-ba-ncs body of very fine lines this body' was enade by the Regent lines; Co., Ltd. The other vehicle is. a standard chassis. Both are provided with Dunlop tyres. The char1,-banes left London at 7 p.m. on the 18th inst. and arrived at Cardiff at 8 a.m. the following morning, no troubles, mechanical or otherwise, hailing been experienced en route. 'The A.E.C. eltassia does not require a lengthy deseriPtion, as it fie one of the best-known types on the market. It has a four-cylinder Tyke. engine developing, 45 b.h.p., provided with pump water circulation and pressure-Jed lobrication ; the radiator is of the. practical cast-aluminithn and gilled-tube type. The gearbox provideg four speeds arid a reverse, and is fitted with bell bearings throughout. The overhead rydirm gear gives a gear ratio of to I, and the drive is through castellated nickel
chrome .steel shafts. Foot and hand brakes of the usual type operate on in. dependent drums on the rear wheels, which are cast steel.
Aveling and Porter, Ltd.
THREE very fine vehicles are shown I by this company on Stand No. 95, They include a compound steam tractor, a general-purpose compound traction engine of 6 lep., and a. compound steam
roller. •
The first-named vehicle is provided with a superheater, and is mounted on transverse laminated springs to both axles. The gearing gives two speeds. The bailer is of the usual loco. type with fire tubes, and the engine has piston valves, the working pressure being 180 lb. An ample water supply is assured by two tanks, one under the boiler and the other 'tinder the bunker. The general:purpose traction engine is of similar type to the machine just described, save that it has a link motion and elide-valve gear in place of the piston valet* and only one water tank is provided. • The last exhibit ie a steam roller whiela is called a "10-ton light " type. This ie also provided with a link-motion slidevalve gear and two speeds. It is-of very stout design, and rollers of this type have been largely used by municipal coun cils. The traitor and traction engine are each provided with winding drum and rope.
Al1days and Onions, Ltd.
TWO very fine general purPose tractors are shown on Stand No. 207 by this concern. The Mark 1 machine is actually shown in operation, driving a full size 4 ft. 6 in. Marshall threshing drum. The .Mark 2 tractor is of special interest, for it is a new model, provided with a 30 h.p. engine designed to run on paraffin, and this is the first time that it has appeared at any Show. On both models the large water ballast tank is now dispensed with. The driver's seat and controls are brought forward between the rear wheels into the position 'previously occupied by the tank. This allows of shorter controls being employed. The arrangement of the chain speed mechanism has been improved and rendered easier of manipulation, as also has been the magneto and throttle controls. An additional fitting, which, although small, is an essentially practical one, is a two-way fuel cock for switching over from petrol to paraffin, while the tractor is in motion. An improved type of vaporizer is also pro vided. The general design and special features of the two models are practically identical. Both are provided with three forward speeds of l, 21, and 5 m.p.h. The new engine of the Mark 2 model will prove of particular interest to engineers. It is a very compact and clean design. The four cylinders form a monobloc casting,. and the top half of the crankcase as also incorporated. The valves are of the overhead type, fitted into cages, to render removal quite simple. A notable feature is the absence of practically all pipes. Threepoint suspension is provided. The drive is taken through a fabric universal joint to a very substantial gearbox, and from thence by on double chain, of novel design, to the rear wheels, the differential being situated in the centre of the large chain wheef. The rear springing is by springs of the semi-elliptic type.
'British Empire Motors, Ltd.
S0 interesting was the new " Moline" 1.7 tractor shown on Stand No. 209 that we spent some time looking over it before we continued our tour round the grounds. The new features are of great originality, the chief novelty being the electric engine governor which allows speeds up to 31 miles per hour. This governor is of the rheostat type, and is almost human in its action. The Moline is also provided with an electric selfstarter and electric lighting. The lamps comprise a headlight and a small rear lamp which directs a light on to the ploughs. The current is obtained from a small dynamo, and a six-volt battery is provided in a well-sprung bc4 close to the engine. Throughout the chassis keys are so far as possible eliminated and replaced by splined shafts. The tractor itself has only two wheels, the implement being bolted direct to it. A plough, cultivator, disc harrow and grain driller are provided as part of the equipment, and if required as an ordinary tractor two additional 'wheels are bolted into position in place of the agricultural implements. Final drive is by small spur wheel meshing with a large internal gear wheel. Steering is another point of interest. The whole front portion of the tractor swivels on the rear portion, but, is controlled by.a small pinion meshing with a sector, which is almost as wide as the frame.
One of the 18 h.p. models is also on view, but this does not incorporate all the new features.
Barford and Perkins, Ltd.
THREE machines which should par' ticularly appeal to municipal authorities are the patent motor road. rollers shown on Stand No. 227 by the above company. The heaviest machine weighs 10 tons empty and 12 tons full. It is driven by a four-cylinder " Dorman" subsidy pattern engine which starts on petrol and runs on paraffin, and is adapted for road-making of all kinds. The second size roller is one of seven tons empty and nine tons full, driven by a " Dorman " two-cylinder subsidy pattern engine, which also runs on paraffin. This machine is of a favourite size for use with tarmacadara. work. The smallest railer weighs only 11 tons, and has a, two-cylinder engine for running on tetrol only. This is particularly suitable for use in public parks. It is of most practical and compact design, as our illustration reproduced on this page show. A pulley is supplied with each roller, and this can be used for driving such machinery as stone-breakers or pumps.
H. G. Burford and Co., Ltd.
MR. BURFORD'S exhibit, on Stand. No. 249, consists of two of his by now well-known caterpillar-type tractors, an Oliver three-f UMW elf-lift plough, and a tractor tandem disc harrow. This tractor has undergone several improvements since it was last on view, particularly in respect of more thoroughly enclosing the mechanism of the track. A larger engine has been fitted, and Timken roller bearings are now provided throughout. The power unit is of the four-cylinder commercial-vehicle type, robust in its construction, and particularly adapted for the rush and tumble of farm work. It has a 31 in. bore by 51 in. stroke, with overhead valves, and, of course, in order that it may be suitable for threshing-machine driving, is governed. It is intended,, however, that the maximum Working speed should be, in anything like normal circumstances, 1,290 revolutions a minute. It may be recalled that the transmission system of this tractor is very simple, with final drive by internal 'gearing, which is in a ease very similar to that of the Burford two-ton lorry, the final transmission of the track, as a matter of fact, being almost identical with that of ftlis well-known anake of chassis. Steering is effected through the medium of an ordinary steering wheel, which, however, actually operates the differential gear and thus controls the speed of each track .Ultimately one or other of the tracks is .firmly locked and by
this means the machine can almost be made to turn in its own length. In previous models the final drive internal gear was solid with the sprocket 'pinion which drove the track. In the present model this has been obviated by making the gearwheel an independent fitting bolted to the sprocket.
