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'HE Road Haulage Association deserves respect for its courage in standing firm, despite very considerable ssures, on a decision...
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RHA accused of misrepresentation FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT T HOSE who wondered what the Prices and Incomes Board would...
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customers on rates matters could have a useful effect on productivity, for customers could be prompted to see what they...
By a Special Correspondent O NE of the largest hauliers in the Tayforth Group, Road Services (Caledonian) Ltd., is refusing to...
MRS. CASTLE's advice to the RHA to withdraw its latest rates advice to members was set out in a Ministry statement issued on...
E question of obtaining rates increases was now so delicate that it needed presenting in such a manner as not to give easy...
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VITERY-ELECTRIC vehicles and all vehicles which are incapable of being driven tore than 20 m.p.h. should be exempt from the id...
ALTHOUGH not disagreeing in principle PX with the proposals for centralizing the work involved in vehicle registration and...
T HE RHA'S West Midland area secretary, Mr. J. T. W. Parnell, and the commercial trade group secretary of the TGWU, Mr. Alan...
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FROM A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT ERIOUS alarm has been engendered L.3 in the European Parliament, particularly in the transport...
T HE Industrial Transport Association has been in touch with all the industrial training boards so far set up under the...
E. Webster (Bentley's Yorkshire Breweries Ltd.) has been appointed a vice-chairman of the Leeds and West Riding area of the...
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reduction in excise duty for certain cies with special bodies, proposed in the , might prove to be the last hope for...
the policy drawn up by Lord teching had been pursued, the railwould have been "butchered". This was y Mr. John Morris, joint...
Lords last week refused to alter the ies of Transport Users' Consultative Corn s by allowing them to examine the financial of...
. JOHN MORRIS this week turned down a suggestion that the Minister of Transport I tell British Railways to consider the costs...
A BRIEF summary of the research being carried out into the effects of diesel exhaust fumes will be given later this year in...
THE Minister of Transport's working party 'reviewing lighting regulations is obtaining further information about experience...
TEGISLATION to provide higher penalties for thefts from lorries was called for this week by Mr. Norman St. John-Stevas (Tory,...
THE Minister of Transport will not introduce 'regulations forcing large vehicles, or those with abnormal loads, to display the...
NOISE regulations arc not likely to be intro' duced this year. The matter was being considered by the Minister of Transport's...
THE next edition of the Highway Code will say that the flashing of headlamps should, in the interests of road safety, be...
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TN the final stage of a series of applications I for a joint weekend express through service from Hanley to Newcastle upon...
APPEARING for the Mid-Southern /1. Tipper Group Ltd. before the Transport Tribunal this week Mr. R. Yorke stated that he and...
O N Monday in Edinburgh Thomas Mitchell (Haulage) Ltd., of Ettrick Bridge, Hawick, and seven objectors agreed on terms at a...
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that's the verdict on Austin FF tippers From blacksmiths in 1889, J. Curtis & Sons Ltd. of Oxford have come a long way. So,...
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Nallace Arnold E XCURSIONS and tours starting from Rochdale, Manchester, Preston and lolton had not been operated since 1958...
A N . 1 application by Thirlrock Ltd., of Southall. Middlesex for six A licences to carry steel and precast concrete in 40 ft....
T HE continued hearing of an application by Morrison's Transport Ltd., Aberdeen, heard at Aberdeen on Tuesday before Mr. L. A....
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Go-ahead for one-man double-deckers T HE long-awaited revised regulations, which will give bus operators greater scope for...
Engine position swopped in new bus order AS forecast in COMMERCIAL MOTOR, tI April 22, Cardiff Corporation Transport has...
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N O fewer than 340 Leyland Atlantean double-deckers are to be introduced by Coras Iompair Eireann, the State Transport...
T HE pay increase of 3 to 3+ per cent recommended for company busmen by the National Board for Prices and Incomes "would be...
S PEAKING in opposition to the 1962 Budget, Mr. James Callaghan said: am sorry that the Chancellor has done nothing to relieve...
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ROWTH invariably is a most interesting J phenomenon and that which has taken tee at Victoria Coach Station is certainly...
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'T a recent letter to the Ministry of ransport, the - Institute of Road Transport Engineers has stated that it considers the...
E prototype of a new side-loading FiI- container-transfer unit, developed by Silurfitt Bulk Transporters Ltd., Wisbech, was...
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C HANGES in the Construction and Use Regulations dealing with axle spread and its relation to a vehicle's maximum weight limit...
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Restrictive Practices Court last eek imposed fines of £10,000 each, plus costs totalling around £35,000, on the Avon, Dunlop,...
Part 14—The Pull Valve I HAVE covered air-operated auxiliary units and have shown how pressures are adjusted and controlled to...
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\ RECENT addition to the range of hydraulic cranes produced 1by Colchester Tillage Ltd., the Tico-Mini crane is a 1-ton unit id...
and publications Steam cleaner LATMED to be ideal for cleaning down plant and machinery, an improved town-gas--fired steam...
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T HE England soccer team has qualified for the World Cup tournament without having had to play in any eliminating matches. The...
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rr HE Southall round this year was again slickly organized and controlled by the sensitive and sensible rein of Mr. A. E. E....
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BY THE HAWK Traditional London T HE appellants, respondents, solicitors, lawyers, tribunal staff and Press had gathered at...
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hose House in Order? READ with interest the several criticisms which the Prices and Incomes Board and the Government are...
TH E latest interim report issued by the giant LEYLAND MOTOR ' CORPORATION clearly and unmistakably illustrates the kind of...
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By P. A. C. Brockington A M I Mech E • Car-dominated technical sessions provide • some useful pointers to commercial vehicle...
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O NE can understand the note of chagrin which occasionally sounds in the report of the Transport Holding Company for 1965. This...
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B ETTER fuel consumption than similar models previously, tested by COMMERCIAL MOTOR, adequate acceleration figures and good...
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DROGRESSIVE traders and industrialists increasingly recognize the importance of marketing and distribution. Transport is...
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TRANSPORT ECONOMICS THE PROBLEM OF INVESTMENT A GOOD knowledge of economics is a vital and indispensable tool which all...