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Nallace Arnold
EXCURSIONS and tours starting from Rochdale, Manchester, Preston and lolton had not been operated since 1958 iy Wallace Arnold Tours Ltd., of Leeds. ['his was disclosed when applications for :ontinuation with modification came before he North Western Traffic Commissioners Lt Manchester on Monday and Tuesday.
In addition to route and fare amendments he applicant company sought to introduce iew excursions from the four originating )oints to Southend Airport, Dover and ;outhampton in conjunction with Continental ours for the period covering Easter and from kpril 1 to October 31, with an additional 7ehicle allowance of six on any one day.
An amendment whereby only passengers )ooked on inclusive tours abroad, arranged )y the licence holder, should be carried on the iouthampton excursion, resulted in two )bjections being withdrawn. Considerable )pposition remained however, with Mr. J. Booth appearing for nine independent 3perators; Mr. R. 0. Sutton for Ribble Motor Services Ltd., Scout Motor Services Ltd., North Western Road Car Co. Ltd., Eastern National Omnibus Co. Ltd., East Kent Road Car Co. Ltd., Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co. Ltd. and W. C. Standerwick Ltd.; and Mr. W. H. Ashmore for British Railways.
Mr. M. Barr, chairman of Barr and Wallace Arnold Trust, in answer to Mr. F. Marshall for Wallace Arnold (a subsidiary company), said that all four licences had been taken over from Yelloway Motor Services Ltd., Rochdale, in 1954 and facilities had been provided until 1958, despire difficulties and loss of money.
The average loading had been 30 passengers, went on Mr. Barr, but even with full coaches the loss would have persisted. He thought it had been a mistake to discontinue the facilities and felt there was a need in the area for "progressive tours"----calling at places en route. After 1958 Wallace Arnold had carried passengers from Lancashire on a tours licences in the Yorkshire traffic area, starting from Leeds, Skipton and Todmorden. From the two latter towns alone the numbers had progressively increased, reaching 1,040 in 1965.
This showed a significant amount of goodwill, said Mr. Barr, and the carrying of passengers from points in Yorkshire indicated the inadequacy of facilities from Lancashire. The new excursions to Southend, Dover and Southampton would fill a considerable void in the Continental tours available from Lancashire, as the number of direct motor tours currently available was only 56.
On the Commissioners rejecting a submission made on behalf of all the objectors that the new excursions for the Continent should have been the subject of a new application, Mr. Booth requested, and was granted, a locus for Sandown Motor Co. Ltd.
The heating was adjourned until today (Friday).