Blackstone and Co., Ltd. rINLY one of the two new tractors which we ex.pected to see on Stand No. 1.97 is on view, the other not, unfortunately, being ready to time. There is enough about the one. which. is on view, however, thoroughly to satisfy the seeker after novelties. A substantiallooking machine, midway in size between the Cleveland and the Clayton, it is a .caterpillar-type tractor. The engine has three cylinders, starts on compressed air, the fuel being injected, hut the ignition is electric. At 700 revolutions per minute it develops 25 h.p. All the transmission gear, which embodies a two-speed and reverse gear, is totally enclosed-, and steering is effected by patented moans of controlling the action of the differential, and, in consequence, the relative speeds, one to another, of the tracks. Its capacity is claimed to be three furrows in almost any class of soil, and it is fitted with governor and a belt pulley which projects forward at the front of the chassis and immediately below the radiator. The fuel used is paraffin. The method of suspension is interesting. At the rear the tracks are pivoted about the rear axle; at the front the frame of the chassis rests on a single point, so that freedom of movement of the tracks, when traversing uneven ground, is facilitated: The, other model is a wheeled machine, two ordinary driving wheels replacing the tracks,"and the
Crawley agrimot or, self-contained, with three-furrow plough.
front end of the chassis being carried by a pair of caster wheels. Everything else is the same as on the chain-track model.
Burrell and Sons, Ltd. THEprincipal exhibit On this company's Stand, which is No. 262, is a traction engine of standard design, finished in chocolate and gold, with red lines, for Sydney D. Melhuish, Downlands, Wambrook. This is one of the firm's standard compound engine machines fitted with three-speed gear, final drive by spur gears with differential locking of the usual two-pin type in the hubs of wheels. No departures from standard are to be noted; this particular model is equipped with Winding drum and winch gear. At the time we had to leave the Showground the example Of the Ilurrell standard 5-trainer had not arrived, but it is hoped that this will reach Cardiff by the time of the opening of the Show., This steam wagon is of very similar construction to a chain-driven petrol lorry, and is provided with a two-speed gearbox, a third Speed can be added at an extra charge if required. It has a locotype boiler, an overhead compound engine with Stephenson link motion. A novel point ins the design is embodied in the final drive. This, instead of being by a long single chain to the live back axle, • consists of cross-shafts which are supported on side plate extensions from the firebox, and which carry the differ ential ; chains drive from the ends of these shafts to the wheels on the dead axle. Advantage is taken of this method to embody a substantial internal-expanding rear wheel brake.
Crawley Agrimotor Co., Ltd. Crawley Agrimotor Co., Ltd. GREAT originality has been shown in the design of the Crawley selfeentairied three-furrow motor plough which is shown on Stand No, 22g9. This machine has a 30 la,11,p. engine with a. two-speed and reverse gearbox, and the engine provides ample power for ploughing any land that can be worked, by horses. The makers claim that the great advantage of the tractor lies in the fact that the plough is actually incorporated in its design and i not towed behind it. It can be operated bY one man who has all the work under his eye, and does: not require to turn round. It makes very narrow headlands, and when a field can he ploughed from the outside working towards the centre no headlands at all are left. When necessary -the plough can be replaced by a Martin 11-tine cultivator. In this fdrin it is said to be capable of cultivating 20 acres per day. When converted into a tractor it can be used for all kinds of field work
Clayton and Shuttleworth.
ONE of the most interesting stands in the Show is the Clayton and Sbuttleworth, No. 151.. Here are shown vehicles to suit almost every class of work. There is the Clayton plough tractor, a 7 h.p. single-cylinder traction engine, a compound traction engine of 6 h.p., and an 8-ton compound steam road roller. In the lorry class are.exhibited two 5-ton. steam wagons, :One fitted with a standard fixed body and the other with a mechanically-operated end-tipping body. One of the most attractive exhibits is a chain-track tractor which was designed to the order of the Food Production Department, to which Department 500 of the 35 h.p. type have been sold. This tractor is of most compact design. The mechanically-operated tipping gear is worked means eans uf a bevel gear which is thrown into mesh with a gear on the secondary shaft by means of a lever.. To put the tipping gear into operation, the gears have to be held up to their work, and -when the lever IP released they disengage automatically. In the case of the lorries, the final drive is by'a single chain, and the differential gear is situated in a easing contained in the large, chain wheel. A notable feature about the new wagons is that the water tank has been shifted forward and the whole back axle has been lightened in such a way that a load of 5 Arms can be carried in the body without exceeding the limit imposed by the law, Powerful brakes of the internal-expanding typo, font operated, work in drums on the rear wheels, and a hand-operated flywheel brake is used as an auxiliary.
Bowring Petroleum Co., Ltd. THE motor spirits and lubricating oils for which this cempany have become justly famous the exhibits on Stand No. 183. The company's " " motor spirit and their " All's Well" lubricating oils are much favoured amongst agricultural users of all classes. Farm tractor users and others who make use of paraffin fuel en gines will interested in the special, brand of kerosene made by this company, which is specially suited for this type of engine.
The Daimler Co., Ltd.
THIS company's—current policy with regard to commercial vehicles was recently expounded in these columns, and the standancl model 2-3-ton chassis was also described. The exhibition on Stand No. 236 exemplifies this company's policy in respect of construction, as its exhibit, consists solely of this standardized chassis. It is finished in typical Daimler exhibition style, and gives the visitor ample opportunity of seeing for himself the components of this well Einown vehicle, which is, on account, _et its capacity, particularly adapted to the needs of the smaller farmer, and the market gardener. As we have so recently dealt with this machine in our _columns, there is little point in devoting much space to a, repetition of its construction, although probably in looking over it the visitor's attention will be caught by some feature or other which appeals particularly to him, on account of hi. special point of view. Our eye, for example, was attracted by a universal joint on the propeller shaft, as we remember that in pre-war days the Daimler Co. made _a speciality here of flexible disc corn ponents. In the present model a totally emelosed, joint of the two-jaw and star piece type is fitted, equipped with ball bearings. We understand that this change has been amply juetified by results obtained in service. Between en
gin and gearbox, of course, the disc type joint is retained, and undoubtedly in this position it is unequalled. A small refinement is to be observed in connection with the striking gear. Those spindles adjacent to the change-speed hand lever, which slide in bearings, but which for part of their length are exposed, have been covered with a deposit of copper, the object being that of reducing or eliminating the tendency to rust. For the rest, the Daimler Co. has devoted its space mainly to an erection, which will serve as a sort of hall of welcome to all those visitors to the Show who may he interested in commercial motors aixl particularly those interested in Daimler products.
Eagle Star • and British D ominions Insurance Co., Ltd. ONE cannot say a lot about the exhibits of an insurance company, but we cannot afford to pass a stand of this sort, if only for the reason that it is necessary to impress upon the user, or prospective user, the protection which he secures by insuring his vehicles. Pros pecteses will be readily obtainable on this Stand, which is numbered 328, and staff members will he in attendance in order to give all possible help to visitors on all matters relating to motor vehicle insurance.
D.L. Manufacturing Co.
ONE of the attractions of the Show will undoubtedly be the Glasgow tractor Ain Stand No. 252. This is a machine entirely new to the industry, and, is full of interesting features. What may be termed unit construction is adopted, the drive is transmitted to all three wheels, which are arranged two in front steering and one at the rear. The four-cylinder engine, about which there does not appear to be anything calling for special mention,• drives. through clutch and two-speed gearbox to a longitudinal shaft on the near side of the machine. The rear end of this shaft carries the bevel drive to the rear wheel, the front end similarly transmits the( power to the front axle. Universal joints are embodied in the steering pivots of the 'front wheels, and the steering , gear, which is also enclosed in the same case as the gearbox, is, as regards the axle itself, of the Ackermann type. An ordinary hand lever working in a. gate controls the change-speed. In addition to the usual pedals for brake and clutch operation there is a third, by which the mechanism. of a self-lift plough can be controlled. The tractor is equipned for driving barn machinery and is of handsome appearance.
