• Passing Comments
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Are Our Windscreen A NOTABLE feature of Wipers Suitable for "many of the vehicles disOverseas ? . . . . played at the Geneva Show
was the large, well-made and powerful windscreen wipers. Apart from covering a great area of the screen, these are not liable to be choked and stopped by snow. In Britain, of course, we do not experience many snowstorms except in certain parts of the country, but we have noted that the average small wiper sometimes proves inefficient under such wintry conditions. Incidentally, abroad much use is made of heaters which prevent snow turning to ice on the windscreens Sometimes such heaters are carried round to corner windows.
Rubber Development A PARTICULARLY interProvides Controlled "esting development by the Internal Heat . . , Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co. (Gt. Britain), Ltd., is a new rubber derivative which reverses the normal insulating qualities of rubber, transforming it into a material which, whilst permitting the passage . of A24 current, provides sufficient resistance to develop heat. Known as Pliotherm, this new product provides heat, merely by the turning of a switch. It is claimed that this has great potentialities for the interior heating of vehicles of all types, and with a suitable modification of the current, the temperature can be kept within the limits required. Panels of Pliotherm are cheap to install, can be made in a wide range of colours, are easily combined with wood or plastic wall coverings, and are protected by an outer coat of ordinary rubber.
How Vehicle DestinaMOT everyone knows how tion Indicator Blinds "those long destination indi are Painted . . . . cator blinds' of buses and other passenger vehicles are printed. One excellent method is to use a large silk screen, to which paper patterns are held by vaselirte. The printing is done on to linen and the ink is run over the silk screen with a squeegee. After use much of the ink can be saved' and the screen is thoroughly cleaned. CLERESTORY roofs require that the vision of passengers should not be obstructed by such fittings as parcel racks. in this connection we recently noted a coach with a Swiss body, in which the racks were formed in curved transparent plastic. Of course, to carry the matter still further, it would seem to be necessary to have parcels and their contents also transparent which might, at times, prove embarrassing
Sight-seeing Coaches with Transparentplastic Racks .
Some Foreign Vehicles A WHEEL chock is art Still Equipped With 1—taccessory seldom if ever Chocks ..... found as standard on a British vehicle unless it be some special type such,as one designed for winching. Abroad, however, some vehicles carry these useful devices as a matter of course. Some Satners, for example, have mounted at one side of the chassis frame a neat steel container into which his a handled chock; which, incidentally, has spikes at one side so triat it can grip the ground. These chocks are particularly useful when vehicles may be required to halt
for some time on hills, and where slipping of the brake lever, or interference with it during the absence of the driver, might cause an accident.
How Batteries are 11 ATTER IFS in Liverpool's Protected on LiverL'ir buses are mounted under pool's Buses . . the seats, the containers being
scaled above and ventilated
below It is claimed that in 'this position they are protected from cold. and it is easier to maintain them than when they are situated in more ordinary positions. such as along, the sides of the vehicles.
AWELL-KNOWN coach building concern has e\ pressed great indignation about the ban on building luxury coaches. which came into operation on
April I It points out, in agreement with our leading article of March 19, that many builders are well stocked with materials particularly suited to the designs which have been going through.
Ban on Luxury Coach Bodies Causes Disorganint:on