W. J. De Greeuw.
ON Stand 78 may be found a newcomer to the Royal, Mr W. J. De Greeuw, who has recently taken over the agency for the Emerson tractor, and the Once-Over tiller. One example of each of these specialities is staged, also an Emerson three:-furrow self-lift plough, and an Osborne binder. The Emerson tractor is fairly well known, the one on view at this stand being the 12-20 h.p. model, by which is meant that thy engine provides 20 h.p. at the belt pulley, and 12 upon the drawbar for haulage. The Once-Over tiller is an ingenious contrivance indeed, whereby it is hoped to eliminate the need for harrowing, cultivating, diecing, and all the other rillageeoperations by which the sail of this country is normally prepared for the reception of seed. A vertical revolving (engine-driven) spindle is mounted 'close to the mould-board of the; plough, and a number of horizontal, scimitarlike knives are motmted on the spindle, the object being to pulverize the soil as the ploughshare turns it, up. The example shown is for horse haulage' but larger machines, capable alsoof being used independently as tractors, are in dock. Incidentally, we were informed_ that the Emerson was entered for the S.15,1.M.T. Trials at Lincoln.
Fodens, Ltd.
TWO fine Foden wagons are shown on Stand No. 266. One is a 5-ton hydraulic end-tipping wagon built to the order of C. and J. Clark,. of Street, Somerset, and the other 13 a 5-ton standard type wagon with a lorry body to the order of the Bath Haulage Co., of Charlton Works, Bath, who have been using Foden wagons for a considerable time.
The Foden wagon made its name long ago, and is too well known to necessitate our entering into its technical details to any great extent. It has a locotype fire-tube boiler and overtype engine, the final drive being by a single, stout, roller type chain. The hydraulic tipping gear is worked from the engine. A "V" grooved clutch wheel is thrown into operation with another wheel situated close between the flywheel and on the creekshaft ; this works, by means of an eccentric, a small hydraulic pump, which is capable of lifting the tipping body quite rapidly. Internal-expanding band brakes work on large drums in the rear wheels, and anti-splash guards prevent mud from being thrown on to these drums. The differential is totally enclosed and is situated in the centre of the main chain wheel.
Wm. Foster and Co., Ltd.
THIS is the company which strikes the fighting note at the Show, advertising itself in 18-in letters as being the originator of the fighting Tanks. Clearly, too, is it intended that this exploit shall he on permanent record for all users of Foster machines, for we observe that a Tank in relief is cast in the name plate, which appears on the front of all its vehicles. On exhibition there are two threshing machines, a traction engine, and a couple of tractors. Of the latter, particular interest attaches to one which is fitted with Macintosh rubber, tyres. Although on very rare occasions we have known tractors to be run on solids, this is the first time that one so equipped has ever been exhibited at a show. This machine is the well-known "Wellington," fitted'with compound engine, winding gear and drum, and complete with 50 yards of steel rope water lifter hose pipe and awning A 'feature of this tractor is the well-known patent • arrangement of rear springs, which are outside the frame instead of, as is more usual, inside. It is claimed that this gives better springing, and a more stayable chassis than does the normal construction. The driving wheels are built up of double tees, the spokes being riveted thereto, but east in the hubs. A steel brake drum is provided, which is inside the rim of the rear wheel, and as the latter is 5 ft. 2 ins, in diameter, it will be realized that a considerable braking power is available. The size of tyres fitted may be of interest; they are 1,340 mm. diameter, 160 mm. section on the rear, and 160 mm. for 771 mm. rim on the front. The machine exhibited is foe Dagnalls, Ltd., Haulage Contractors, of Crickiewood, a name which appears on the Foster Stand annually. John Fowler and Co., Ltd. '
A TTENTION to practical points in design are much in evidence on the Fowler stand, No. 94. The exhibits comprise a 12 h.p. compound steam ploughing engine, a 7 h.p. compound steam road locomotive provided with three speeds, a 5-ton " Tiger " steam tractor.
and a six or seven furrow plough for use with the big 12 h.p. ploughing engine. The exhibit of most interest is the new
Tiger" steam tractor. This is of very handy and compact design. It is fitted with transverse springing to both axles, the springs being of the leaf type and of ample proportions_ The arrangement for keeping the driving gear in mesh to allow for the rear springing is of very simple but practical design. A centre plate is cut with keyways on each side right across the face, those on the opposite sides being set diagonally to each other. This plate meshes on one side with the secondary motion shaft pinion, and on the other side with the driving pinion, so that the driving pinion can work eccentrically to the secondary motion shaft pinion. The tractor is provided with a loco-type fire tube boiler, the working pressure being 180 lb. An ample water supply is assured by a large tank which is slung under the boiler and which comes up at each side; another water tank is provided at the rear of the vehicle under the coal bunker. For work on steep gradients, the h.p. and 1.p. cylinders can both be used as h.p., which, of course, adds considerably to the power. The steering is by the usual worm and wheel . with chain to front axle, and a winding ' drum is provided just inside the off-side rear wheel; to operate this gear, the driving pins are drawn out of the rear wheel.
The other Fowler exhibits mentioned above are too well-known to require description.
Fastnut, Ltd.
WE have always found that a visit to the Fa.stnut stand at past Shows has been well repaid, and this year's exhibits of "Fastnut " washers "Festiva" spanners, and " Fast& " wrenches on Stand No. 169 have proy■sd no exception to the rule. A wide range of these accessories is shown. It is perhaps not general knowledge that the %est majority of motorbuses operating in England are fitted with `Fastnut" washers. This is a feature in which the company evince justifiable pride.
Henry Garner, Ltd.
TN our forecast issue, referring to Mr. I Garner's stand, readers were inadvertently and incorrectly informed that a traction engine was to be one of the objects of interest at stand No. 243.
Those *ha are acquainted with Henry Garner Ltd. must have read that paragraph with not a little amazement, as although Mr. Garner is undoubtedly becoming an exceptionally keen agriculturist, we anticipate that it will be some ,years before he carries his enthusiasm to the extent of marketing; a traction engine.
The exhibit actually includes two Garner tractors, a tractor engine on stand, and a threshing machine, which one of the tractors is driving. The tractor itself is of the general-purpose type, and in construction it is what we have gradually come to realize asinodern, that is to say, engine, gearbox and axle case are built together, so that all the driving mech)anism is toltally enclosed. Three speeds forward are provided, and the final transmission is by worm and
wheel, whim are notable on account of their ample dimensions. A belt pulley is driven through the gearbox, and one \ of the features of the tractor is the foolproof method of putting this pulley into • and out of communication with the engine. The chassis is three points
suspended, and the front axle-is sprung. Two brakes are provided, one acting upon • each wheel; they are pedaloperated, with ratchet gear to both. A well-sprung seat so arranged that it can be fixed in several convenient positions, provided cernfort for the driver. The four-cylinder" engine is of 28 and. this in any but the stiffest of soilsshould he sufficient to allow of a three-furrow plough being. hauled. Naturally; paraffin is the main .fuel employed after the engine has been warmed up on petrol. A suitable vaporizer is provided for this purpose; and also an efficient governor, a necessity particnlaily when threshing.
This tractor, although made i the United StateS, is' built to conform with English require/be/US and largely to Mr. Garner's own design.
R. Garrett and Sons, Ltd.
ESTABLISHED in 1778 and with such a wealth of experience, we always expect to find a fine display on Richard Garrett and Sons' stand, and their exhibits this year prove no exception to this rule. On Stand No. 96 there are two traction engines of similar, types, one being fitted with a 6 h.p. and the other with a 7 h.p. engine. There are also two Emper-heated steam wagons, one of three-tons capacity and the other of fivetons capacity, and a 4 h.p general-purpose tractor. The 'steam wagons are fine jobs. They are provided will rubber tyres. The front axle has a laminated spring,. and the rear axle has 'semi-elliptic springs of the ordinary type. The whegls are of cast' steel. The drive is by single chain' to the back axle, the' differential being fitted in the' centre of the chain wheel.
The tractors are' of particularly stout construction.' the foot brake being Of the large diameter band type, and the hand laYoke has shoes acting upon drums in the rear wheels.
The boiler is of the loco-type and has a large capacity water tank under the body.
The traction engines are of the single. cylinder type with link motion and slide valves. Winding drums are provided at ttio side of the rear rear-side drivin wheel.
Harris and Hasell, Ltd.
ON Stand No. 240 this well-known West of England concern of commercial vehicle agents, whose headquarters are at Bristol, and whose Cardiff branch is under the able management of Mr. G. Martin Gamble, A.M.I.M.E., who was personally responsible for the arrangement of the stand, are showing a fine selection of Vehicles, consisting of a five-ton Karrier, with a plain lorry body cab and high side doors, suitable for
brewers or haulage contractors. This vehicle is a strong workmanlike job; it has a four-speed and reverse gearbox fitted • with roller bearings throughout, and the differential is incorporated -in the same unit. The engine is the well-known
• 50 h.p. Tyler. The chassis has a channel steel frame, the channel facing out7 wards. • A Vehicle of special interest is the Guy two-ton wagon, with market gardeners'. body, which has a 25 h.p. engine of the makers' own design; its feature is the detachable cylinder heads. Lubrication has received special attention, the engine, gearbox, universal joints, back axle, and wheels being all automatically lubricated. .
Last but not least is a 20 h.p. Star, with' a particularly attractive van body built by Fear and Sons, of Wegon-saper; Mare.
International Harvester C.o.
THF, Mogul and Titan tractors, which will be found on Stand No. 272, make a very fine series of exhibits. The Titans were extensively used during the war for timber hauling, where the work is extremely arduousAs agricultural tractors they will pull a three-furrow plough on a tri'adient of 1 in 321-. The Titan haS a 20 h.p. engine of a two-cylinder side-by-side type, while the Mogul, which is of 25 h.p, is provided with two horizontally-opposed cylinders. Both machines are built to run on paraffin, and, in the case of the Mogul,.separate mixing valves are provided for each cylinder. The lubrication is mechanicallyoperated. The gearing gives two speeds forward and A reverse. The Mogul engine is started by a hand-operated friction wheel, working against the flywheel, and a safety arrangement is provided, whereby this wheel is drawn out of action, in the case of a backfire. It is governed to give a speed of 2 m.p.h. for ploughing and 4 m.p.h. for road work.
R. E. Jones (Garages), Ltd.
ON Stand No. 241 will be found a fine Albion plattOrm-bodied vehicle, which is provided with skids for unloading both from the sides and from the rear' as brewers have expressed a desire for these skids to batted as a part of the equipment of the vehicle. The provision of 34-in, wheels reduces the loading height of the body. The engine is a 32 h.p. monobloc of clean and compact design, and the chassis as a whole is very similar to the type supplied in such large numbers to the War Office. There is also a 15 I;.p. 13elsise van which is designed to Tarty a useful load of 12 cwt. This vehicle is fitted with a plain express body, framed half-way up inside to prevent damage to the goods or to the body during trallsit of goods. The engine is of ample power and flexible; lubrication is by gear-driven puinp, and the gearbox is in one with the engine crankcase and is so arranged that the gears and clutch can easily be dismantled. The gears give four spec is forward and a reverse, with direct drive
on top speed. .
'R. Lister and Co., Ltd. 0N this company's Stand, No. 256, there is a fine assortment of exhibits, that of special interest to Ili is the Avery paraffin tractor. The example shown is the 12-25 h.p model. This has a two-cylinder engine of the horizon' tally-opposed type, which runs,. at the low speed of 500 to 600 r.p.m. A special feature in the design of the engine, is that the cylinder liners are 'renewable. Double carburetters for burning paraf
fin or petrol are provided, and the fuel is fed by gravity. The radiator is of somewhat curious
Mogul 10-12 h.p. agrunotor,
circular form. The transmission is entirely by spur gearing, two.speeds being allowed.
Leyland Motors, Ltd.
THE Leyland exhibits together made a fine display, well worthy of the company's prestige. In the beginning, we understand, it had been intended that it should be fully representative, showing examples from both the two main departments of the works, the steam and petrol. Unfortunately, the Lancashire County Council at the last moment decided that they could not spare the steam wagon, which was to their, order, and visitors to the Show were in that manner deprived of an opportunity to examine this vehicle, which is the first of a new type. However, the show on Stand 237 is still representative, but of the Leyland petrol wagon only There are, two of what may be ternied ordinary commercial motors. One is a handsome box van mounted on a four-ton " K " type chassis, which is as a matter of fact practically the same machine as that built to the War Office specification.. It differs from that in having a lower radiator and bonnet. The purchasers are Messrs. Faultier, the well-known jam makers, Stockport. The other is a typical brewers' flat platform wagon, also on a four-ton chassis, and to the order of Whitworth, Son and Nephew, Ltd., Wath on Dearne. Chars-a-bancs are very much in demand just now, whicà fact enhances the value, as an exhibit, of the "Pe Luxe" 27-seater, which is the third of the attractions on this stand. The bodywork is exceptionally fine, the finish first-class, and no expense appears to have been spared to make the passengers thoroughly comfortable. , It is mounted on an N" type chassis, which embodies a 40 h.p. engine and a wormdriven rear axle. It will naturally be of 'particular interest to Welsh visitors, as it is to be delivered, immediately after the Show, to the Penrhiwceiber Motor Co. Finally, we come to vehicle No. 4, resplendent in its polished brass, its paint and varnish of crimson and gold, the fireengine. And of all people it is for the Cardiff City Fire Brigade. This machine is of 500 gallon .capacity, and is fitted with a 48-60 h.p. engine and pumpa.. It is the type that is newheing -put through the new Chorlev., shens m increasing• quantities.. . Incidentally, the. London briedes-have -in all,a total of no fewer than 50 of these machines.
Mann's Patent Steam Cart and Wagon Co., Ltd.
AVERY comprehensive display is shown by this company on Stand No. 226. It consists of a fine three-ton wagon on rubber tyres and fitted with a platform body, a five-ton tipping wagon on rubber tyres, and a five-ton tip cart. There is also a general-purpose agricultural steam tractor of 5 h.p. A feature of the two last named vehicles is that they have very short wheelbases, so that both may be used for tinning in narrow roads and similar restricted
places. The tip cart in particular is often used by contractors and builders to replace the horse and cart.
All these machines are standard with compound horizontal engines provided ()I top of locomotive pattern boilaes, which are fired at the side, so that one man can handle them without assistance. The wagons which have four shafts with a sliding gear on the intermediate shaft, in oeder to avoid overhang of the crankshaft bearing, have roller chains ftom the third shaft to the main axle. They are fitted with a third speed, in order to prevent racing of the engines to attain the higher speed allowed with rubber tyres. The tip cart follows in general the lints of the wagons, but haa a shorter. body and is spur-geared throughout. The agricultural tractors have been used to a great extent for .direct ploughing, for hauling cultivators, self-binders, and similar implements, as well as for road haulage up to six tons. They can, of course, also be used for driving threshing and other machinery. Hand operated worm gear is used on both the tipping wagon and tip cart., and the steering on the first three,vehicles is by bevel and worm and quadrant.
J. and H. McLaren and Co., Ltd.
THE exhibits shown by this company on Stand No. 271 include a five-ton compound standard tractor, similar to that which gained agold medal at the Balduck trials in 1912, a three-furrow' Baldock-plough and a seven-farrow antibalance plough for use with the double engine and cable system. The tractor is provided with a compound engine, and is mounted on springs at both ends, the latter being of the patent trough-seated type, so arranged that if one or both of the rear springs break the vehicle may be driven home as if it Wa of the rigid type. A winding drum, steel rope and differential lock are provided. The boiler is made extra strong throughout, so that it can work continuously' at 290 lb. steam pressure, and it has a large heating surface, and grate area. The ,eearing allows three speeds-2, 4 and 6 m.p.h. A special point in the design of the engine and •rear axle is that all shafts can -be drawn out without dis turbing any keys. The seven-furrow anti-balance plough is fitted with the McLaren patent regulating gear, that gives all the advantages of both the balancing and anti-balancing plough, with.
out the disadvantages. The tipping operation and general handling is so facilitated that one man should be able to manipulate the plough quite easily at the end of the furrow.
Massey-Harris, Ltd.
THIS well-known British representae I tive of a Canadian house has a fairly complete exhibition of the principal types of implement in which it deals on Stand No. 257. Of perhaps particular interest to our readers will be those which are mainly intended to be tractor hauled, and first in this category comes a three-share aelf-lift tractor plough, which occupies an elevated position in the centre of the stand.This is, as a matter of fact, the principal attraction, and is a novelty. Particular notice should be taken of the simple and effective means of reducing it to a two-furrow implement and vice versa. The self-lift mechanism, too, is straightforward in design, and has the -advantage that it is totally enclosed ; it is operated by chain from the land-side wheel. Other implements of interest are the tandem disc harrows, the spring tine cultivators, and the harvester.
Maudslay Motor Co., Ltd.'
T"popularity of the Maudelay vehicle is well demonstrated by the fact that, the 4-tonner shown on Stand No. 247 is the fourth vehicle of that type which has been built for Neil and West, Ltd., fish traders, of Cardiff. This particular vehicle is not yet supplied with the body, but it is intended to provide one of the fiat-platform type.
It was hoped that a 4-ton vehicle with tipping body would be shown, but, unfortunately, the company was unable to complete this in time for the Show.
The engine of the chassis shown is, as usual, of the special.Maudslity type, with overhead valva operated by an overhead camshaft; the main feature of its construction is its accessibility, but it also. gives the lower portion of the en. gine, a very neat and clean appearance.
A tubular radiator of the built-up type, of ample proportions, provides for the cooling, and a novel point about the construction is that the water circulating pump is bolted to the bottom tank of this radiator. Petrol is supplied Irani a tank by the Autovac device which is now being ined in such &large number of vehicles.
The drive is taken fromthe engine through an internal leather-faced —COne clutch of ample diameter. A -large Ferodo.faced clutch brake assists in gear.ohanging. The main frame is formed of two straight channel-sectioned steel girders' the engine and gearbox being bolted to another. channel-steel sub-frame which runs from the front of the chassis to about half-way down its total length.
The gearbox gives four speeds and reverse and has a very large cover so enat the condition of the gears can easily be examined. Just behind the gearbox is a foot-brake of the external-contracting shoe type, the shoe being lined with Ferodo.
The rear axle is of the well-known Islands-lay " banjo" type and has a 4:foul:Ile-reduc1ion gear, the final drive being by spur gear. The band brake operates on large-diameter drums bolted t&. the rear wheels, particular care being taken to cover them hi such a manner as to exclude mud and water,
Martin's Cultivator Co„ Ltd.
• A STAND which is of particular in
terest *a those farmers who intend to take up mechanical ploughing is that o'f' Martin's Cultivator Or'., Ltd., No. 160. Here is shown a Martin three-furrow plough and agricultural tractor. This machine is of the endless
chain-track-tread type. It is self-contained, and can easily be operated by one man. It has the advantage of setting its iiiwn ridges. A main feature of the machine is the caterpillar-type
track, which prevents the ground from being packed, as sometimes happens with other similar types. The lifting of the plough is done hy means of a friction clutch of the V" 'grooved type worked from the engine. So soon as the ploughshare ba.a reached its correct height, a cam automatically throws the clutch out of engagement ; a similar action takes place when the shares aro. dropped. The depth of cut is varied by adjusting the caterpillar-type tracks. The speed of the plough is governed so that it will not exceed -three miles per hour, and one speed forward and a reverse are provided. A single Fever controls the engine clutch and also the two engine clutches for the tracks for turning.
Marshall, Sons and Co., Ltd.
FOR many years this company has been manufacturing steam tractors and road rollers, and the results of these years of experience are shown on Stand
No, 269. The exhibits consist of two 7 li.p. single-cylinder steam traction engines, a 5-ton compound steam tractor, ' aud a 10-ton single-cylinder steam road roller.
The traction engines are of the overhead type. Both are practically of the same design, but one is fitted with a heater which warms the feed water be fora it is supplied to the boiler. This engine is also fitted with the special Marshall system of springing. The 5-ton compound tractor has a very short wheelbase which allows for turning in places where space is restricted. It has the ordinary loco-type boiler and is also fitted with die Marshall patent water heater.
Merryweather and Sons.
'PHIS concern, as usual, occupies the I post of official fire-brigade to the Show. Most of the exhibits, as is perhaps natural, are manually-operated pumps, chemical fire extinguishers, and sundry accessories, particularly adapted fop use in country houses and on the farm. One example of commercial motor interest is what the company term their "Light Brigade" motor fire-engine, Hatfield's patent. It is intended ultimately Tor the Gerrards Gross Fire Brigade, and the pump fitted has a capacity of 250 gallons per minute at 140 lb. pressure. This exhibit is a particularly suitable one for a Show like the Royal, as it is a type specially suitable for country fire brigades, mansions and factories, etc., where the snore powerful types of motor pumps, with consequently higher costs, are not required. A four-cylinder petrol engine provides 35 h.p., and the transmission is via a leather-faced cone clutch and ordinary three-speed reverse gearbox. Particular attention has been paid to the springing, with the object of giving the machine, as nearly as possible, the protection from shock that would be accorded by rubber tyres. A useful accessory is the 30-ft. escape ladder, which is carried by the .machine, and which, of -course,. rould be useful were it necessary ito. obtain aecessitkethe upper storeys of a building. The stand number is 347.
Morris, Russell and Co., Ltd.
THE Morris, Russell Stand, No. 211, was only in a partial state of completion when we visited it, but we were able to form a good idea of what the company intends to have on view. "The Speedy" two-furrow tractor plough is possibly the implement which will create mast interest. It is capable of adjustment to furrow 7 ins., 9 ins., or INins. It is generally well known that this wilt is particularly applicable to the Fordson tractor. It is specially designed for tractor• work and particularly for operation by the man who is driving the tractor. They will also exhibit many " Eros " components and adaptors. The " Eros " tractor plough, which is manufactured by E. H. Bentall, Ltd., of Heybridge, embodies a patent self-locking device which is operated by a cord from the driver's seat. The "Eros" tractor unit
is also to be seen. This accessory is for converting an ordinary Ford car into a. farm tractor, which, it is stated, is capable of pulling a two-furrow plough, self-binder, harrow, cultivator, and similar implements. It is claimed that this conversion can be carried out in the short space of 20minutes. The company's combination trailer and land press is also on view, and this accessory serves a double purpose; as a trailer it is just hitched up to the tractor, and fuel, oils, and any other agricultural accessory can be stowed away in it.
The box is removable and the top is covered with sheet steel.
The " Karyton " chassis adaptor is also on view. This creases the carrying capacity of a Ford car to one ton, and special bodies can be fitted to the chassis to suit, farmers, dairymen, and other users.
Norton's Agricultural, Ltd.
A VERY considera.ble interest is at tached to Stand No. NB, Norton's Agricultural, Ltd., where the famous Fondson tractor is on view. Besides several examples of complete tractor, and by now these need no written description, there may also be seen examples of American and British construction of self-lilt ploughs, represented by Henry Oliver and Co., Ltd., and Harry Ferguson, of Belfast. A most ingenious idea in exhibits, however, is also to be seen on this stand, where the gearbox and rear axle of a Ford arc shown with portions of the walls cut .away, and connected to a self-contained electric motor and battery for demonstrations.
North British Rubber Co., Ltd.
S0 few tyre manufacturers occupy stands at the Show that the range of tyres for tractors, steam wagons and petrol lorries exhibited by the North British Rubber Co. on Stand No. 130 cannot fail to excite much interest. Apart from the company's exhibits of tyres for various uses, other rubber , goods, such as hose, tubes and belting, are prominently displayed on the stand, and are bound to come in for a large share of attention from farmers and Agriculturists generally.
Clincher" solid band tyres are in use on many types of vehicles all over the country, and &Nal personal knowledge we know that they are giving enmplete satisfaction to many users. Their durability is a feature upon which a sound and solid reputation has been built up by the company.
Omnitractor Syndicate, Ltd.
ROSPECTITE buyers of mechanic
'. ally-operated instruments should not miss Stand No, 213, where is situated the Omnitractor. '.['.his machine has had sevi.raimportant alterations in design carried out since it was last shown. The radiator has been moved to the front, and a new paraffin vaporizer, designed by Mr. A. K. Smith (the trials of which have been remarkably success.. fill) is now incorporated RS a standard. This vaporizer will give as much power on paraffin as on petrol; previously separate carburetters were employed-for petrol and paraffin, but now the new accessory takes the place of both. Another new device is a, little air pump worked off the magneto shaft which is used for providing 'pressure on the petrol. The Omnitractor has three direct reductions in the transmission, and its engine is a 30 b.h.p. It is provided with a safety starting gear, and the pull for ploughing is taken from the centre of the machine. One of the 3iotable features of the machine is the absence of all chains and mitre wheels.
Prices Co., Ltd. Prices Co., Ltd.
TIES company is housed on Stand No. 180 for the period of the Cardiff Show. The qualities of the various grades of oils for steam, gas and oil engine& which they market need no endorsement at our hands, for the many satisfied users of their products are sure evidence in this respect. Apparatus in motion showing oil testing will be a feature of the stand, and the 5,1 hp. Tangye oil engine, which does not altogether come within our sphere, is staged. -Overtime Farm Tractor Co., Ltd.
0 NE word describes this company's stand, No. 246—replete. Besides three examples of the new model 1919 "N " type Overtime tractor, there are also three spring tine tractor cultivators, a couple of disc harrows and two four-furrow tractor ploughs. This model. of the Overtime tractor is new to the "Royal." It differs from previous ex. hibits in having a larger engine, two forward speeds and reverse, instead of one in each direction, and a modified form of clutch. Attention has been paid, moreover, to the necessity for more completely enclosing the mechanism. It differs externally from its predecessor very little; the engine, too, is still of the twocylinder horizontal slow-speed, type, starts on petrol, but uses paraffin when at work. It is fitted with overhead. ploughs, operated by long horizontal tappet rods, and for the lubrication gear ample provision is made. The final drive on this machine is by pinions, engaging with large internal, gear rings securely bolted. to the rim of the driving wheel. The machine is fitted with a belt pulley, and is intended for general purposes.
The Palmer Tyre, Ltd. The Palmer Tyre, Ltd.
THERE are only tw3 stands occupied at this year's Show by tyre manufacturers, and one of them, which is very well situated in the Shew.ground and makes an imposing appearance, is that occupied by the Palmer Tyre, Ltd. Apart from, aeroplane landing wheel tyres, many sizes of motor-vehicle tyres are shown, some of them with the ribbed tread, and others with a studded tread. A feature which is bound to attract attontionis the pneumatic tyre-making mathine manufactured by the India Rubber, Gaga Pereha and Telegraph Works Co., of Silvertown, Essex, which is actually to be seen in operation.
Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd.
STAND No. 189 should not be missed by any user interested in steam vehicles. There will be found a 5 h.p. compound traction engine, a 7 single-cylinder traction engine of the ordinary type, and a 7 h.p. compound traction efagine similar to the single' cylinder, except as regards the engine. There is also a. five-ton tipping trailer of very novel design. The 5 h.p. traction engine is sprung at the front and rear, the front springs being of the twin laminated transverse type. The engine is provided with link motion. A winding drum is provided between the frame and the inner side rear wheel. Powerful brakes of the internal-expanding type act on the underside of the rim of each rear wheel. The 7 h.p. single-cylinder and cornpound "traction engines have a,ined a very good name for their reliability and simplicity. The connecting rod; crankshaft and countershaftt and a11 similar important parts are made of best mild steel. A sensitive governor of the Pickering type is fitted_ The gearing gives ewo speeds, two and four m.p.h., and is made of east steel from machinecut patterns, which ensure durability and quietness in running. The clutch gear is so arranged that the fast and slow-speed gears are both operated by the same lever, it being inter-locking so Saunderson 23-25 b.h.p. agrimotor shown driving a threshing machine.
that it is impossible to put both speeds in gear at once. The boilers are of the Theo multi-tubular type made of SiemensMartin steel plates of best ouality, the working pressure being 140 lb. per sq. in. The fire-box has a large grate area and heating surface, and is well stayed at the top and sides. The five-ton tipping trailer is one of the most novel we have seen. During the operation of tipping the bottom of the trailer at the side to he depressed automatically draws tlear of the door, Which remains in ite normal position. After the tipping has been completed the
trailer is drawn forward, and the whole •
or the contents are discharged without requiring any shovelling out.
Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies, Ltd.
ON Stand No. 188 this company is showing a fine compound steam motor tractor, which conforms to the Light Locomotives Act. The whole of the gearing is made of best cast steel, the fast motion wheels having machine-cut teeth. Two speeds are provided, and these are thrown in and out of gear by means of one lever. The road speeds are 3 m.p.h. and 5 m.p.h., and a third speed can be added if required. It has specially powerful block brakesacting on the inside of each driving wheel. The boiler works a pressure of 180 lb. per sq. in., but is tested to 280 lb. per sq. in. The engine is mounted on helical springs to the main axle, and laminated springs to the front. On the company's other stand; No. 121, is a 24-in motor lawn mower of the most up-to-date design. It is interesting to note that sinee these mowers were
introduced the demand has always been far in excess of the supply.
Robey and Co., Ltd.
ASTAND which will prove of particular attraction to all users of steam vehicles is that of Robey and Co., Ltd., its number being 273. The most interesting exhibit is a new five-ton steam wagon, which is being shown for the first time. It has many new features, including channel-section steel frame, tapered towards the rear, forged steel builtup wheels, and brake drums, which are of almost the same diameter as the wheels themselves. Each brake drum is provided with one brake block. The engine is a compound two-cylinder; the boiler is of the locomotive type, and is fitted with a circular fire-box. The eccentric and crankshaft are all one forging, the final drive by single chain, the differential being contained in the chain wheel. Anti-mud Washers are fitted to keep the chain clean. Full particulars of this interesting vehicle were given in a recent issue of this journal, and for further details of design and construction we would refer to that issue. Another exhibit of considerable interest is the five-ton compound steam tractor, which is convertible into a seven. ton road roller. This is done by changing all four wheels, and substituting a roller in the front and two flat tread wheels at the back.
Saunderson Tractor and Implement Co., Ltd.
THIS company's exhibit on Stand No. 265 is particularly apt, illustrating as it does the general utility of the Saunderson tractor. Two of these well known machines are on view, and there are in addition a useful and substantial trailer, particularly adapted for farm purposes, a tank on three wheels, also adapted to he hauled by the trailer, and fitted with two boxes, • racks for spare petrol tanks, etc.; altogether a most ingenious accessory. There are two of this company's Wellknown tractor ploughs, one three-furTOW, and the other a two-furrow; and additionally the necessary parts for eonverting these into four or three-share implements respectively are also exhibited. Perhaps the most interesting section is that wherein a tractor is shown with the engine running, and engaged in driving a full-size Foster threshing machine. It is coming now to be realized. generally that the success or failure of a general-purpose machine as such will depend largely upon its ability to haul and drive a thresher. The Saunderson has already, we are aware, proved itself in this capacity, but none the less' the wisdom of having a demonstration of this kind at the Royal Show is unquestionable. The tractor itself is by now almost too well known to require description. A two-cylinder vertical engine is disposed across the chassis, immediately behind a radiator of ample capacity. The gearbox is parallel to the engine, and provides two speeds and reverse, the final drive being by substantial cut spur gears to a differential on the rear axle. The accessory to this machine which must not be overlooked, is the provision of a winding drum which can be driven by the engine while the wagon is at rest. • The uses of this haulage gear are obvious, but it might be pointed. out that it is particularly serviceable in cOnmotion with the manceuvring of a threshing machine into position; it is handy wheu hauling timber, or getting the tractor out of soft ground.
The Shell Marketing Co., Ltd.
IN the course of, a Visit round the Show
ground no visitor could possibly miss the stand of the Shell Marketing Co., Ltd., which is numbered 195, on account of the happy colour blendings which are introduced into the stand snake-up. As is usual at shows of this kind, the corn pany are showing a collection of cans and barrels, etc., 'together with various types of Shell spirits, amongst which may be mentioned "Aviation," "Crown," and " Swan." A case of marine shells is to be seen, and it will be readily • observed that one of these has been chosen for the company's trade symbol. Models of any sort ate always attractive, and the little model of one of the company's tank steamers is bound to hold the interest of passing visitors.
South Wales Commercial Motors.
TWO nicely-finished Conamer Cars may be examined on Stand No. 238, the South Wales Commercial Motors being the local agents for the well-known Luton firm, as well as ior G.V. electric chassis. Of the latter, however, they had not been able to Obtain delivery of a vehicle in time for the Show. Both the Commer Cars are to the order of local Arms. One vehicle, a three-tonner, is a flat-top lorry. It is finished in green, with White lines. Theother is also in green, with gold lettering, and is very handsomely finished indeed. Another exhibit on this stand is the United induction pipe, a vaporizer to enablo paraffin to be used in the engines of lor ries and farm tractors.
Sentinel Wagon Works, Ltd.
THIS company's exhibit on Stand No. . 250.strikeS a. pleasing note, both of thewagons: on view being handsomely finished, One being painted in deep blue Colouring with 'white lettering. It is oneoftwo which are On order for S. A. Brain .and Co.e Ltd., an important firm of brewers in Cardiff. The other is in bluish grey, lined white, with gold lettering. This is for a Bristol firm, 3. S. Fry and Sons, Ltd., the well-known chocolate manufacturers. The former is a 6-ton standard model, the Latter a. 5-ton 'tipping wagon' fitted with tho Sentinel company's well-known hydraulic tipping gear, the power for which is provided by the 'engine-driven feed pump taking its supplies from the main reservoir on the chassis. The vertical boiler carried before the front axle is of the water-tube type and is fitted with -a superheater. The chassis is what is known as an under-type, inasmuch as the engine is carried below, the chassis being horizontal and disposed just behind the driver's seat. The fuel con sumed is .coke. The vehicles are designed so that they will carry their loads without any risk of offending against the regulations concerning axle weights.
Joseph Sankey and Sons, Ltd.
ANUMBER of new vehicles and tractors are being shown this year, and amongst them will be found many of special interest to. agriculturists. Included in these is the new Sankey tractor on Stand No, 71. This tractor had not appeared before we left, but full details of it will be given in an early issue.
Summerscales, Ltd
AMOST interesting exhibit he that shown on 'Stand No. 21.6 by Summerscales, Ltd. This machine was brought out towards the end of 1918, being subjected to very severe tests, and was built to pull a four-furrow plough over uncultivated moorland. It is of quite unusual design,built nip with a ch.-km.1BI steel frame and provided with an upright side-fired boiler. The engine is a, " V " type fourcylinder single-acting with " mushroom" type inlet valves .. and exhaust ports at the bottoms of the cylinders, the latter being opened by the pistons. It is claimed by the makers that the uniform steam Cow, which is caused by this construction, gives far greater efficiency, and the valves are not cooled by the exhausting steam as is the case. in the ordinary engine. There is a reduction of three to one between the engine and the driving sprocket, and the final drive is by single chain to the rear axle, which has a generously proportioned differential in a central position. A 20-gallon water tank is situated over the rear road wheeis, thus helping to give them the necessary grip. The sprocket wheel is driven by a big clutch, which can he released when the engine is required to drive stationary machinery. A big driving pulley is attached to the crankshaft, so that it
runs at engine speed. The tractor is three-wheeled and sprung throughout ; the front axle has spiral springs and the rear a pair of laminated ones.
The points which attracted our attention were the extreme simplicity of the working parts the way in which they are enclosed, and the absence of keys, spline shafts being used in lieu wlrerever possible.
W. Tasker and Sons, Ltd.
RLS old-established company aie situated on Stand No. 230. The chief exhibit is the one-chain-drive " Little Giant" stea,m tractor, examples of which have given such great satisfaction in the past to many users. This vehicle is provided with a trailer. It is fitted with a compound engine of very compact design, and the controls are conveniently placed within easy reach of the driver. Its construction is so well known that it is unnecessary for us to enter into technical details.
The next exhibit of interest is a threeton camponaid steam wagon on rubber tyres, with single-chain drive, the differential gear being incorporated within, the
main chain wheel. Contracting band brakes work on large diameter drums on the rear wheels . The gearing is arranged to give two speeds. The engine provided gives ample power for the Steepest hills. Tha bodywork is of the open lorry type, and has a particularly fine appearance.
The gear-drive tractor with Tasker patent spring gear had not arrived at the time of our visit to the stand, and ii is feared that this vehicle will not reach Cardiff in time for the Show.
The trailer which is provided with the " Little Giant " tractor is of stout construction, ample capacity, and well apiting. and the tractor and trailer combined makes an outfit which should appeal to all agriculturists who aim at reliabili,ty and eeonomical running.
C: Santler and Co., Ltd
rt, N Stand-79 may be seen a new motor VA plough of the self-contained. type, and on the " one-way " principle, which is muah favoured in many quarters on
account of its simplicity of working and economy of ground, particularly at the headlands. A framework, which sup
ports a two-cylinder 25 haa. engine, o e s gearbox, etc., i balanced on a pair of wheels. At each end of the frame are supportal ploughshares pointing in opposite direetons. One set as used when traversing the field in one direction, the other for the reverse motion. The advantages are the elimination of the need for turning the machine round, at the.headiands, and the continuous laying of the furrow in the same direction. The construction of the example staged is rather crude, but we understand it isaindergoing improvement. The engine and transmission are mounted on an .angle, the" enginebeing higher up in the frame than the gearbox. The transmission is by cone clutch, gearbox and differential to a cross shaft on that side of the axle remote from the engine. The final drive is by spur gear.
• Tilling-Stevens, Ltd.
TWO vehicles are being shown on the Tilling-Stevens Stand, No. 214. One is a petrol-electrie chassis, fitted with open •lorry body; the other is a 2-1--ton chassis of the ordinary gear type with a platfarm body. The petrol-electric vehicle has a 45-50 h.p. engine of very fine design. Ample cooling is assured by a soundly-constructed radiator of the cast top and bottom and tubular type. This racliaeor has plain tubes at the front and shies, and gilled tubes in the centre, chiefly for the sake of appearance. The engine drives a edynarno through a flexible spring coupling, which in turn drives a totally-enclosed motor, this being provided with a tan for cooling purposes. It will be particularly noted that there is no mechanical connection between the dynamo and the-motor. The variation of lorry speed is obtained by electrical means, and the engine throttle. No clutches or chain speed gears are employed, and thus all shock in altering speed is avoided. The simplicity in the design of the controls is particularly noticeable, and the training of drivers should thus be facilitated. The drivefrom the motor is taken through a propeller shaft, provided with joints oints at both ends. The for ward joint of these two is of the sliding eplined type. The is by overhead worm with bevel differential. The rear axle is a steel casting, into which steel tubes are hydraulically pressed. Over the tubes are forced the combined spring seatings and brake anclu.gages. Both brakes, which are of the internal. expandingtype, act on separate drums on the rear wheels. The gear-driven model is the result of many years' experience in the manufacture of this type of vehicle. It has a. 25-30 lop. engine, mounted on threepoint .suspension. The camshaft is driven from the crankshaft by means of helical gears, in order to obtain silence in running. SPeclial hattention. has been paid to balance. The bottom half of the crankcase is easily removable without interfering with the fixing of the engine. Lubrication is by gear pump. The gearbox gives four speeds and reverse with direct drive on the top speed, the pinions being made of air-hardened gear steel, which is now being adopted for all change-speed gears made by this company. A. point which will appeal to engineers is the fact that, the gearbox is split on the gearshaft, centres, so that the shafts can be moved without dismounting the gearbox from the chassis.
Sterns, Ltd.
ALARGE variety of oils may be seen on Stand No: 166, in occupation by this well-known London concern. Apart from tractor oils of which they have a good show, agricultural machinery oils and solidified lubricants are exhibited. Anything which is to be seen at a show of this sort under actual working condition a is always attractive; and on this account the gearbox which this company is staging showing the employment of Ambrdeum for tractor gear, will come in for a fair share of attention although the presence of the lubricant will spoil the view of the ge'ars.
John Unite, Ltd. ASFIOW such as the Royal requires a tremendous amount of detail work in its preparation as regarde the stands, etc., quite apart from the exhibits, and much of this task fell to the lot of John Unite, Ltd., who certainly performed it in a most satisfactory manner. The company manufacture such articles as tarpaulins, lorry covers, tow ropes, motor dust-sheets and oilskin clothing, and they are canvas contractors to the Royal Agricultural Society of England. Those readers interested in any of the manufactures enamerated should apply either to their Stand. No. 115, or to their_ main offices, 291-29.3, Edgware Road, W. 2.
W. H. Willcox and Co., Ltd. • 0 NE can always rely upon seeing much of interest on the stand of the above company, and this year on Stand No. 138 is to be seen a very comprehensive range of all sorts of engineers' sundries. Injectors, pumps, water lifters, lubricating oils, leather belting, packing, jointing of all descriptions, lubricators, engine fittings and boiler mountings, gauge glasses, valves„ drilling machines, drills, grinders, vices, spanners, wrenches, and many other accessories for various agricultural purposes. It would require far more space than we have at our disposal to give anything like an adequate idea of the lines which this company market, but suffice it to say that practically all accessories for which there is a demand by agriculturists and engineers can be supplied by this company.
Wallis and Stevens, Ltd.
ONLY oee engine is being exhibited by this company, and it is shown on Stand No. 267. We were,. unfortunately, not able to see it as some delay bad occurred in transit. The proposed exhibit is a 7 h.p. traction engine fitted with the company's patent expansion gear and mounted on springs both in the front and rear. Two speeds are provided, and„, of course, the usual differential gear. In addition, it has a winding drum with 50 yards of steel wire rope, a steam water lifter with suotion hose and a complete outfit, ineluding mud paddles and waterproof cover. The brake is of the ordinary band type. Large numbers of this type of engine have been supplied to the Forage Committee' and they have given good results, the patent expansion gear lending itself particularly well to such work as haybaling, and the economy effected in the consumption of coal and water has proved a great advantage. Enormous prices have been obtained for these engines in the second-hand market, and this is a proof of the value which users attach to.this type. Incidentally these engines are as good on stationary work as they are at haulage. _ Walsh and Clark, Ltd.
ANEW type oil-ploughing engine is being shown for the first time on Stand No. 179 by this company. The previous ploughing engines which have been manufacturedr were made to run on Crude oil, but this latest model is de signed for paraffin. It is somewhat similar in design to the oedinary type of steam ploughing engine, working on the two-eilene cable system. It is fitted with a large diameter winding drum, and has about 450 yards of steel wire rope.
The engine is of the twin-cylinder horizontally-opposed type, and is in line with and on the tap of the oil barrel, which is shaped somewhat after the style of a loco-type boiler. The radiator is situated at the front end of the oil tank, in a position which is usually occupied in a steam tractor by the smoke-box. The engine is arranged to start on petrol, and when warmed runs on paraffin. The whole vehicle is a very sturdy construction, and essentially designed for rough usage. The gearing gives two speeds of 4-1 m.p.h. and 2 nan.h.